Идрис является полным, только если вы просите его быть полным.Вы можете написать одну из %default total
, %default covering
или %default partial
(по умолчанию), и все объявления после этого будут принимать данную аннотацию совокупности:
%default total
-- implicitly total
ones1 : List Int
ones1 = 1 :: ones1
-- ERROR: ones1 is not total
-- total
ZNeverHeardOfIt : Nat -> Nat
ZNeverHeardOfIt (S n) = n
-- ERROR: missing cases in ZNeverHeardOfIt
natRoulette : Nat -> Nat
natRoulette Z = Z
natRoulette (S n) = natRoulette (S (S n))
-- covering means all possible inputs are covered by an equation
-- but the function isn't checked for termination
-- natRoulette has cases for all inputs, but it might go into an infinite loop
-- it's morally equivalent to just partial, as a function that loops forever
-- on an input isn’t very different from one missing the case
-- it just gets the compiler to complain more
ones : List Int
ones = 1 :: ones
-- no checks at all
-- Idris, being strict, needs to evaluate ones strictly before it can evaluate ones.
-- Oh wait, that's impossible. Idris promptly vanishes in a segfault.