Python, Ipyrad // IndexError: индекс 1 выходит за пределы оси 0 с размером 1 - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 29 ноября 2018

Я пытаюсь составить график из теста D-статистики на Ипыраде.Я следую коду из учебника Ipyrad.Тем не менее, я застрял, но я новичок в Python, поэтому я был бы признателен за помощь в решении этой проблемы.Вот мой текущий код:

import ipyrad.analysis as ipa
import ipyparallel as ipp
import toytree
import toyplot

ipyclient = ipp.Client()

locifile = "/home/acj1n18/rawdata/loci/des-c90-m10.loci"
newick = "/home/acj1n18/rawdata/raxml-ng/c90-m10/des-c90-m10.raxml.bestTree"

## Draw imported newick tree rooted on Maderian clade
tre = toytree.tree(newick=newick)
tre.root(outgroup=["tan_C6", "dep_C26"])
tre.draw(width=800, height=1000, 
        node_style={"stroke": "black"},
            "baseline-shift": "8px", 
            "-toyplot-anchor-shift": "-16px",
            "font-size": "10px"});

## store rooted tree back into a newick string.
newick = tre.tree.write()

## create a baba object linked to a data file and newick tree
d = ipa.baba(data=locifile, newick=newick)

## All D-statistic tests
d.tests = [

    "p4": ["dep_C26", "tan_C6"],
    "p3": ["mil_125a", "mil_128b"],                               
    "p2": ["bour_GH", "bour_51v", "bour_563"],
    "p1": ["gon_GHA", "gon_B162"]
    },    ]

# run D-statistics


## plot results on the tree
d.plot(height=850, width=700, pct_tree_y=0.2, pct_tree_x=0.5, alpha=4.0);

Затем я получаю следующую ошибку после попытки вывести результаты из последней строки кода:

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-b103a343bdcc> in <module>()
      1 ## plot results on the tree
----> 2 d.plot(height=850, width=700, pct_tree_y=0.2, pct_tree_x=0.5, alpha=4.0);

/scratch/acj1n18/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipyrad/analysis/baba.pyc in plot(self, show_test_labels, use_edge_lengths, collapse_outgroup, pct_tree_x, pct_tree_y, *args, **kwargs)
    185             pct_tree_y=pct_tree_y,
    186             *args,
--> 187             **kwargs)
    188         return canvas, axes, panel

/scratch/acj1n18/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipyrad/plotting/baba_panel_plot.pyc in baba_panel_plot(ttree, tests, boots, show_tip_labels, show_test_labels, use_edge_lengths, collapse_outgroup, pct_tree_x, pct_tree_y, alpha, *args, **kwargs)
    543     ## add panels to axes
    544     panel.panel_tree(axes)
--> 545     panel.panel_test(axes)
    546     panel.panel_tip_labels(axes)
    547     if isinstance(boots, np.ndarray):

/scratch/acj1n18/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipyrad/plotting/baba_panel_plot.pyc in panel_test(self, axes)
    121     def panel_test(self, axes):
--> 122         _panel_test(self, axes)
    124     ## these just squeeze in on their own

/scratch/acj1n18/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipyrad/plotting/baba_panel_plot.pyc in _panel_test(panel, axes)
    326     ## add features
    327     add_test_lines(panel, axes)
--> 328     add_test_numbers(panel, axes)
    329     add_rectangles(panel, axes)

/scratch/acj1n18/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipyrad/plotting/baba_panel_plot.pyc in add_test_numbers(panel, axes)
    401     ## add text
    402     axes.text(
--> 403         [panel.xmax_tree + panel.xspacer] * len(panel.tests),
    404         panel.ypos[1:-1],
    405         labels,

/scratch/acj1n18/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipyrad/plotting/baba_panel_plot.pyc in xspacer(self)
    104     @property
    105     def xspacer(self):
--> 106         return abs(self.xpos[1] - self.xpos[0])
    107     @property
    108     def ypos(self):

IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
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