Сначала примените group by, чтобы получить максимальную дату для каждого идентификатора, а затем наибольшую функцию, если вам нужен отдельный столбец или функция прецедента.
create table test_stackof_greatest (id int, dt1 date, dt2 date, d3 date) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' lines terminated by '\n' stored as textfile;
insert into test_stackof_greatest values (1, '2018-10-09', '2018-10-08', '2018-10-10');
insert into test_stackof_gereatest values (1, '2018-10-10', null, '2018-10-11'), (1, '2018-11-10', '2018-10-10', '2018-10-12');
insert into test_stackof_gereatest values (2, null, '2018-10-08', '2018-10-12'), (2, '2018-10-10', '2018-10-13', '2018-10-09');
select id, case when dt1>dt2 and dt1>dt3 then dt1 else null end, case when dt2>dt1 and dt2>dt3 then dt2 else null end, case when dt3>dt2 and dt3>dt1 then dt3 else null end, greatest(dt1, dt2, dt3) from (select id, max(dt1) as dt1, max(dt2) as dt2, max(d3) as dt3 from test_stackof_gereatest group by id) a;
1 2018-11-10 NULL NULL 2018-11-10
2 NULL 2018-10-13 NULL 2018-10-13
Time taken: 20.467 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)
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