Просто сделайте:
ascii_value=65; char="$(printf "\\$(printf "%o" "${ascii_value}")")"; echo $char
Позволяет сделать эту функцию легкой для повторного использования:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Gets a character from its ASCII value
# Params:
# $1: the ASCII value of the character
# Return:
# >: the character with given ASCII value
# ?: false if the ASCII value is out of the 0..127 range
ASCIIToChar() {
[ "${1}" -lt 0 -o "${1}" -gt 127 ] && return 1
printf "\\$(printf "%o" "${1}")"
# Lets demo the function above
declare -i ascii # variable ascii of type integer
declare character # variable character
# Print a header
echo -e "ASCII\t\tCharacter"
for ascii in {65..90} {97..122}; do
# Convert the ascii value and store the character
character="$(ASCIIToChar "${ascii}")"
# Print line with 2 columns ASCII and character
echo -e "${ascii}\t\t${character}"
Будет выводить:
ASCII Character
65 A
66 B
67 C
68 D
69 E
70 F
119 w
120 x
121 y
122 z
Или преобразовать UTF-8 до символа
# Gets a character from its UTF-8 value
# Params:
# $1: the UTF-8 value of the character
# Return:
# >: the character with given UTF-8 value
# ?: false if UTF-8 value is out of the 0..65535 range
UTF8toChar() {
[ "$((${1}))" -lt 0 -o "$((${1}))" -gt 65535 ] && return 1;
printf "\\u$(printf "%04x" "${1}")"
# Lets demo the function above
declare -i utf8 # variable utf8 of type integer
declare character # variable character
# Print a header
echo -e "UTF-8\t\tCharacter"
for utf8 in {9472..9616} # U+2500..U+259F semi-graphic
# Convert the UTF-8 value and store the character
character="$(UTF8toChar "${utf8}")"
# Print line with 2 columns UTF-8 and character
printf "U+%04X\t\t%s\n" "${utf8}" "${character}"
Будет выводить:
UTF-8 Character
U+2500 ─
U+2501 ━
U+2502 │
U+2503 ┃
U+2504 ┄
U+2505 ┅
U+2567 ╧
U+2568 ╨
U+2569 ╩
U+256A ╪
U+256B ╫
U+256C ╬
U+256D ╭
U+256E ╮
U+256F ╯
U+2570 ╰