Мои NPC не будут преследовать моего игрока или реагировать на столкновения - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 28 сентября 2018

Я новичок в программировании, и недавно я пытался создать игру для 2d-платформы и столкнулся с проблемой, которую не могу решить, мой NPC не будет следовать за игроком по карте и не будетон реагирует на столкновения, любая помощь приветствуется.

Я также рассматривал вопрос о создании алгоритма, который будет процедурно генерировать мои уровни в блоке платформ, и размещать выходной блок где-нибудь еще на уровне, как мне это сделать?архив то?

import pygame    #imports pygame
import time    #imports the timer so I can use the tick function to make game 60fps
import math    #imports maths
import sys    #imports system
from pygame import *    #imports all pygame files
from pygame.math import *
from pygame.mixer import *

win_height = 750    #height of window is 750 pixles
win_width = 1050    #height of window is 1050 pixels
half_win_width = int(win_width / 2)    #will be used to centre camera
half_win_height = int(win_height / 2)

display = (win_width, win_height)    #creates the window as 500*500 pixels
depth = 32    #prevents infinate recursion
flags = 0    #message to Les: I don't really know what this does, however I have seen it in many places being used, therefore I assumed that it was important
camera_slack = 30    #how many pixels the player can move before the camera moves with them

pygame.mixer.music.load('Toby Fox - Megalovania [Electro Swing Remix].mp3')

def main():    #main game function
    global cameraX, cameraY
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(display, flags, depth)
    pygame.display.set_caption("Super Castlevania Man")
    timer = pygame.time.Clock()

    move_cameraX = 0
    move_cameraY = 0

    up = down = left = right = running = False
    background = Surface((32,32))    #the background takes up space on the screen
    background.fill(Color("#000000"))    #background is black
    entities = pygame.sprite.Group()
    player = Player_class(32, 32)    #the player is 32*32 pixels large
    platforms = []

    x = y = 0
    level = [
        "P                               P",
        "P         E                     P",
        "P                               P",
        "P                    PPPPPPPPP  P",
        "P                               P",
        "P                               P",
        "P                               P",
        "P    PPPPPPPP                   P",
        "P                               P",
        "P                          PPPP P",
        "P                 PPPPPP        P",
        "P         PPPPPPP               P",
        "P                               P",
        "P                     PPPPPP    P",
        "P                               P",
        "P   PPPPPPPPPPP                 P",
        "P                               P",
        "P                 PPPPPPPPPPP   P",
        "P                               P",
        "P                               P",
        "P                               P",
        "P                               P",
    #builds the level
    for row in level:
        for col in row:
            if col == "P":
                p = Platform(x, y)    #makes P a solid object
            if col == "E":
                e = Exit_block(x, y)
            x += 32
        y += 32
        x = 0


    while 1:
        timer.tick(60)    #makes game run at 60 frames per second

        for e in pygame.event.get():    #shortens event to e
            if e.type == QUIT: raise SystemExit ("QUIT")
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE:
                raise SystemExit ("ESCAPE")
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_UP:
                up = True
                move_cameraY = -10
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_DOWN:
                down = True
                move_cameraY = 10
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_LEFT:
                left = True
                move_cameraX = -10
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_RIGHT:
                right = True
                move_cameraX = 10
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_SPACE:
                running = True

            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_UP:
                up = False
                move_cameraY = 0
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_DOWN:
                down = False
                move_cameraY = 0
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_RIGHT:
                right = False
                move_cameraX = 0
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_LEFT:
                left = False
                move_cameraX = 0
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_RIGHT:
                right = False        

        for y in range(32):    #draws the background
            for x in range(32):
                screen.blit(background, (x * 32, y * 32))

        #updates the player and draws everything else
        player.update(up, down, left, right, running, platforms)

        enemy = Enemy(60, 200, player)    #Spawns enemy
        enemy_list = pygame.sprite.Group()    #creates an enemy group
        enemy_list.add(enemy)    #Add an enemy to the group
        for e in enemy_list:

class Entity(pygame.sprite.Sprite):    #makes player a sprite
    def __init__(self):
        pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)    #sets sprite to initiate

class Player_class(Entity):    #defines player class
    def __init__(self, x, y):    #x is the player x coordinate, y is the player y coordinate
        Entity.__init__(self)    #the player is an entity
        self.xvel = 0    #how fast the player is moving left and right
        self.yvel = 0    #how fast the player is moving up and down
        self.onGround = False    #assumes the player is in the air
        self.image = Surface((32,32))    #the player is 32*32 pixels
        self.image.fill(Color("#0000FF"))    #makes the player blue
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32)
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def update(self, up, down, left, right, running, platforms):
        if up:

            if self.onGround: self.yvel -= 10    #only jump if player is on the ground
        if down:
        if running:
            self.xvel = 12
        if left:
            self.xvel = -8
        if right:
            self.xvel = 8
        if not self.onGround:

            self.yvel += 0.3    #only accelerate with gravity if in the air

            if self.yvel > 100: self.yvel = 100    #terminal velocity = 100
        if not(left or right):
            self.xvel = 0

        self.rect.left += self.xvel    #falls or jumps

        self.collide(self.xvel, 0, platforms)    #creates collisions along the x axis

        self.rect.top += self.yvel    #creates collisions along the y axis

        self.onGround = False;    #assumes that the player is in the air
        # do y-axis collisions
        self.collide(0, self.yvel, platforms)

    def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms):
        for p in platforms:
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, p):
                if isinstance(p, Exit_block):
                if xvel > 0:
                    self.rect.right = p.rect.left
                    print ("collide right")
                if xvel < 0:
                    self.rect.left = p.rect.right
                    print ("collide left")
                if yvel > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = p.rect.top
                    self.onGround = True
                    self.yvel = 0
                if yvel < 0:
                    self.rect.top = p.rect.bottom

class Platform(Entity):    #defines the platform class
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        Entity.__init__(self)    #platform is an entity
        self.image = Surface((32, 32))    #platforms are 32*32 pixels
        self.image.fill(Color("#FFFFFF"))    #platforms are white
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32)    #platforms, like many things in this game, are rectangles

    def update(self):

class Exit_block(Platform):    #defines the exit block class
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        Platform.__init__(self, x, y)
        self.image.fill(Color("#FF0000"))#exit block is red
class Enemy(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, image_file, pos=(0,0)):
        super(Enemy, self).__init__()
        self.image = (32, 32)
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32)
        self.speed = 1

    def move_towards_player(self, Player):
        dx, dy = self.rect.x - Player.rect.x, self.rect.y - Player.rect.y
        dist = math.hypot(dx, dy)
        dx, dy = dx/dist, dy/dist
        self.rect.x += dx * self.speed
        self.rect.y += dy * self.speed

class Enemy(Entity):
    def __init__(self, x, y,player):
        self.image = Surface((32, 32))
        self.xvel = 0
        self.yvel = 0
        self.image.fill(Color("#00FF00"))    #Enemy is green
        self.onGorund = False
            #Enemy is 32 * 32 pixels
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32)
        self.counter = 0    #counter variable
        self.player = player

    def move(self, speed = 5):    # chase movement
        if self.rect.x > self.player.x:    # Movement along x direction
            self.rect.x -= speed
        elif self.rect.x < self.player.x:
            self.rect.x += speed
        if self.rect.y < self.player.y:    # Movement along y direction
            self.rect.y += speed
        elif self.rect.y > self.player.y:
            self.rect.y -= speed

    def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms):
        for p in platforms:
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, p):
                if isinstance(p, Player_class):
                if xvel > 0:
                    self.rect.right = p.rect.left
                    print ("collide right")
                if xvel < 0:
                    self.rect.left = p.rect.right
                    print ("collide left")
                if yvel > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = p.rect.top
                    self.onGround = True
                    self.yvel = 0
                if yvel < 0:
                    self.rect.top = p.rect.bottom

    def update(self, platforms):
        if up:

            if self.onGround: self.yvel -= 10    #only jump if player is on the ground
        if down:
        if running:
            self.xvel = 12
        if left:
            self.xvel = -8
        if right:
            self.xvel = 8
        if not self.onGround:

            self.yvel += 0.3    #only accelerate with gravity if in the air

            if self.yvel > 100: self.yvel = 100    #terminal velocity = 100
        if not(left or right):
            self.xvel = 0

        self.rect.left += self.xvel    #falls or jumps

        self.collide(self.xvel, 0, platforms)    #creates collisions along the x axis

        self.rect.top += self.yvel    #creates collisions along the y axis

        self.onGround = False;    #assumes that the player is in the air
        # do y-axis collisions
        self.collide(0, self.yvel, platforms)

class Enemy(Entity):
    def __init__(self,x,y):  # initial position
        self.x = x 
        self.y = y
    def move(self, speed=5): # chase movement
        # Movement along x direction
        if self.x > px:
            self.x -= speed
        elif self.x < px:
            self.x += speed
        # Movement along y direction
        if self.y < py:
            self.y += speed
        elif self.y > py:
            self.y -= speed
class Vector:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __add__(self, other):
        return Vector(self.x + other.x, self.y + othery)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return Vector(self.x - other.x, self.y  - other.y)

    def __mul__(self, scalar):
        return Vector(self.x * scalar, self.y * scalar)

    def __div__(self, scalar):
        return Vector(self.x / scalar, self.y / scalar)

    def length(self):
        return ((self.x ** x) + (self.y ** 2)) ** 0.5

    def normal(self):
        return self / self.length()

class Camera(object):
    def __init__(self, Player_class):
        self.left_viewbox = display_width/2 - display_width/8
        self.right_viewbox = display_width/2 + display_width/10

    def follow(self, shift_x):
        virtualwindow.x += shift_x
        print (virtualwindow.x)
        for i in Player_class:   
            i.rect.x += shift_x

    def viewbox(self):
        if player.x <= self.left_viewbox:
            view_difference = self.left_viewbox - player.x
            player.x = self.left_viewbox

        if player.x >= self.right_viewbox:
            view_difference = self.right_viewbox - player.x
            player.x = self.right_viewbox
class Camera(object):
    def __init__(self, camera_func, win_width, win_height):
        self.camera_func = camera_func
        self.state = rect(0, 0, win_width, win_height)

    def apply(self, target):
        self.state = self.camera_func(self.state, target.rect)

    def simple_camera(camera, target_rect):
        def __init__(self, Camera, camera_func, win_width, win_height):

if __name__ == "__main__":

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 28 сентября 2018

Первая проблема заключается в том, что вы все время создаете новые enemy экземпляры с одинаковыми координатами и новые enemy_list s в цикле while.Вы должны создать группу спрайтов и спрайт один раз перед циклом while:

enemy = Enemy(60, 200, player)
enemy_list = pygame.sprite.Group()

while 1:

Вторая проблема заключается в том, что вы используете атрибуты self.player.x и .y в методе moveEnemy, но они на самом деле никогда не меняются в Player_class, и вы перемещаете только self.rect игрока.Поэтому используйте атрибуты self.player.rect.x и .y вместо:

def move(self, speed=5):    # chase movement
    if self.rect.x > self.player.rect.x:    # Movement along x direction
        self.rect.x -= speed
    elif self.rect.x < self.player.rect.x:
        self.rect.x += speed
    if self.rect.y < self.player.rect.y:    # Movement along y direction
        self.rect.y += speed
    elif self.rect.y > self.player.rect.y:
        self.rect.y -= speed
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