Ошибка при загрузке данных в таблицу Postgres из SAS (неверный синтаксис ввода для целого числа) - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 30 ноября 2018

Ошибка при загрузке данных в таблицу Postgres из SAS (неверный синтаксис ввода для целого числа)

Я использую SAS Data Integration Studio с загрузчиком SCD типа 1 для загрузки данных в таблицу PostGres.

Прежде всего, проблема, с которой я сталкиваюсь, - это сообщение об ошибке: ОШИБКА: ошибка выполнения CLI: ОШИБКА: неверный синтаксис ввода для целого числа: «1372.8»;Ошибка при выполнении запроса

Я искал всю таблицу (170 строк), и нет данных со значением 1372,8 или даже близко к нему.

В таблице postgres есть нескольконеобнуляемые столбцы, и я убедился, что все 170 записей содержат значения.Нет записи с отсутствующим значением.

Однако я получаю эту странную ошибку.Я также просматривал stackoverflow, но кажется, что это не имеет ничего общего с SAS, кроме postgres.Однако значение, которое я загружаю в postgres, имеет тот же тип данных, всегда числовой, и я понятия не имею, почему возникает эта ошибка.

Файл журнала:

NOTE: Appending WORK.WVVOL13 to NETCAP.MasterAssetRenewable.
NOTE: FORCE is specified, so dropping/truncating will occur.
NOTE: There were 18 observations read from the data set WORK.WVVOL13.
NOTE: 17 observations added.
NOTE: The data set NETCAP.MasterAssetRenewable has . observations and 18 variables.
ERROR: CLI execute error: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1372.8";

Код из типа SCD1 погрузчик:

 * Step:            SCD Type 1                            A5KQQF32.C20002Y5 * 
 * Transform:       SCD Type 1                                              * 
 * Description:                                                             * 
 *                                                                          * 
 * Source Table:    User Written -                        A5KQQF32.C90001ZV * 
 *                   work.ncp_asset_re_toloadnew                            * 
 * Target Tables:   MasterAssetRenewable -                A5KQQF32.BE0000X2 * 
 *                   netcap.MasterAssetRenewable                            * 
 *                  Cross reference -                     A5KQQF32.C90001ZW * 
 *                   work.MasterAssetRenewable_xref                         * 
 *                  Changed records - work.WVVOJQO        A5KQQF32.C90001ZX * 
 *                  New records - work.WVVOL13            A5KQQF32.C90001ZY * 


%let transformID = %quote(A5KQQF32.C20002Y5);
%let trans_rc = 0;
%let etls_stepStartTime = %sysfunc(datetime(), datetime20.); 

%let SYSLAST = %nrquote(work."ncp_asset_re_toloadnew"n); 

%macro etls_scd_type_1;

/*---- Delete any pre-existing work tables  ----*/ 
proc datasets lib = work nolist nowarn memtype = (data view);
   delete etls_xref;

proc datasets lib = work nolist nowarn memtype = (data view);
   delete "WVVOJQO"n;

proc datasets lib = work nolist nowarn memtype = (data view);
   delete "WVVOL13"n;

/* Determine if the table exists  */ 
%let etls_tableExist = %eval(%sysfunc(exist(netcap."MasterAssetRenewable"n, DATA)) or 
      %sysfunc(exist(netcap."MasterAssetRenewable"n, VIEW))); 

/*---- Create a new table  ----*/ 
%if (&etls_tableExist eq 0) %then 
%do;  /* if table does not exist  */ 

   %put %str(NOTE: Creating table ...);

   data netcap."MasterAssetRenewable"n
           (dbnull = (
                      "Id"n = NO
                      "DetailType"n = NO
                      "DependableFactor"n = NO
                      "StatusType"n = NO
                      "DeclaredGenerationMd"n = NO
                      "ActualGenerationMd"n = NO
                      "BusinessAreaId"n = YES
                      "PmuId"n = YES
                      "PpuId"n = YES
                      "CreatedFromId"n = YES
                      "CustomerName"n = YES
                      "CustomerNumber"n = YES
                      "SsuId"n = YES
                      "FeederNo"n = YES
                      "Lat"n = YES
                      "Lng"n = YES
                      "ReCapacity"n = NO
                      "TargetCommDate"n = NO));
      attrib "Id"n length = 8
         format = 20.
         informat = 20.
         label = 'Id'; 
      attrib "DetailType"n length = 8
         format = 11.
         informat = 11.
         label = 'DetailType'; 
      attrib "DependableFactor"n length = 8
         label = 'DependableFactor'; 
      attrib "StatusType"n length = 8
         format = 11.
         informat = 11.
         label = 'StatusType'; 
      attrib "DeclaredGenerationMd"n length = 8
         label = 'DeclaredGenerationMd'; 
      attrib "ActualGenerationMd"n length = 8
         label = 'ActualGenerationMd'; 
      attrib "BusinessAreaId"n length = 8
         format = 20.
         informat = 20.
         label = 'BusinessAreaId'; 
      attrib "PmuId"n length = 8
         format = 20.
         informat = 20.
         label = 'PmuId'; 
      attrib "PpuId"n length = 8
         format = 20.
         informat = 20.
         label = 'PpuId'; 
      attrib "CreatedFromId"n length = 8
         format = 20.
         informat = 20.
         label = 'CreatedFromId'; 
      attrib "CustomerName"n length = $1024
         format = $1024.
         informat = $1024.
         label = 'CustomerName'; 
      attrib "CustomerNumber"n length = $1024
         format = $1024.
         informat = $1024.
         label = 'CustomerNumber'; 
      attrib "SsuId"n length = 8
         format = 20.
         informat = 20.
         label = 'SsuId'; 
      attrib "FeederNo"n length = $1024
         format = $1024.
         informat = $1024.
         label = 'FeederNo'; 
      attrib "Lat"n length = 8
         label = 'Lat'; 
      attrib "Lng"n length = 8
         label = 'Lng'; 
      attrib "ReCapacity"n length = 8
         format = 11.
         informat = 11.
         label = 'ReCapacity'; 
      attrib "TargetCommDate"n length = 8
         format = DATETIME25.6
         informat = DATETIME25.6
         label = 'TargetCommDate'; 
      call missing(of _all_);


   /*---- Create the indexes for a table  ----*/ 
   %put %str(NOTE: Creating indexes ...);
   %macro etls_createIndexes;
      proc sql; 
         connect to POSTGRES
             DATABASE=netcap SERVER="unadevsaswas01.hq.tnb.com.my" AUTHDOMAIN="NetcapAuth" 
         reset noprint; 
            create index "IX_MasterAssetRenewable_PpuId"
               on "MasterAssetRenewable"
         ) by POSTGRES; 


            create index "IX_MasterAssetRenewable_PmuId"
               on "MasterAssetRenewable"
         ) by POSTGRES; 


            create index "IX_MasterAssetRenewable_CreatedFromId"
               on "MasterAssetRenewable"
         ) by POSTGRES; 


            create index "IX_MasterAssetRenewable_BusinessAreaId"
               on "MasterAssetRenewable"
         ) by POSTGRES; 


            create index "IX_MasterAssetRenewable_SsuId"
               on "MasterAssetRenewable"
         ) by POSTGRES; 


         disconnect from POSTGRES; 


   %mend etls_createIndexes;

   /*---- Create the integrity constraints for a table  ----*/ 
   %put %str(NOTE: Creating integrity constraints ...);
   proc sql;
      connect to POSTGRES
          DATABASE=netcap SERVER="unadevsaswas01.hq.tnb.com.my" AUTHDOMAIN="NetcapAuth" 
      reset noprint; 

         alter table "MasterAssetRenewable"      
            add primary key ("Id")
      ) by POSTGRES; 


         alter table "MasterAssetRenewable"      
            add foreign key ("PmuId") references "MasterAssetPmu"
      ) by POSTGRES; 


         alter table "MasterAssetRenewable"      
            add foreign key ("PpuId") references "MasterAssetPpu"
      ) by POSTGRES; 


      disconnect from POSTGRES; 


%end;  /* if table does not exist  */ 

/* Determine if the table exists  */ 
%let etls_tableExist = %eval(%sysfunc(exist(work."MasterAssetRenewable_xref"n, DATA)) or 
      %sysfunc(exist(work."MasterAssetRenewable_xref"n, VIEW))); 

/*---- Create a new table  ----*/ 
%if (&etls_tableExist eq 0) %then 
%do;  /* if table does not exist  */ 

   %put %str(NOTE: Creating table ...);

   data work."MasterAssetRenewable_xref"n;
      attrib "Id"n length = 8
         format = 20.
         informat = 20.
         label = 'Id'; 
      attrib "compare_digest"n length = $32
         format = $32.
         informat = $32.; 
      call missing(of _all_);


   /*---- Create the integrity constraints for a table  ----*/ 
   %put %str(NOTE: Creating integrity constraints ...);
   proc datasets library=work nolist;
      modify "MasterAssetRenewable_xref"n;
         ic create not null ("Id"n);


%end;  /* if table does not exist  */ 

proc datasets lib = work nolist nowarn memtype = (data view);
   delete W159RVJL;

proc sql;
   create view work.W159RVJL as
            format = 20.
            informat = 20.,
            format = 20.
            informat = 20.,
            format = 20.
            informat = 20.,
         "CustomerName"n length = 1024   
            format = $1024.
            informat = $1024.,
         "CustomerNumber"n length = 1024   
            format = $1024.
            informat = $1024.,
         "FeederNo"n length = 1024   
            format = $1024.
            informat = $1024.,
            format = 11.
            informat = 11.,
            format = DATETIME25.6
            informat = DATETIME25.6
   from work."ncp_asset_re_toloadnew"n

%let SYSLAST = work.W159RVJL;

/* create work xref table  */ 
data work.etls_xref(keep = Id compare_digest);

   length compare_digest $ 32;

   set netcap."MasterAssetRenewable"n( keep = Id ReCapacity FeederNo DeclaredGenerationMd);

   /* create digest - version 2.1  */ 
   compare_digest = put(md5(catq(' ', ReCapacity, FeederNo, DeclaredGenerationMd)), $hex32.);


/*---- SCD Type 1 processing: hash lookup method  ----*/ 
   /* Changed Records Table  */ 
   work."WVVOJQO"n( keep = Id ReCapacity FeederNo DeclaredGenerationMd compare_digest)

   /* New Records Table  */ 

   drop source_digest;

   length source_digest $ 32;

   if 0 then
      set work.etls_xref;

   if _N_ eq 1 then
      declare hash hct(dataset: 'work.etls_xref', hashexp: 10);
                   hct.defineData("Id", "compare_digest");

   set work.W159RVJL;

   /* create digest - version 2.1  */ 
   source_digest = put(md5(catq(' ', ReCapacity, FeederNo, DeclaredGenerationMd)), $hex32.);

   /* match  */ 
   if hct.find() eq 0 then
      /* scd type 1 records  */ 
      if source_digest ne compare_digest then
         compare_digest = source_digest;
         output work."WVVOJQO"n;
   /* new records  */ 
   else if hct.find() ne 0 then
      compare_digest = source_digest;
      output work."WVVOL13"n;


/* changed records table - record check  */ 
%let etls_recCheckExist = 0; 
%let etls_change_rows = 0; 
%macro etls_recordCheck; 
   %let etls_recCheckExist = %eval(%sysfunc(exist(work."WVVOJQO"n, DATA)) or 
         %sysfunc(exist(work."WVVOJQO"n, VIEW))); 

   %if (&etls_recCheckExist) %then
      %local etls_syntaxcheck; 
      %let etls_syntaxcheck = %sysfunc(getoption(syntaxcheck)); 
      /* Turn off syntaxcheck option to perform following steps  */ 
      options nosyntaxcheck;

      data _null_; 
         set work."WVVOJQO"n( obs=1 ); 
         call symput("etls_change_rows",'1'); 
      /* Reset syntaxcheck option to previous setting  */ 
      options &etls_syntaxcheck; 
%mend etls_recordCheck;


/* new records table - record check  */ 
%let etls_recCheckExist = 0; 
%let etls_new_rows = 0; 
%macro etls_recordCheck; 
   %let etls_recCheckExist = %eval(%sysfunc(exist(work."WVVOL13"n, DATA)) or 
         %sysfunc(exist(work."WVVOL13"n, VIEW))); 

   %if (&etls_recCheckExist) %then
      %local etls_syntaxcheck; 
      %let etls_syntaxcheck = %sysfunc(getoption(syntaxcheck)); 
      /* Turn off syntaxcheck option to perform following steps  */ 
      options nosyntaxcheck;

      data _null_; 
         set work."WVVOL13"n( obs=1 ); 
         call symput("etls_new_rows",'1'); 
      /* Reset syntaxcheck option to previous setting  */ 
      options &etls_syntaxcheck; 
%mend etls_recordCheck;


/*---- target table: update/append rows  ----*/ 

/* target table: update change rows  */ 
%if &etls_change_rows ge 1 %then
   proc sql;
      update netcap."MasterAssetRenewable"n as m
         set "ReCapacity"n = (select "ReCapacity"n from work."WVVOJQO"n as t
                  where m."Id"n = t."Id"n),
             "FeederNo"n = (select "FeederNo"n from work."WVVOJQO"n as t
                  where m."Id"n = t."Id"n),
             "DeclaredGenerationMd"n = (select "DeclaredGenerationMd"n from work."WVVOJQO"n as t
                  where m."Id"n = t."Id"n)
         where exists (select * from work."WVVOJQO"n as t
            where m."Id"n = t."Id"n);

/* target table - append new rows  */ 
%if &etls_new_rows ge 1 %then
   proc append base = netcap."MasterAssetRenewable"n
               data = work."WVVOL13"n force nowarn;

/*---- cross reference table: update/append rows  ----*/ 

/* cross reference table: update change rows  */ 
%if &etls_change_rows ge 1 %then
   proc sql;
      update work."MasterAssetRenewable_xref"n as m
         set compare_digest = (select compare_digest from work."WVVOJQO"n as t
                  where m."Id"n = t."Id"n)
         where exists (select * from work."WVVOJQO"n as t
            where m."Id"n = t."Id"n);

/* cross reference table - append new rows  */ 
%if &etls_new_rows ge 1 %then
   proc append base = work."MasterAssetRenewable_xref"n
               data = work."WVVOL13"n( keep = Id compare_digest)
   force nowarn;

/* Delete work.etls_xref table  */ 
proc datasets lib = work nolist nowarn memtype = (data view);
   delete etls_xref;

%mend etls_scd_type_1;

/* execute etls_scd_type_1  */ 

/** Step end SCD Type 1 **/
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