Я предполагаю, что вы ищете что-то вроде этого:

В официальной документации объясняется, как это сделать все , что намного больше, чем нужно сейчас.
Вам нужен виджет меток, виджет ввода, виджет кнопок и менеджер геометрии упаковщика.
Хороший учебник дляВы можете быть ZetCode , и этот ответ частично основан на его коде:
#### Save this as dual_input.py ####
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from tkinter import Tk, Text, TOP, BOTH, X, N, LEFT, RIGHT
from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Label, Entry, Button
# Good habit to put your GUI in a class to make it self-contained
class SimpleDialog(Frame):
def __init__(self):
# self allow the variable to be used anywhere in the class
self.output1 = ""
self.output2 = ""
def initUI(self):
self.master.title("Simple Dialog")
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
frame1 = Frame(self)
lbl1 = Label(frame1, text="Input 1", width=6)
lbl1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=10)
self.entry1 = Entry(frame1, textvariable=self.output1)
self.entry1.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True)
frame2 = Frame(self)
lbl2 = Label(frame2, text="Input 2", width=6)
lbl2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=10)
self.entry2 = Entry(frame2)
self.entry2.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True)
frame3 = Frame(self)
# Command tells the form what to do when the button is clicked
btn = Button(frame3, text="Submit", command=self.onSubmit)
btn.pack(padx=5, pady=10)
def onSubmit(self):
self.output1 = self.entry1.get()
self.output2 = self.entry2.get()
def main():
# This part triggers the dialog
root = Tk()
app = SimpleDialog()
# Here we can act on the form components or
# better yet, copy the output to a new variable
user_input = (app.output1, app.output2)
# Get rid of the error message if the user clicks the
# close icon instead of the submit button
# Any component of the dialog will no longer be available
# past this point
# To use data outside of function
# Can either be used in __main__
# or by external script depending on
# what calls main()
return user_input
# Allow dialog to run either as a script or called from another program
if __name__ == '__main__':
follow_on_variable = main()
# This shows the outputs captured when called directly as `python dual_input.py`
#### End of dual_input.py code dialog code file ####
### Example of using from code file as opposed to ###
### calling directly ###
### Save this as i_do_work_here.py ###
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import dual_input
received_inputs = dual_input.main()
calculated = int(received_inputs[0]) * int(received_inputs[1])
### End of i_do_work_here.py ###