Список радио появляется горизонтально в IE, когда он должен был быть вертикальным - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 30 ноября 2018

Список радиокнопок отображается вертикально, а не горизонтально.Хорошо выглядит на Chrome и Firefox.Мы используем угловую js 1.7.

радиогруппу от IE 11

радиогруппу от Firefox 60.3.0 esr

Фрагмент кода HTML для радиогруппы


<div ng-if="feedbackChoices &amp;&amp; feedbackChoices.length > 1" id="629934096_not_helpful" class="choiceText f-b-choices-body ng-scope" ng-show="showChoices">
        <div class="responsePrompt ng-scope" translate="">Where did we go wrong?</div>
        <ul class="selectionRadio f-b-choices selectionGroup629934096_feedback_choices">
            <!-- ngRepeat: choice in feedbackChoices --><li ng-repeat="choice in feedbackChoices" class="ng-scope">
                    <label><input id="948060864" class="f-b-input" name="selectionGroup" ng-click="submitFeedbackChoice(choice)" type="radio">                          
                        <label for="948060864" class="f-b-choices-label ng-scope ng-binding" translate="">The instructions did not apply</label>
            </li><!-- end ngRepeat: choice in feedbackChoices --><li ng-repeat="choice in feedbackChoices" class="ng-scope">
                    <label><input id="948060864_2" class="f-b-input" name="selectionGroup" ng-click="submitFeedbackChoice(choice)" type="radio">                            
                        <label for="948060864_2" class="f-b-choices-label ng-scope ng-binding" translate="">The instructions were too long/hard to follow</label>
            </li><!-- end ngRepeat: choice in feedbackChoices --><li ng-repeat="choice in feedbackChoices" class="ng-scope">
                    <label><input id="948060864_3" class="f-b-input" name="selectionGroup" ng-click="submitFeedbackChoice(choice)" type="radio">                            
                        <label for="948060864_3" class="f-b-choices-label ng-scope ng-binding" translate="">I need you to do this for me</label>
            </li><!-- end ngRepeat: choice in feedbackChoices -->       