Не могли бы вы, ребята, дать мне быстрое, прямое объяснение модульного тестирования JUnit и Mockito?Я искал, и это не было ясно для меня.
Кроме того, какие модульные тесты я могу сделать для сервера и клиента Rest?
Вот мой код сервера отдыха дляпример:
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
@ Path ("/ calculator") открытый класс RESTServer {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RESTServer.class);
private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
* Function that converts a String parameter into a Request object
* @param json is the String of the request received from the client
* @return return an Request object with all the fields containning data from the json String
* @throws IOException
private Request convertToObj(final String json) throws IOException {
final Request request;
log.debug("Processing request: {}", json);
request = mapper.readValue(json, Request.class);
return request;
* Function that converts a Answer object into a JSON String where all the data is written in conformity with JSON conventions
* @param answerObject is the object with all the data about the answer to retrieve to the client
* @param json is the String that contains the request, only for logging purposes
* @return return a JSON String with all the data contained in the object
* @throws JsonProcessingException
private String convertToJson(final Answer answerObject, final String json) throws JsonProcessingException {
String answer;
answer = mapper.writeValueAsString(answerObject);
log.debug("Retrieving answer {} for request: {}", answer, json);
return answer;
* Function that calculates the result of the operation specified in the request from the client
* @param request is the Request object that contains all the data from the client request
* @return return the value resultant from the operation made
public double calculator(final Request request){
log.debug("Processing number: {} and number: {} with operation: {}", request.getValue1(), request.getValue2(), request.getOperation());
Calculate calculate = (value1, value2, operation) -> {
if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase("add") == 0) return value1 + value2;
else if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase("mult") == 0) return value1 * value2;
else if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase("div") == 0) return value1 / value2;
else if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase("avg") == 0) return (value1 + value2)/2;
else return 0;
return calculate.obtainResult(request.getValue1(),request.getValue2(),request.getOperation());
private interface Calculate{
double obtainResult(double value1, double value2, String operation);
*Function that builds the answer to send to the client, merge the result of the calculation of the operation, the date and hour of the operation and the operation made
* @param operation is the operation made
* @param result is the result of the operation
* @return returns a Answer object that contains all the data referent to the treatment of the request from the client
private static Answer buildAnswer(final String operation, final double result){
String date;
Answer answerObject;
date = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());
answerObject = new Answer(operation, result, date);
return answerObject;
public Response postRequest(final String json) throws IOException {
final double result;
final String answer;
final Request request;
final Answer answerObject;
request = convertToObj(json);
result = calculator(request);
answerObject = buildAnswer(request.getOperation(),result);
answer = convertToJson(answerObject, json);
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(answer).build();