У меня есть приложение Jhipster, которое имеет React для фронта и которое я хочу развернуть на EB с CodePipelines.Что касается сборки, это мой buildspec.yml:
version: 0.2
- echo Start install phase...
- sudo apt-get update -y
- sudo apt-get install nodejs -y
- echo Start build phase
- mvn package
- 'target/myapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war'
- 'target/www/**/*'
Сборка идет нормально и работает.Однако на этапе развертывания я получаю следующее:
Deployment completed, but with errors: During an aborted deployment, some instances may have deployed the new application version. To ensure all instances are running the same version, re-deploy the appropriate application version. Failed to deploy application. Unsuccessful command execution on instance id(s) 'i-0a1e5098338ba5f2c'. Aborting the operation. [Instance: i-0a1e5098338ba5f2c] Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: (TRUNCATED)...lib/js-yaml.min.js Unable to launch application as the source bundle does not contain either a file named application.jar or a Procfile. Unable to launch application as the source bundle does not contain either a file named application.jar or a Procfile. Hook /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/01_configure_application.sh failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI. Unable to launch application as the source bundle does not contain either a file named application.jar or a Procfile.
Что мне здесь не хватает?Нужно ли изменить конфигурацию?
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Среда EB - это опция Java 8.