Я предполагаю, что это узел в связанном списке.
def remove(self,data,previousNode):
if self.data == data: # we hit the node we want to delete
previousNode.nextNode=self.nextNode # we disconnect the current node from the link, connect the next node to its previous node
del self.data # not exactly sure about these two lines
del self.nextNode
else: # we haven't hit the node we want to delete
if self.nextNode is not None: # the list hasn't end, there is a "next"
self.nextNode.remove(data, self)
# this is the tricky part,
# you need to consider this in nextNode's perspective.
# You're calling nextNode's remove method,
# telling it the data you need to remove, and tell it
# that it's previousNode is your current node (self)