Заранее спасибо, пытаясь создать динамический раскрывающийся список в соответствии с требованиями приложения.согласно значению справа, выпадающий список будет отображаться с одного JSON.как снимки экрана .Также добавил мою скрипку.http://jsfiddle.net/subhamoy/jq964fph/22/
.Я просто создаю пустышку в моей скрипке, где я создаю это только с помощью HTML.Пожалуйста, предложите мне, как изменить ниже JSON, чтобы сделать это представление.
{ "User_Id": "3542871f-e233-4e81-ac7c-ab8219ae65c4",
"attributes": {
"Total_Current_Assets": [
"Total Current Assets",
"Other Current Assets",
"Total Assets",
"Interest_Cover_Ratio": [
"Interest Cover RatioLatest",
"Interest Coverage",
"Interest Coverage Ratio",
"Interest Earned",
"Rating": [
"Controlling Company credit risk rating (Borrower level)",
"Final Rating",
"Facility Amount",
"StockHolder Equity_RAC",
"ROCE": [
"ROCE (%)Latest",
"Capital Employed",
"Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes CF",
"Total Asset Turnover RatioLatest",
"Adjusted PAT",
"ModelID": [],
"Secured_Loans": [
"Other Debt",
"Gross Interest Expense",
"Is the Borrower a Subsidiary?",
"Senior Long-Term Debt",
"Subordinated Debt",
"ModelRunID": [],
"Total_Shareholders_Funds": [
"Total Equity",
"StockHolder Equity",
"StockHolder Equity_RAC",
"Total_Debt__Loan_Funds": [
"Total Debt",
"Interest Income Total Funds (%)Latest",
"Tax": [
"Total Income",
"Net Income Before Tax and Extraordinary Items",
"Current Liabilities and Provisions ( Incl Def Tax)",
"Other Long Term liabilities",
"Net Income Before Tax and Extraordinary Item",
"RONW": [
"Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes CF",
"ROCE (%)Latest",
"StockHolder Equity",
"StockHolder Equity_RAC",
"Debt Equity Ratio",
"Adjusted_Net_Profit": [
"Adjusted PAT",
"Total Income",
"Special (Income) Expense",
"Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes CF",
"Other Non Operating Long-Term Liabilities",
"Sundry_Debtors": [
"Other Non Operating Long-Term Liabilities",
"Intercompany Non Current Liabilities",
"Intercompany Current Liabilities",
"Other Non Operating Current Liabilities",
"Inventories": [
"Value Of Output",
"Change in Other Non-Current Assets and Investments CF",
"Days Inventories (avg)",
"Total_Current_Liabilities": [
"Total Current Liabilities",
"Short-Term Borrowings",
"Other Non Operating Long-Term Liabilities",
"Other Non Operating Current Liabilities",
"Customer_ID": [],
"Sales_Turnover__Operating_Income": [
"Operating Income EBIT",
"Non-Operating (Income) Expense",
"Other Non-Operating (Income) Expense",
"Interest": [
"Interest Coverage",
"Total Income",
"Interest Cover RatioLatest",
"Other Income",
"Current Deferred tax Liabilities",
"Total_Income": [
"Total Income",
"Other Income",
"Specific Income",
"Operating_Profit": [
"Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes CF",
"Total Income",
"Adjusted PAT",
"Interest Coverage",
"Interest Earned",
"Interest Cover RatioLatest",
"Debt_Equity_Ratio": [
"Debt Equity Ratio",
"Total Equity",
"Total Assets",
"Net_Sales": [
"Net Sales",
"Net Income Margin",
"Total Revenues_RAC",