XCode - ошибка Clang: символ (ы) не найдены для архитектуры x86_64 Clang: ошибка: сбой команды компоновщика с кодом выхода 1 (используйте -v, чтобы увидеть вызов) - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 02 декабря 2018

Я какое-то время работал над этим заданием по программированию на C ++ в XCode и постоянно сталкиваюсь с ошибкой в ​​моем коде:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"Card::print()", referenced from:
  _main in main.o
"Card::getBookID()", referenced from:
  checkOutBook(Book*, Card*, int, int) in main.o
"Card::getCardID()", referenced from:
  checkOutBook(Book*, Card*, int, int) in main.o
  checkInBook(Book*, Card*, int, int) in main.o
"Card::setBookID(int)", referenced from:
  checkOutBook(Book*, Card*, int, int) in main.o
  checkInBook(Book*, Card*, int, int) in main.o
"Card::Card(int, char*, char*)", referenced from:
  createCard(int, char*, char*) in main.o
"Card::Card()", referenced from:
  _main in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

После нескольких часов поисков на форумах, пытаясь преследоватьЯ надеюсь, что кто-нибудь может мне помочь.Пока мой код:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;

class Card
char cardName[30];
char phoneNumber[15];
int CardID;
int BookID;

Card(int c, char n[], char p[]);
void setBookID(int b);
int getBookID();
int getCardID();
void print();

class Book
int BookID;
int CardID;
char title[30];
char author[10];

Book(int b, char t[], char a[]);
void setCardID(int c);
int getCardID();
int getBookID();
void print();

BookID = 0;
CardID = 0;
title[0] = '\0';
author[0] = '\0';

Book::Book(int b, char t[], char a[])
BookID = b;
strcpy(title, t);
strcpy(author, a);
CardID = 0;

void Book::setCardID(int c)
CardID = c;

int Book::getCardID()
return CardID;

int Book::getBookID()
return BookID;

void Book::print()
cout << title << endl
<< author << endl
<< "Book ID: " << BookID << endl;
if(CardID == 0)
    cout << "Not Checked Out." << endl << endl;
    cout << "Checked Out to: " << CardID << endl << endl;


void ShowMenu();
void checkOutBook(Book books[], Card cards[], int numBooks, int      numCards);
void checkInBook(Book books[], Card cards[], int numBooks, int     numCards);
Card createCard(int cardID, char name[], char phone[]);

int main()
int command = 0;

// declare an array of 20 cards
Card cards[20];
int numCards = 0;

// declare an array of 20 books
Book books[20];
int numBooks = 0;

// declare a file pointer and open the cards file
ifstream cardInput("cards.txt");
    cout << "ERRORL Cannot open file 'cards.txt'" << endl;

cout << "Reading cards.txt file. . ." << endl;
char name[25];
char phone[15];
int cardID = 0;
char junk[25];

// read the next line from the file
cardInput.getline(name, 25, ','); // Read first person's name

while (cardInput)
    cardInput.getline(junk, 5, ' '); // Read past blank space
    cardInput.getline(phone, 15, ',');
    cardInput.getline(junk, 5, ' ');
    cardInput >> cardID;
    cardInput.getline(junk, 5, '\n');

    // Create a card
    cards[numCards] = createCard(cardID, name, phone);

    cardInput.getline(name, 25, ',');
// create a card and store it in the array of cards

// declare a file pointer and open the books file
ifstream bookInput("books.txt");
    cout << "ERROR: Cannot open file 'books.txt'" << endl;

cout << "Reading books.txt file. . ." << endl;
char title[25];
char author[15];
int bookID = 0;
char junk2[25];

// read the next line from the file
bookInput.getline(title, 25, ','); // Read title of first book

while (bookInput)
    bookInput.getline(junk2, 5, ' '); // Read past blank space
    bookInput.getline(author, 15, ',');
    bookInput.getline(junk2, 5, ' ');
    bookInput >> bookID;
    bookInput.getline(junk2, 5, '\n');

    // create a books and store it in the array of books

    // display main menu
    cin >> command;

    while(command != 0)
            case 1:  // Show all Library Cards
                for(int i = 0; i < numCards; i++)
            case 2:  // Show all Books
                for(int i=0; i < numBooks; i++)
            case 3:  // Check out a Book
                checkOutBook(books, cards, numBooks, numCards);
            case 4:  // Check in a Book
                checkInBook(books, cards, numBooks, numCards);
            case 5:  // Create a new Library Card
                cout << "Enter your name: ";
                cin.getline(junk, 2, '\n');
                cin.getline(name, 25, '\n');

                cout << "Enter your phone number: ";
                cin.getline(phone, 15, '\n');

                cout << "Enter the card ID: ";
                cin >> cardID;

                // Create card and store it in the next array location
                cards[numCards] = createCard(cardID, name, phone);

                cout << "ERROR: Values must be between 1 and 5." << endl;

        cin >> command;


return 0;

void ShowMenu()
cout << "=====[ M A I N   M E N U ]=====" << endl;
cout << "   1. Show all Library Cards   " << endl;
cout << "   2. Show all Books           " << endl;
cout << "   3. Check out a Book         " << endl;
cout << "   4. Check in a Book          " << endl;
cout << "   5. Create a New Library Card" << endl;
cout << "   6. Exit the System          " << endl;

void checkOutBook(Book books[], Card cards[], int numBooks, int numCards)
int card = 0, book = 0;
int cardid = 0, bookid = 0;

// Enter Card ID
cout << "Enter your Card ID: ";
cin >> cardid;

// Find Card ID
while(card < numCards && cardid != cards[card].getCardID())
// If not found, return
if(card == numCards)
    cout << "ERROR: Invalid Card ID. Create a new card before retrying." << endl;

// If found, does the person have a book checked out?
// If yes, return
if (cards[card].getBookID() != 0)
    cout << "ERROR: You already have a book checked out. Please return    it first before retrying." << endl;

// Card validated!

// Enter Book ID
cout << "Enter the Book ID: ";
cin >> bookid;

// Find Book ID
while(book < numBooks && bookid != books[book].getBookID())
// If not found, return
if(book == numBooks)
    cout << "ERROR: Invalid Book ID. Try another book." << endl;

// If found, is it checked out?
// If yes, return
if(books[book].getCardID() != 0)
    cout << "ERROR: This book is already checked out. Come back later." << endl;
// Book validated!

// Check out the book


void checkInBook(Book books[], Card cards[], int numBooks, int numCards)
int card = 0, book = 0;
int cardid = 0, bookid = 0;

// Enter Card ID
cout << "Enter your Card ID: ";
cin >> cardid;

// Find Card ID
while(card < numCards && cardid != cards[card].getCardID())
// If not found, return
if(card == numCards)
    cout << "ERROR: Invalid Card ID. Create a new card before retrying." << endl;
// Card found!

// Enter Book ID
cout << "Enter the Book ID: ";
cin >> bookid;

// Find Book ID
while(book < numBooks && bookid != books[book].getBookID())
// If not found, return
if(book == numBooks)
    cout << "ERROR: Invalid Book ID. Try another book." << endl;

// Check out the book

Card createCard(int cardID, char name[], char phone[])
Card temp(cardID, name, phone);
return temp;

Я понимаю, что это невероятно долго, но я в последней попытке.Я до сих пор плохо знаком с C ++ и Xcode, и я не очень хорош в навигации по меню, чтобы попробовать все исправления, предложенные в других публикациях.Степень моих знаний об ошибке лязга состоит в том, что это может означать дублирование функции или неправильную настройку.Я очень ценю любые советы по этому вопросу, заранее благодарю.
