я пытаюсь запустить самый простой поток:
1) установить инструменты:
npm установить -g мякоть целлюлозы
целлюлозаверсия 12.2.0 преследует версию 0.12.0 с использованием C: \ Users \ panda.psvm \ current \ bin \ purs.EXE C: \ Users \ panda> bower --version 1.8.4
2), выполнив следующие шагииз этого ответа я установил purs https://stackoverflow.com/a/50554135/1358421
C: \ Users \ panda> purs --version 0.12.0
Хорошо, давайте создадим проект.
c: \ home \ projects \ sandbox \ purr> mkdir hello-purr
c: \ home \ projects \ sandbox \ purr> cd hello-purr
c: \ home \ projects \песочница \ purr \ hello-purr> инициализация целлюлозы
c:\home\projects\sandbox\purr\hello-purr>pulp init
* Generating project skeleton in c:\home\projects\sandbox\purr\hello-purr
bower purescript-console#* cached https://github.com/purescript/purescript-console.git#4.1.0
bower purescript-console#* validate 4.1.0 against https://github.com/purescript/purescript-console.git#*
bower purescript-prelude#* cached https://github.com/purescript/purescript-prelude.git#4.0.0
bower purescript-prelude#* validate 4.0.0 against https://github.com/purescript/purescript-prelude.git#*
bower purescript-prelude#^4.0.0 cached https://github.com/purescript/purescript-prelude.git#4.0.0
bower purescript-prelude#^4.0.0 validate 4.0.0 against https://github.com/purescript/purescript-prelude.git#^4.0.0
bower purescript-effect#^2.0.0 cached https://github.com/purescript/purescript-effect.git#2.0.0
bower purescript-effect#^2.0.0 validate 2.0.0 against https://github.com/purescript/purescript-effect.git#^2.0.0
bower purescript-console#^4.1.0 install purescript-console#4.1.0
bower purescript-prelude#^4.0.0 install purescript-prelude#4.0.0
bower purescript-effect#^2.0.0 install purescript-effect#2.0.0
purescript-console#4.1.0 bower_components\purescript-console
├── purescript-effect#2.0.0
└── purescript-prelude#4.0.0
purescript-prelude#4.0.0 bower_components\purescript-prelude
purescript-effect#2.0.0 bower_components\purescript-effect
└── purescript-prelude#4.0.0
bower purescript-psci-support#* cached https://github.com/purescript/purescript-psci-support.git#4.0.0
bower purescript-psci-support#* validate 4.0.0 against https://github.com/purescript/purescript-psci-support.git#*
bower purescript-psci-support#^4.0.0 install purescript-psci-support#4.0.0
purescript-psci-support#4.0.0 bower_components\purescript-psci-support
├── purescript-console#4.1.0
├── purescript-effect#2.0.0
└── purescript-prelude#4.0.0
Скелет проекта успешно создан.
Попытка запустить его:
запуск целлюлозы
* Building project in c:\home\projects\sandbox\purr\hello-purr
Error 1 of 2:
in module Main
at src\Main.purs line 4, column 1 - line 4, column 31
Module Control.Monad.Eff was not found.
Make sure the source file exists, and that it has been provided as an input to the compiler.
See https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/ModuleNotFound.md for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.
Error 2 of 2:
in module Main
at src\Main.purs line 5, column 1 - line 5, column 48
Module Control.Monad.Eff.Console was not found.
Make sure the source file exists, and that it has been provided as an input to the compiler.
See https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/ModuleNotFound.md for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.
* ERROR: Subcommand terminated with exit code 1
Не повезло: (
тест пульпы
сборка пульпы
Те же ошибки - невозможно найтимодули. Я что-то пропустил? Пожалуйста, совет. Спасибо