У меня проблема с домашней работой, и мне нужно добавить цикл while в мою функцию, который даст пользователю 3 дополнительные попытки ввести другое значение, если первоначально введенное значение не является числом.Первоначальная функция кода заключается в определении площади треугольника или трапеции.
loopCount = 0
# The "while" statement keeps looping until its condition (loopCount<4) made False.
while loopCount<4:
# loopCount will increase 1 for each loop
loopCount += 1
Хотя я даже не уверен, где разместить вышеупомянутые строки в моем коде.
# This program calculates the area of a triangle or trapezoid
# Statement: print function outputs the statement on screen
print("This program finds the area of a triangle or trapezoid.")
# Module: math module imported
import math
# Determine the objects shape
print("Please enter the shape from the following menu")
print("Triangle = type 1")
print("Trapezoid = type 2")
# If user types a number other than 1 or 2, this will prompt them again to pick a valid choice
user_input = 0
while user_input not in (1,2) :
user_input = int(input("Enter your choice: "))
# Variables: asigns new value to a variable depending on which shape we are caluclating the area of
if (user_input == 1):
print("Alright, you want to calculate the area of a triangle: ")
height = float(input("Please enter the height of the triangle: "))
base = float(input("Please enter the base length of the triangle: "))
if (user_input == 2):
print("Alright, you want to calculate the area of a trapezoid: ")
base_1 = float(input("Please enter the base length of the trapezoid: "))
base_2 = float(input("Please enter the second base length of the trapezoid: "))
height = float(input("Please enter the height of the trapezoid: "))
# Expression and operators: calculates area based on shape choosen. Triangle_area = (base*height)/2, Trapezoid_area = ((base1+base2)/2)*height
if (user_input == 1):
area_triangle = 0.5 * height * base
if (user_input == 2):
area_trapezoid = ((base_1+base_2)/2)*height
# Function: math function returns a statement defining the height, base(s) and area of the triangle or trapezoid
if (user_input == 1):
print("The area of a triangle with height", height, "and base", base, "is", area_triangle)
if (user_input == 2):
print("The area of a trapezoid with height", height, ", base 1", base_1, "and base 2", base_2, "is", area_trapezoid)
If the user enters a value that could not be converted to numeric type, allow 3 additional opportunities to enter a new value. If the user fails to enter a correct value after 4 attempts, inform them of such failure and allow the program to end without crashing.