Рабочий процесс разработки с проблемами, запросом извлечения и CI / CD - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 01 октября 2018

Я изучаю CI / CD, но что-то неясно:

Следуя структуре Git Flow, см. Приведенный ниже пример в хронологическом порядке:

Для новой функции # 1:

Программист: git checkout -b feature/1 git add . git commit -m "something" git push origin feature/1 On the browser and create a pull request from feature/1 to dev "Closes #1"

Gitlab-CI / Jenkins, другие: start the pipeline cloning the project git checkout feature/1 execute the test jobs if all succeed: enable the merge request button else: disable the merge request button

Рецензент кода: see the pull request authorize the pull request (click in the merge quest button)

Gitlab-CI / Jenkins, другие: start the pipeline cloning the project git checkout -b release-123456 feature/1 update the config files, with the new version number git commit -m "Update version to 123456" execute the job package if the job succeed: git checkout feature/1 git merge release-123456 git push origin feature/1 git checkout dev git merge release-123456 git push origin dev deploy to staging else: git checkout feature/1 git branch -D release-123456

Длярабочий выпуск

Программист: create a pull request from dev to master

Gitlab-CI / Jenkins, другие: start the pipeline cloning the project git checkout dev execute the test jobs if all succeed: enable the merge request button else: disable the merge request button

Code Reviewer: see the pull request authorize the pull request (click in the merge quest button)

Gitlab-CI / Jenkins, другие: start the pipeline cloning the project git checkout -b release-7890 dev update the config files, with the new version number git commit -m "Update version to 7890" execute the job package if the job succeed: git checkout dev git merge release-7890 git push origin dev git checkout master git merge dev git push origin master deploy to production else: git checkout dev git branch -D release-7890

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