PHPMyAdmin Ошибки соединения с базой данных - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 08 февраля 2019

Я запустил запрос на этот эффект:

SELECT x.minid FROM (SELECT p.post_title, MIN(p.ID) as minid, m.meta_value
    wp_postmeta m
    INNER JOIN wp_posts p 
        ON = m.post_id
        AND p.post_type = 'Product' 
    m.meta_key = '_regular_price'
        SELECT 1
            wp_postmeta m1
            INNER JOIN wp_posts p1
                ON = m1.post_id
                AND p1.post_type = 'Product'
            m1.meta_key = '_regular_price'
            AND p1.post_title = p.post_title
            AND m1.meta_value < m.meta_value

И после долгого выполнения запроса он, наконец, вывел эту ошибку:

SQL query: DocumentationEdit Edit

SELECT `CHARACTER_SET_NAME` AS `Charset`, `DESCRIPTION` AS `Description` FROM `information_schema`.`CHARACTER_SETS`
Open new phpMyAdmin window
 mysqli_connect(): (08004/1040): Too many connections
 mysqli_real_connect(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'ptrcao'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
 mysqli_real_connect(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'ptrcao'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
Notice in ./libraries/classes/Config.php#855
 Undefined index: collation_connection


./libraries/classes/Config.php#968: PhpMyAdmin\Config->_setConnectionCollation()
./libraries/ PhpMyAdmin\Config->loadUserPreferences()
./index.php#26: require_once(./libraries/
Notice in ./libraries/classes/DatabaseInterface.php#1501
 Undefined index: charset_connection


./libraries/classes/Config.php#857: PhpMyAdmin\DatabaseInterface->setCollation(string 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci')
./libraries/classes/Config.php#968: PhpMyAdmin\Config->_setConnectionCollation()
./libraries/ PhpMyAdmin\Config->loadUserPreferences()
./index.php#26: require_once(./libraries/
 Failed to set configured collation connection!
Notice in ./index.php#264
 Undefined variable: collation_connection


Ранее , У меня были проблемы с запросами, использующими ресурсы моей памяти.Затем я добавил 16 ГБ памяти подкачки в качестве меры временного ограничения.Похоже, что он исключил ошибку #2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query, с которой мы столкнулись ранее, но вместо этого после долгого времени выполнения запрос выдал все вышеперечисленные ошибки.Пожалуйста, сообщите.

/ usr / local / cpanel / base / 3rdparty / phpMyAdmin / библиотеки / классы / DatabaseInterface.php:

/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Main interface for database interactions
 * @package PhpMyAdmin-DBI
namespace PhpMyAdmin;

use PhpMyAdmin\Core;
use PhpMyAdmin\Database\DatabaseList;
use PhpMyAdmin\Dbi\DbiExtension;
use PhpMyAdmin\Dbi\DbiDummy;
use PhpMyAdmin\Dbi\DbiMysql;
use PhpMyAdmin\Dbi\DbiMysqli;
use PhpMyAdmin\Di\Container;
use PhpMyAdmin\Error;
use PhpMyAdmin\Index;
use PhpMyAdmin\LanguageManager;
use PhpMyAdmin\Relation;
use PhpMyAdmin\SystemDatabase;
use PhpMyAdmin\Table;
use PhpMyAdmin\Types;
"DatabaseInterface.php" 3060L, 104788C

/ usr / local / cpanel / base / 3rdparty /phpMyAdmin / библиотеки / классы / Config.php:

/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Configuration handling.
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
namespace PhpMyAdmin;

use DirectoryIterator;
use PhpMyAdmin\Core;
use PhpMyAdmin\Error;
use PhpMyAdmin\LanguageManager;
use PhpMyAdmin\ThemeManager;
use PhpMyAdmin\Url;
use PhpMyAdmin\UserPreferences;
use PhpMyAdmin\Util;
use PhpMyAdmin\Utils\HttpRequest;

 * Indication for error handler (see end of this file).
$GLOBALS['pma_config_loading'] = false;

 * Configuration class
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
class Config
     * @var string  default config source
    var $default_source = './libraries/config.default.php';

     * @var array   default configuration settings
    var $default = array();

     * @var array   configuration settings, without user preferences applied
    var $base_settings = array();

     * @var array   configuration settings
    var $settings = array();

     * @var string  config source
    var $source = '';

     * @var int     source modification time
    var $source_mtime = 0;
    var $default_source_mtime = 0;
"Config.php" 1800L, 57604C

/ usr / local / cpanel / base / 3rdparty / phpMyAdmin / index.php:

/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Main loader script
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
use PhpMyAdmin\Charsets;
use PhpMyAdmin\Config;
use PhpMyAdmin\Core;
use PhpMyAdmin\Display\GitRevision;
use PhpMyAdmin\LanguageManager;
use PhpMyAdmin\Message;
use PhpMyAdmin\RecentFavoriteTable;
use PhpMyAdmin\Relation;
use PhpMyAdmin\Response;
use PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize;
use PhpMyAdmin\Server\Select;
use PhpMyAdmin\ThemeManager;
use PhpMyAdmin\Url;
use PhpMyAdmin\Util;

 * Gets some core libraries and displays a top message if required
require_once 'libraries/';

 * pass variables to child pages
$drops = array(
foreach ($drops as $each_drop) {
    if (array_key_exists($each_drop, $_GET)) {
unset($drops, $each_drop);

 * Black list of all scripts to which front-end must submit data.
 * Such scripts must not be loaded on home page.
$target_blacklist = array (
    'import.php', 'export.php'

// If we have a valid target, let's load that script instead
if (! empty($_REQUEST['target'])
    && is_string($_REQUEST['target'])
    && ! preg_match('/^index/', $_REQUEST['target'])
    && ! in_array($_REQUEST['target'], $target_blacklist)
    && Core::checkPageValidity($_REQUEST['target'], [], true)
) {
    include $_REQUEST['target'];
"index.php" 680L, 19899C