Access Query добавить номер записи - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 09 февраля 2019

Какой самый простой способ добавить поле, которое выступает в качестве номера строки, к существующему запросу на доступ?

Существующий запрос:

Select * from myQuery

Я посмотрел вокруг, и это кажется наиболееРешение включает в себя использование функции счета и требует поля «ID», поэтому мне интересно, есть ли способ сделать это без поля ID

Ответы [ 2 ]

0 голосов
/ 09 февраля 2019

Хотя и предназначенный для формы, вы можете использовать функцию RecordNumber из моей статьи:

Последовательные строки в Microsoft Access

и экспортироватьэти записи.

' Creates and returns a sequential record number for records displayed
' in a form, even if no primary or unique key is present.
' For a new record, Null is returned until the record is saved.
' 2018-08-23. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function RecordNumber( _
    ByRef Form As Access.Form, _
    Optional ByVal FirstNumber As Long = 1) _
    As Variant

    ' Error code for "There is no current record."
    Const NoCurrentRecord   As Long = 3021

    Dim Records             As DAO.Recordset

    Dim Number              As Variant
    Dim Prompt              As String
    Dim Buttons             As VbMsgBoxStyle
    Dim Title               As String

    On Error GoTo Err_RecordNumber

    If Form Is Nothing Then
        ' No form object is passed.
        Number = Null
    ElseIf Form.Dirty = True Then
        ' No record number until the record is saved.
        Number = Null
        Set Records = Form.RecordsetClone
        Records.Bookmark = Form.Bookmark
        Number = FirstNumber + Records.AbsolutePosition
        Set Records = Nothing
    End If

    RecordNumber = Number
    Exit Function

    Select Case Err.Number
        Case NoCurrentRecord
            ' Form is at new record, thus no Bookmark exists.
            ' Ignore and continue.
        Case Else
            ' Unexpected error.
            Prompt = "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
            Buttons = vbCritical + vbOKOnly
            Title = Form.Name
            MsgBox Prompt, Buttons, Title
    End Select

    ' Return Null for any error.
    Number = Null
    Resume Exit_RecordNumber

End Function

Если необходимо использовать запрос, идентификатор не обязателен, если вы можете создать уникальный ключ путем объединения двух или более полей, например:

SELECT RowNumber([Field1] & "¤" & [Field2] & "¤" & [Field3]) AS RowID, *
FROM SomeTable
WHERE (RowNumber([Field1] & "¤" & [Field2] & "¤" & [Field3]) <> RowNumber("","",True));

используя функцию RowNumber :

' Builds consecutive row numbers in a select, append, or create query
' with the option of a initial automatic reset.
' Optionally, a grouping key can be passed to reset the row count
' for every group key.
' 2018-08-23. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function RowNumber( _
    ByVal Key As String, _
    Optional ByVal GroupKey As String, _
    Optional ByVal Reset As Boolean) _
    As Long

    ' Uncommon character string to assemble GroupKey and Key as a compound key.
    Const KeySeparator      As String = "¤§¤"
    ' Expected error codes to accept.
    Const CannotAddKey      As Long = 457
    Const CannotRemoveKey   As Long = 5

    Static Keys             As New Collection
    Static GroupKeys        As New Collection

    Dim Count               As Long
    Dim CompoundKey         As String

    On Error GoTo Err_RowNumber

    If Reset = True Then
        ' Erase the collection of keys and group key counts.
        Set Keys = Nothing
        Set GroupKeys = Nothing
        ' Create a compound key to uniquely identify GroupKey and its Key.
        ' Note: If GroupKey is not used, only one element will be added.
        CompoundKey = GroupKey & KeySeparator & Key
        Count = Keys(CompoundKey)

        If Count = 0 Then
            ' This record has not been enumerated.
            ' Will either fail if the group key is new, leaving Count as zero,
            ' or retrieve the count of already enumerated records with this group key.
            Count = GroupKeys(GroupKey) + 1
            If Count > 0 Then
                ' The group key has been recorded.
                ' Remove it to allow it to be recreated holding the new count.
                GroupKeys.Remove (GroupKey)
                ' This record is the first having this group key.
                ' Thus, the count is 1.
                Count = 1
            End If
            ' (Re)create the group key item with the value of the count of keys.
            GroupKeys.Add Count, GroupKey
        End If
        ' Add the key and its enumeration.
        ' This will be:
        '   Using no group key: Relative to the full recordset.
        '   Using a group key:  Relative to the group key.
        ' Will fail if the key already has been created.
        Keys.Add Count, CompoundKey
    End If

    ' Return the key value as this is the row counter.
    RowNumber = Count

    Exit Function

    Select Case Err
        Case CannotAddKey
            ' Key is present, thus cannot be added again.
            Resume Next
        Case CannotRemoveKey
            ' GroupKey is not present, thus cannot be removed.
            Resume Next
        Case Else
            ' Some other error. Ignore.
            Resume Exit_RowNumber
    End Select

End Function
0 голосов
/ 09 февраля 2019

Нет "легкого" пути.Если у вас есть первичный ключ или уникальный столбец, вы можете использовать подзапрос:

select (select count(*)
        from myQuery as q2
        where <=
       ) as seqnum,
from myQuery as q;

Однако производительность, скорее всего, будет приемлемой только для небольших таблиц.

Лучшей альтернативой может бытьопределить временную таблицу со столбцом автоматического нумерации и затем вставить данные в эту таблицу:

insert into myquery_table ( . . . )
    select . . .
    from myquery;
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