привет, я хочу использовать сортировку слиянием с массивом, используя потоки, мне нужно использовать два идентификатора потока, чтобы выполнить рекурсивную сортировку. Вот мой код
void Recursive_Divition(int a[], int l, int h,int Degree_of_parallelism,int count)//this function divdis recursivly the array
{//and sends it to merge sort
struct thread_data thread_data_array[Degree_of_parallelism];
int i, len=(h-l+1);
// Using insertion sort for small sized array
if (len==2*Degree_of_parallelism)//a stoping condition if the array size is equal to the degree of parallisim then send the array to be sortrd
pthread_t * thread = (pthread_t *)malloc(Degree_of_parallelism*sizeof(pthread_t ));//creating a pointer to thread array
thread_data_array[count].low=l;//the arguments for the merge sort
pthread_create(&thread[count],NULL,threaded_merge_sort,(void *) &thread_data_array[count]);//create a thread and send it to the function
thread_data_array[count].low=h/2+1;//the argument for the other thread
pthread_create(&thread[count],NULL,threaded_merge_sort,(void *) &thread_data_array[count]);
Recursive_Divition(a,l,l+len/2-1,Degree_of_parallelism,count);//for the first half
Recursive_Divition(a,l+len/2,h,Degree_of_parallelism,count);//for the secound half
merge(a, l, l+len/2-1, h);
}, а вот сортировка с многопоточным слиянием
void *threaded_merge_sort(void *param)
printf("Create a thread %u\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self());//this function calls the merge sort function
struct thread_data *my_data;
my_data = (struct thread_data *) param;
int l=my_data->low;
int h=my_data->high;
printf("low is : %d high is : %d\n",l,h);
, и я получил следующий вывод, что проблема в индексе, и я не знал, как ее исправить
Amount of numbers that sort: 16
Degree of parallelism: 8
Array Before Sort: 1,5,6,33,77,12,90,87,0,10,34,2,741,453,19,132
Create a thread 3158492928
low is : 0 high is : 1
Create a thread 3150100224
low is : 2 high is : 3
Create a thread 3141707520
low is : 4 high is : 3
Create a thread 3133314816
low is : 4 high is : 7
Create a thread 3122734848
low is : 8 high is : 5
Create a thread 3114342144
low is : 6 high is : 11
Create a thread 3105949440
Create a thread 3097556736
low is : 8 high is : 15
low is : 12 high is : 7
Array After Sort: 1,5,6,10,19,33,12,34,0,2,77,87,90,132,453,741