Ну, насколько я вижу, вы даже не инициализировали ratings
Но я внес небольшие изменения, и похоже, что это работает.Есть некоторые структурные вещи, которые я бы изменил в вашем коде.Ну очень много на самом деле.Но я думаю, это не нужно для вашего ответа.
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
import os, sys
import pandas as pd
import pdfkit as pdf
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
driveletter = os.getcwd().split(':')[0]
options = Options()
options.binary_location = driveletter+":\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable\App\Chrome-bin\chrome.exe"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=driveletter+":\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable\App\Chrome-bin\chromedriver.exe", )
#launch url
url = "https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2767052-the-hunger-games"
# create a new Chrome session
ratings = list()
last_page_source = ''
while True:
page_changed = False # It's useful to declare whether the page has changed or not
attempts = 0
while(not page_changed):
if last_page_source != driver.page_source:
page_changed = True
if attempts > 5: # Decide on some point when you want to give up.
time.sleep(3) # Give time to load new page. Interval could be shorter.
attempts += 1
if page_changed:
soup_1 = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'lxml')
user = soup_1.find('div', {'id': 'bookReviews'})
user = user.find_all('div',{'class':'friendReviews elementListBrown'})
for row in user: # finding for each separate rating
rating = {}
# try and except is needed because not all the users have a rating
rating['name'] = row.find('a',{'class': 'user'}).text # grabbing the username
rating['rating'] = row.find('span',{'class':'staticStars'})['title'] # grabbing user rating out of 5
last_page_source = driver.page_source
next_page_element = driver.find_element_by_class_name('next_page')
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", next_page_element) # clicking on the next button to scrape the other page
df_rev = pd.DataFrame(ratings) # merging all the results to build a data frame
name rating
0 Kiki liked it
1 Saniya it was amazing
2 Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies it was amazing
3 Dija it was amazing
4 Nataliya really liked it
5 Jana did not like it
6 Cecily it was ok
7 Meredith Holley it was amazing
8 Jayson really liked it
9 Chelsea Humphrey really liked it
10 Miranda Reads really liked it
11 ~Poppy~ really liked it
12 elissa it was amazing
13 Colleen Venable really liked it
14 Betsy it was amazing
15 Emily May really liked it
16 Lyndsey it was amazing
17 Morgan F it was amazing
18 Huda Yahya liked it
19 Nilesh Kashyap it was ok
20 Buggy it was amazing
21 Tessa liked it
22 Jamie it was amazing
23 Richard Derus did not like it
24 Maggie Stiefvater it was amazing
25 karen it was amazing
26 James it was amazing
27 Kai it was amazing
28 Brandi did not like it
29 Will Byrnes liked it
.. ... ...
263 shre ♡ it was amazing
264 Diane really liked it
265 Margaret Stohl it was amazing
266 Athena Shardbearer it was amazing
267 Ashley liked it
268 Geo Marcovici it was amazing
269 Pinky it was amazing
270 Mariel really liked it
271 Jim liked it
272 Frannie Pan it was amazing
273 Zanna really liked it
274 Χαρά Ζ. really liked it
275 Anzu The Great Destroyer really liked it
276 Beth it was amazing
277 Karla really liked it
278 Carla did not like it
279 Shawna it was amazing
280 Susane Colasanti it was amazing
281 Cherie really liked it
283 David Firmage liked it
284 Farith it was amazing
285 Tony DiTerlizzi it was amazing
286 Christy it was amazing
287 Emerald it was amazing
288 Sandra it was amazing
289 Chiara Pagliochini really liked it
290 Argona it was amazing
291 NZLisaM it was amazing
292 Vinaya it was amazing
293 Mac Ross it was amazing
[292 rows x 2 columns]
Объяснение: Вы инициализировали вашу BeautifulSoup на основе исходной страницы исходной ссылки.Вы никогда не меняли это вместе с кликами, которые вы сделали, чтобы изменить эту исходную страницу.
Редактировать: Пришлось вносить изменения в сом, так как я допустил ошибки в своем первоначальном ответе.