Редактировать на основе обратной связи с оператором:
Сначала рассмотрим ваш пример, нам нужно преобразовать каждый элемент list
в data.frame
с правильными colnames
col_names_list <- lapply(dat, function(x) x[1, ]) # we extract the first row (colnames)
dat <- lapply(dat, function(x) as.data.frame(x[-1, ])) # change to data.frame format
dat <- map2(dat, col_names_list, function(x,y) {colnames(x)[1] <- y[1]
# change the colname in data.frame only for the first column (named "Condition")
С помощью map
мы можем извлечь то, что нам нужно:
dat %>%
map(function(x) x[grepl("malaria", x[,1]),, drop = FALSE])
# [[1]]
# Condition 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total
# 4 Uncomplicated malaria 4969 302891 227034 215533 750426
# [[2]]
# Condition 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total
# 1 Uncomplicated malaria 209182 264785 227034 215533 916534
Используемые данные:
dat <- list(structure(c("Condition", "Malnutrition", "Anaemia", "Pneumonia",
"Uncomplicated malaria", "Diarrhoea with Blood", "Other diarrhea",
"Total", "2001", "118", "243", "1592", "4969", "134", "423",
"7479", "2002", "9927", "18933", "98068", "302891", "21724",
"48610", "500153", "2003", "7232", "18933", "68418", "227034",
"13369", "35083", "370069", "2004", "6896", "98068", "74769",
"215533", "12198", "46265", "453729", "Total", "334156", "136177",
"242847", "750426", "47425", "130381", "1641412"), .Dim = c(8L,
structure(c("Condition", "Uncomplicated malaria", "Diarrhoea with Blood",
"Other diarrhea", "Pneumonia", "Hypertension", "Diabetes", "Cataracts",
"Asthma", "Scabies", "Mental Disorder", "2001", "209182", "7306",
"12800", "27832", "13573", "231", "614", "2857", "15596", "1326",
"2002", "264785", "17662", "27739", "54454", "24759", "1009",
"1092", "7470", "43741", "2298", "2003", "227034", "8225", "2003",
"38233", "18790", "551", "526", "5819", "22077", "1627", "2004",
"215533", "7605", "2004", "41128", "23329", "690", "834", "5583",
"23784", "1954", "Total", "916534", "40798", "44546", "161647",
"80451", "2481", "3066", "21729", "105198", "7205"), .Dim = c(11L,