Вы можете сделать это еще проще.У Laravel есть свой собственный помощник "request ()", который можно вызывать в любом месте вашего кода.
Итак, как правило, вы можете сделать это:
public function store()
$post_model = new Post;
// for queries it's better to use transactions to handle errors
try {
\DB::commit(); // if there was no errors, your query will be executed
} catch (\Exception $e) {
\DB::rollback(); // either it won't execute any statements and rollback your database to previous state
// you don't need any if statements anymore. If you're here, it means all data has been saved successfully
return redirect(route('post.index'));
public function postStore()
$request = request(); //save helper result to variable, so it can be reused
$this->title = $request->title;
$this->description = $request->description;
Я покажу вам полный передовой опыт обновления и создания:
Route::post('store/post/{post?}', 'PostController@post')->name('post.store');
yourform.blade.php - может использоваться для обновления и создания
<form action='{{ route('post.store', ['post' => $post->id ?? null]))'>
<!-- some inputs here -->
<!-- some inputs here -->
public function update(Post $post) {
// $post - if you sent null, in this variable will be 'new Post' result
// either laravel will try to find id you provided in your view, like Post::findOrFail(1). Of course, if it can't, it'll abort(404)
// then you can call your method postStore and it'll update or create for your new post.
// anyway, I'd recommend you to do next
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return redirect(route('post.index'));