Я пробовал rjson, jsonlite и ndjson.Все они возвращают следующее сообщение об ошибке при попытке загрузить файл JSON.т.е.
data <- read_json("/home/stathis/Desktop/09-02-2019_16")
Error in parse_con(txt, bigint_as_char) :
lexical error: invalid char in json text.
{'owner_name': 'sotarako', 'loc_
(right here) ------^
Ниже вы можете найти первые 2 строки файла json:
{'owner_name': 'sotarako', 'loc_id': 0, 'display_url': 'https://instagram.fath5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/07ee00d0a9de5671a2e8ccd472ee0d96/5CFE300C/t51.2885-15/e35/47585464_135865460750958_4471115700828804682_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fath5-1.fna.fbcdn.net', 'loc_lon': 0, 'loc_lat': 0, 'loc_name': '', 'taken_at_timestamp': 1546573989, 'caption': 'At the time I had no idea what those red clouds were. I assumed it was the sand storms from Egypt because that\u2019s what I overheard a guy saying on his cellphone. #matifire #athens', 'shortcode': 'BsMsBfABfCf', 'id': '1949126354796933279', 'owner_id': '6425012335'}
{'owner_name': 'scientologyvolunteerministers', 'loc_id': 0, 'display_url': 'https://instagram.fath5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/01d2fc475de1088ed3bfdd1879a44fd2/5CF4B718/t51.2885-15/e15/39910768_1085936101581145_4945610959663136768_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fath5-1.fna.fbcdn.net', 'loc_lon': 0, 'loc_lat': 0, 'loc_name': '', 'taken_at_timestamp': 1535080295, 'caption': 'Compassionate Help in the Aftermath of Greece Fires - Get the story: http://qoo.ly/rjkbr and on ScientologyNews.org. Scientology Volunteers on hand to aid since the July 23 conflagration that destroyed the town of Mati, Greece, continue to bring help and comfort to those in need. Record-breaking temperatures and gale-force winds combined to create Greece\u2019s deadliest fire in decades. Worst hit was the resort town of Mati, some 20 miles east of Athens\u2014now entirely destroyed.', 'shortcode': 'Bm2Jim3FFFn', 'id': '1852710257316614503', 'owner_id': '7110748054'}
В чем именно проблема?