Как документация гласит :
Хотя current_thread::Runtime
не реализует Send
и не может быть безопасно перемещен в другие потоки, он предоставляет Handle
, который можетотправляется в другие потоки и позволяет создавать оттуда новые задачи.
Вот пример вращения цикла событий в одном потоке и наличия в нем задач вызова второго потока.Все задачи начинаются в шахматном порядке, но завершаются одновременно:
use std::{
time::{Duration, Instant},
use tokio::{prelude::*, runtime::current_thread, timer::Delay}; // 0.1.15
fn main() {
let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel();
let (handle_tx, handle_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
let tokio_thread = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut runtime = current_thread::Runtime::new().expect("Unable to create the runtime");
eprintln!("Runtime created");
// Give a handle to the runtime to another thread.
.expect("Unable to give runtime handle to another thread");
// Continue running until notified to shutdown
.spawn({ shutdown_rx.map_err(|e| panic!("Error on the shutdown channel: {:?}", e)) });
// Finish all pending tasks
runtime.run().expect("Unable to run the runtime");
eprintln!("Runtime finished");
let another_thread = thread::spawn(move || {
let handle = handle_rx
.expect("Could not get a handle to the other thread's runtime");
eprintln!("Another thread created");
let two_seconds_after_creation = Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(2);
for value in 0..10 {
// Run this future in the other thread's runtime
.spawn(future::lazy(move || {
eprintln!("Starting task for value {}", value);
.inspect(move |_| eprintln!("Finishing task for value {}", value))
.expect("Unable to spawn a new task on the runtime");
eprintln!("Another thread finished");
another_thread.join().expect("Another thread panicked");
.expect("Unable to shutdown runtime thread");
tokio_thread.join().expect("Tokio thread panicked");
Runtime created
Another thread created
Starting task for value 0
Starting task for value 1
Starting task for value 2
Starting task for value 3
Starting task for value 4
Starting task for value 5
Starting task for value 6
Starting task for value 7
Starting task for value 8
Starting task for value 9
Another thread finished
Finishing task for value 0
Finishing task for value 1
Finishing task for value 2
Finishing task for value 3
Finishing task for value 4
Finishing task for value 5
Finishing task for value 6
Finishing task for value 7
Finishing task for value 8
Finishing task for value 9
Runtime finished