Я вызываю REST Api с RetroFit 2 и пытаюсь отобразить его с помощью RecyclerView, но по какой-то причине я получаю исключение ресурсов $ NotFoundException.
Сгенерировано JSON, которое я хочу прочитать и отобразить вRecyclerView:
"generated_at": "2018-05-31T12:10:29+00:00",
"schema": "http:\/\/schemas.sportradar.com\/bsa\/soccer\/v1\/json\/endpoints\/soccer\/tournament_standings.json",
"tournament": {
"id": "sr:tournament:17",
"name": "Premier League",
"sport": {
"id": "sr:sport:1",
"name": "Soccer"
"category": {
"id": "sr:category:1",
"name": "England",
"country_code": "ENG"
"current_season": {
"id": "sr:season:40942",
"name": "Premier League 17\/18",
"start_date": "2017-08-11",
"end_date": "2018-05-14",
"year": "17\/18"
"season": {
"id": "sr:season:40942",
"name": "Premier League 17\/18",
"start_date": "2017-08-11",
"end_date": "2018-05-14",
"year": "17\/18",
"tournament_id": "sr:tournament:17"
"standings": [{
"tie_break_rule": "In the event that two (or more) teams have an equal number of points, the following rules break the tie:\r\n1. Goal difference\r\n2. Goals scored",
"type": "total",
"groups": [{
"team_standings": [{
"team": {
"id": "sr:competitor:17",
"name": "Manchester City"
"rank": 1,
"current_outcome": "Champions League",
"played": 38,
"win": 32,
"draw": 4,
"loss": 2,
"goals_for": 106,
"goals_against": 27,
"goal_diff": 79,
"points": 100
Итак, я создал ответ, который:
public class StandingsResponse {
private String mGeneratedAt;
private String mSchema;
private List<Standings> mStandings;
public String getGeneratedAt() {
return mGeneratedAt;
public void setGeneratedAt(String generatedAt) {
mGeneratedAt = generatedAt;
public String getSchema() {
return mSchema;
public void setSchema(String schema) {
mSchema = schema;
public List<Standings> getStandings() {
return mStandings;
public void setStandings(List<Standings> standings) {
mStandings = standings;
В ответе есть список стандартов, в турнирной таблице POJO есть список групп:
public class Standings {
private List<Group> mGroup;
public List<Group> getGroup() {
return mGroup;
public void setGroup(List<Group> group) {
mGroup = group;
Группы POJO имеет список TeamStandings:
public class Group {
private List<TeamStandings> mTeamStandings;
public List<TeamStandings> getTeamStandings() {
return mTeamStandings;
public void setTeamStandings(List<TeamStandings> teamStandings) {
mTeamStandings = teamStandings;
И TeamStandings имеет все данные, которые я хочу отобразить:
public class TeamStandings {
private Team mTeam;
private Integer mRank;
private Integer mPlayed;
private Integer mWin;
private Integer mDraw;
private Integer mLose;
private Integer mGoalsFor;
private Integer mGoalsAgainst;
private Integer mGoalsDiff;
private Integer mPoints;
public Integer getGoalsFor() {
return mGoalsFor;
public void setGoalsFor(Integer goalsFor) {
mGoalsFor = goalsFor;
public Integer getGoalsAgainst() {
return mGoalsAgainst;
public void setGoalsAgainst(Integer goalsAgainst) {
mGoalsAgainst = goalsAgainst;
public Integer getGoalsDiff() {
return mGoalsDiff;
public void setGoalsDiff(Integer goalsDiff) {
mGoalsDiff = goalsDiff;
public Integer getRank() {
return mRank;
public void setRank(Integer rank) {
mRank = rank;
public Integer getPlayed() {
return mPlayed;
public void setPlayed(Integer played) {
mPlayed = played;
public Integer getWin() {
return mWin;
public void setWin(Integer win) {
mWin = win;
public Integer getDraw() {
return mDraw;
public void setDraw(Integer draw) {
mDraw = draw;
public Integer getLose() {
return mLose;
public void setLose(Integer lose) {
mLose = lose;
public Integer getPoints() {
return mPoints;
public void setPoints(Integer points) {
mPoints = points;
public Team getTeam() {
return mTeam;
public void setTeam(Team team) {
mTeam = team;
Я вызываю ответ и правильноприкрепление тела ответа к адаптеру, но по какой-то причине происходит сбой приложения, и я вижу эту ошибку в Logcat:
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x1
at android.content.res.Resources.getText(Resources.java:339)
at android.widget.TextView.setText(TextView.java:5496)
at com.mad.footstats.ui.adapters.StandingsAdapter.onBindViewHolder(StandingsAdapter.java:62)
Редактировать: это мой адаптер:
public class StandingsAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<StandingsAdapter.StandingsViewHolder> {
private List<Standings> mStandings;
private int mRowLayout;
private Context mContext;
public class StandingsViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
LinearLayout standingsLayout;
TextView teamRank, teamName, teamPlayed, teamWon, teamDraw,
teamLose, teamFor, teamAgainst, teamGd, teamPts;
public StandingsViewHolder(View itemView) {
standingsLayout = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_layout);
teamRank = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_rank);
teamName = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_name);
teamPlayed = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_played);
teamWon = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_won);
teamDraw = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_draw);
teamLose = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_lost);
teamFor = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_for);
teamAgainst = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_against);
teamGd = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_gd);
teamPts = itemView.findViewById(R.id.standings_team_pts);
public StandingsAdapter (List<Standings> standings, int rowLayout,
Context context){
mStandings = standings;
mRowLayout = rowLayout;
mContext = context;
public StandingsViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(mRowLayout, parent, false);
StandingsViewHolder holder = new StandingsViewHolder(view);
return holder;
public void onBindViewHolder(StandingsViewHolder holder, int position) {
public int getItemCount() {
return mStandings.size();