Мне удалось найти лучший URL-адрес для запроса данных: "https://www.snowyhydro.com.au/wp-content/themes/basic/get_dataxml.php
Ответ JSON на запрос явно не интерпретируется как таблица, но я думаю, что функции, которые здесь выполняются, должны выполнятьсячто для вас:
# This function is called from within the other to convert each day
# to its own dataframe, creating extra columns for the year, month, and day
entry.to.row <- function(entry) {
date = entry[["-date"]]
entry.df = data.frame(
matrix(unlist(entry$lake), nrow=length(entry$lake), byrow = T),
stringsAsFactors = F
colnames(entry.df) = c("LakeName", "Date","Measurement")
entry.df$Date = date
date.split = strsplit(date, split = "-")[[1]]
entry.df$Year = date.split[1]
entry.df$Month = date.split[2]
entry.df$Day = date.split[3]
# Fetch the data for two years and convert them into two data.frames which
# we will then merge into a single data.frame
fetch.data <- function(
base.url = "https://www.snowyhydro.com.au/wp-content/themes/basic/get_dataxml.php",
) {
fetched = httr::POST(
url = base.url,
body = list("year_current"=current, "year_pass"=past)
datJSON = fromJSON(content(fetched, as = "text"), simplifyVector = F)
pastJSON = datJSON$year_pass$snowyhydro$level
pastEntries = do.call("rbind", lapply(pastJSON, entry.to.row))
currentJSON = datJSON$year_current$snowyhydro$level
currentEntries = do.call("rbind", lapply(currentJSON, entry.to.row))
rbind(pastEntries, currentEntries)
# Fetch the data for 2019 and 2018
dat = fetch.data(current=2019, past=2018)
> head(dat)
LakeName Date Measurement Year Month Day
1 Lake Eucumbene 2018-01-01 46.40 2018 01 01
2 Lake Jindabyne 2018-01-01 85.80 2018 01 01
3 Tantangara Reservoir 2018-01-01 42.94 2018 01 01
4 Lake Eucumbene 2018-01-02 46.41 2018 01 02
5 Lake Jindabyne 2018-01-02 85.72 2018 01 02
6 Tantangara Reservoir 2018-01-02 42.98 2018 01 02