Я создал надстройку Office для Word Online, но не могу заставить работать единый вход.
Когда активирована надстройка, Word Online предлагает пользователю принять разрешения надстройки, но я не могу получить токен единого входа через Office.js.
Когда getAccessTokenAsync()
Первый называется, я не получаю ответа или ошибок.Если я снова вызываю функцию, я получаю код ошибки 13008
.Это означает, что операция выполняется, но результат никогда не возвращается.
Файл манифеста предоставляется с
<Resource>api://localhost:43443/00e69b3f-c86c-4764-9e6e-xxxxxxxx </Resource>
Регистрация конечной точки Azure v2
Надстройка зарегистрирована на https://apps.dev.microsoft.com
Платформа Web Api:
Предварительно авторизованное приложение:
Я предоставил согласие администратора, используя https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/adminconsent?client_id=00e69b3f-c86c-4764-9e6e-xxxxxxxx&state=12345
Если тот же манифест загружен в Powerpoint онлайн или в Excel / Spreadsheet онлайн, то этоможно получить токен, вызвав getAccessTokenAsync (), но все еще не в Word Online
Хост документов
<!--Each host can have a different set of commands. Cool huh!? -->
<!-- Workbook=Excel Document=Word Presentation=PowerPoint -->
<!-- Make sure the hosts you override match the hosts declared in the top section of the manifest -->
<Host xsi:type="Document">
<!-- Form factor. Currenly only DesktopFormFactor is supported. We will add TabletFormFactor and PhoneFormFactor in the future-->
<!--GetStarted information used on the callout that appears when installing the add-in.
Ensure you have build 16.0.6769 or above for GetStarted section to work-->
<!--Title of the Getting Started callout. resid points to a ShortString resource -->
<Title resid="dt.GetStarted.Title"/>
<!--Description of the Getting Started callout. resid points to a LongString resource -->
<Description resid="dt.GetStarted.Description"/>
<!--Not used right now but you need to provide a valid resource. We will add code in the future to consume this URL.
resid points to a Url resource -->
<LearnMoreUrl resid="dt.GetStarted.LearnMoreUrl"/>
<!--Function file is an html page that includes the javascript where functions for ExecuteAction will be called.
Think of the FunctionFile as the "code behind" ExecuteFunction-->
<FunctionFile resid="dt.FunctionFile.Url" />
<!--PrimaryCommandSurface==Main Office Ribbon-->
<ExtensionPoint xsi:type="PrimaryCommandSurface">
<!--Use OfficeTab to extend an existing Tab. Use CustomTab to create a new tab -->
<!-- Documentation includes all the IDs currently tested to work -->
<CustomTab id="dt.Tab1">
<!--Group ID-->
<Group id="dt.Tab1.Group1">
<!--Label for your group. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Label resid="dt.Tab1.GroupLabel" />
<!-- Sample Todo: Each size needs its own icon resource or it will look distorted when resized -->
<!--Icons. Required sizes 16,31,80, optional 20, 24, 40, 48, 64. Strongly recommended to provide all sizes for great UX -->
<!--Use PNG icons and remember that all URLs on the resources section must use HTTPS -->
<bt:Image size="16" resid="dt.TaskpaneButton.Icon" />
<bt:Image size="32" resid="dt.TaskpaneButton.Icon" />
<bt:Image size="80" resid="dt.TaskpaneButton.Icon" />
<!--Control. It can be of type "Button" or "Menu" -->
<Control xsi:type="Button" id="dt.LetterButton">
<!--Label for your button. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Label resid="dt.LetterButton.Label" />
<!--ToolTip title. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Title resid="dt.LetterButton.Label" />
<!--ToolTip description. resid must point to a LongString resource -->
<Description resid="dt.LetterButton.Tooltip" />
<bt:Image size="16" resid="dt.LetterButton.Icon16" />
<bt:Image size="32" resid="dt.LetterButton.Icon32" />
<bt:Image size="80" resid="dt.LetterButton.Icon80" />
<!--This is what happens when the command is triggered (E.g. click on the Ribbon). Supported actions are ExecuteFuncion or ShowTaskpane-->
<!--Look at the FunctionFile.html page for reference on how to implement the function -->
<Action xsi:type="ExecuteFunction">
<!--Name of the function to call. This function needs to exist in the global DOM namespace of the function file-->
<Control xsi:type="Button" id="dt.PhraseButton">
<!--Label for your button. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Label resid="dt.PhraseButton.Label" />
<!--ToolTip title. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Title resid="dt.PhraseButton.Label" />
<!--ToolTip description. resid must point to a LongString resource -->
<Description resid="dt.PhraseButton.Tooltip" />
<bt:Image size="16" resid="dt.PhraseButton.Icon16" />
<bt:Image size="32" resid="dt.PhraseButton.Icon32" />
<bt:Image size="80" resid="dt.PhraseButton.Icon80" />
<!--This is what happens when the command is triggered (E.g. click on the Ribbon). Supported actions are ExecuteFuncion or ShowTaskpane-->
<!--Look at the FunctionFile.html page for reference on how to implement the function -->
<Action xsi:type="ExecuteFunction">
<!--Name of the function to call. This function needs to exist in the global DOM namespace of the function file-->
<Group id="dt.Tab1.Group2">
<!--Label for your group. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Label resid="dt.Tab1.GroupLabel2" />
<!-- Sample Todo: Each size needs its own icon resource or it will look distorted when resized -->
<!--Icons. Required sizes 16,31,80, optional 20, 24, 40, 48, 64. Strongly recommended to provide all sizes for great UX -->
<!--Use PNG icons and remember that all URLs on the resources section must use HTTPS -->
<bt:Image size="16" resid="dt.TaskpaneButton.Icon" />
<bt:Image size="32" resid="dt.TaskpaneButton.Icon" />
<bt:Image size="80" resid="dt.TaskpaneButton.Icon" />
<Control xsi:type="Button" id="dt.SignonButton">
<!--Label for your button. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Label resid="dt.SignonButton.Label" />
<!--ToolTip title. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Title resid="dt.SignonButton.Label" />
<!--ToolTip description. resid must point to a LongString resource -->
<Description resid="dt.SignonButton.Tooltip" />
<bt:Image size="16" resid="dt.SignonButton.Icon16" />
<bt:Image size="32" resid="dt.SignonButton.Icon32" />
<bt:Image size="80" resid="dt.SignonButton.Icon80" />
<!--This is what happens when the command is triggered (E.g. click on the Ribbon). Supported actions are ExecuteFuncion or ShowTaskpane-->
<!--Look at the FunctionFile.html page for reference on how to implement the function -->
<Action xsi:type="ExecuteFunction">
<!--Name of the function to call. This function needs to exist in the global DOM namespace of the function file-->
<Control xsi:type="Button" id="dt.SignonButton3">
<!--Label for your button. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Label resid="dt.SignonButton.Label" />
<!--ToolTip title. resid must point to a ShortString resource -->
<Title resid="dt.SignonButton.Label" />
<!--ToolTip description. resid must point to a LongString resource -->
<Description resid="dt.SignonButton.Tooltip" />
<bt:Image size="16" resid="dt.SignonButton.Icon16" />
<bt:Image size="32" resid="dt.SignonButton.Icon32" />
<bt:Image size="80" resid="dt.SignonButton.Icon80" />
<!--This is what happens when the command is triggered (E.g. click on the Ribbon). Supported actions are ExecuteFuncion or ShowTaskpane-->
<!--Look at the FunctionFile.html page for reference on how to implement the function -->
<Action xsi:type="ShowTaskpane">
<!-- Provide a url resource id for the location that will be displayed on the task pane. -->
<SourceLocation resid="Contoso.Taskpane.Url" />
<!-- Label of your tab -->
<!-- If validating with XSD it needs to be at the end, we might change this before release -->
<Label resid="dt.Tab1.TabLabel" />