Не могу понять, почему программа C ++ дает сбой во время выполнения.Не встречается в Linux, но происходит в Windows NetBeans - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 11 февраля 2019

Я заканчиваю финальный проект для вводного курса C ++, проект должен быть простой игрой.Я выбрал блэкджек.Большинство своих заданий я пишу в Visual Studio Code для Linux.Наш профессор, однако, требует, чтобы наши задания были представлены в виде проектов net-beans.По большей части перенос кода в новый проект не доставляет мне проблем.Однако в этот раз моя программа иногда будет зависать во время выполнения.

        #include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

//function prototypes
bool menu();
void showName(string, string); 
void setName(string&, string&);
void resetDeck(vector<string> &, vector<int> &, int, const string[], const string[]);
void deal(vector<int> &, vector<string> &, vector<string> &, vector <int> &);
int exit(); 
void getBet (float &, float &);
int calcHand(vector <int> &);
void showHand(vector <string> &);
int turn();
void hit(vector<int> &, vector<string> &, vector<string> &, vector <int> &, bool &, bool &);
void dealHit(vector<int> &, vector<string> &, vector<string> &, vector <int> &, bool &, bool &);
void surrender(float &, float &);
bool ask(string);
void addWin(float , float &, string);
void chkWin(bool, float, float&, string, vector<int> &, vector<int> &);
bool chkAce(vector <int> &);
void chkBJ(vector<int> &, bool &);
void chkBJ(vector<int> &, bool &, bool &, bool &);

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
        bool play = true;      //play game
        const int deckSize = 52;

        vector<int> P1_HandVal;
        vector<string> P1_HandName;
        vector<int> P2_HandVal;
        vector<string> P2_HandName;
        vector<int> DEALER_HandVal;
        vector<string> DEALER_HandName;
        vector<string> cardName(deckSize);
        vector<int> cardValue(deckSize);

        int P1_TOT = 0,
                P2_TOT = 0,
                DEAL_TOT = 0,
                DEALER_ACE;         //total of player's hand

        bool P1_BUST = false,
            P2_BUST = false,
            DEALER_BUST = false,
            CNT = true;   //if player has bust

        float P1_BANK = 100,                //current player's bank
                P2_BANK = 100,            
                P1_BET,             //current player's bet amount

        //player names
        string P1_NAME, P2_NAME; 

        srand (time(NULL));     //set random num generator

        string numName[] = {"Ace", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King"};
        string suit[] = {"Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"};

    //menu selection
    play = menu(); 

    if(play == true){
        setName(P1_NAME, P2_NAME);

    //play game
        resetDeck(cardName, cardValue, deckSize, numName, suit);

        P1_BJ = false;
        P2_BJ = false;
        DEAL_BJ = false; 

        P1_BUST = false;
        P2_BUST = false;
        DEALER_BUST = false;



        //P1 Bet
        showName(P1_NAME, "Bet");
        getBet(P1_BET, P1_BANK);
        cout << endl; 
        //P2 Bet
        showName(P2_NAME, "Bet");
        getBet(P2_BET, P2_BANK);                     

        //Deal P1
            cout << endl; 
            showName(P1_NAME, "Deal");
            deal(cardValue, cardName, P1_HandName, P1_HandVal);
            deal(cardValue, cardName, P1_HandName, P1_HandVal);
            chkBJ(P1_HandVal, P1_BJ);

        //Deal P2
            cout << endl;
            showName(P2_NAME, "Deal");
            deal(cardValue, cardName, 
            P2_HandName, P2_HandVal);
            deal(cardValue, cardName, P2_HandName, P2_HandVal);
            chkBJ(P2_HandVal, P2_BJ);

        //Deal Dealer 
            cout << endl; 
            showName("Dealer", "Deal");
            deal(cardValue, cardName, DEALER_HandName, DEALER_HandVal);
            deal(cardValue, cardName, DEALER_HandName, DEALER_HandVal);
            cout << "Dealer's Face up card: " << DEALER_HandName[0] << endl;
            if (chkAce(DEALER_HandVal)){
                DEALER_ACE = calcHand(DEALER_HandVal) + 10;

        //P1 Choice

        showName(P1_NAME, "Turn");
        cout << "Current hand total: " << calcHand(P1_HandVal);
            case 1:
            case 2:
                hit(cardValue, cardName, P1_HandName, P1_HandVal, P1_BUST, P1_BJ);
            case 3:
                surrender(P1_BET, P1_BANK);

        //P2 Choice
        showName(P2_NAME, "Turn");
        cout << "Current hand total: " << calcHand(P2_HandVal);
            case 1:
            case 2:
                hit(cardValue, cardName, P2_HandName, P2_HandVal, P2_BUST, P1_BJ);
            case 3:
                surrender(P2_BET, P2_BANK);

        //Dealers actions
        if (P1_BUST == false || P2_BUST == false){
            cout << "\nDealer's Turn: " << endl;
            cout << "--------------" << endl; 
            if (!DEAL_BJ){
                cout << "Hand total: " << calcHand(DEALER_HandVal) << endl; 
                dealHit(cardValue, cardName, DEALER_HandName, DEALER_HandVal, DEALER_BUST, DEAL_BJ);
                cout << "Blackjack!";

        P1_TOT = calcHand(P1_HandVal);
        P2_TOT = calcHand(P2_HandVal);
        DEAL_TOT = calcHand(DEALER_HandVal);

        if(P1_BUST == false){
            chkWin(DEALER_BUST, P1_BET, P1_BANK, P1_NAME, P1_HandVal, DEALER_HandVal);
            cout << P1_NAME << "lost!" << endl;
            cout << "New bank total: $" << P1_BANK << endl; 

        if(P2_BUST == false){
            chkWin(DEALER_BUST, P2_BET, P2_BANK, P2_NAME, P2_HandVal, DEALER_HandVal);
            cout << P2_NAME << "lost!" << endl;
            cout << "New bank total: $" << P2_BANK << endl; 

        //write score to leaderboard file
        cout << endl << "Writing scores to score.txt...";

        ofstream outputFile; 

        outputFile << P1_NAME << "'s Hand: " << P1_TOT << endl;
        outputFile << P2_NAME << "'s Hand: " << P2_TOT << endl;

        //close file 

        //Determine if player wants to play again
        cout << endl; 
        play = ask("Play again?");


//function to display a player's name when it's their turn.
void showName(string NAME, string TITLE){
    cout << endl << NAME << "'s " << TITLE << endl; 
    for (int i = 0; i < NAME.length(); i++){
        cout << "-";
    cout << "-------" << endl;

//function to set player names
void setName(string &P1_NAME, string &P2_NAME){
        cout << "\nPlayer 1 Enter Name: ";
        cin >> P1_NAME;
        cout << endl;

        cout << "Player 2 Enter Name: ";
        cin >> P2_NAME;

//output and gain input for main menu 
bool menu(){
        cout << "Welcome to blackjack" << endl;
    cout << "--------------------" << endl;

    cout << "1. Play Game" << endl;
    cout << "2. Help" << endl; 
    cout << "3. Exit" << endl;

    bool VALID, fin = false, play = true;
    int INPUT;

            VALID = true; 

            cout << endl << "Choice(1,2,3):";
            cin >> INPUT;

            if (INPUT > 3 || INPUT < 1){
                cout << endl << "ERROR: Invalid input";
                VALID = false;

            case 1:
                fin = true; 
            case 2:
                cout << endl << "2 cards will be distributed to you to begin\n" << 
                "and you may hit until you reach 21 or bust.\nThe goal is the beat the other hand.\n";
                fin = false; 
            case 3:
                play = false; 
                fin = true;

    return play;

//function to reset the card names
void resetDeck(vector<string> &cardName, vector<int> &cardValue, int deckSize, const string numName[], const string suit[]){
    //reset the card names
    for (int i = 0; i < deckSize; i++){
        cardName[i] = (numName[i % 13] + " of " + suit[i/13]);
    //reset card values
    int n;
    for (int i = 0; i < deckSize; i++){
        n = (i % 13) + 1;
        if (n >= 10)
            cardValue[i] = 10;
            cardValue[i] = n; 

//function to deal a card to a player
void deal(vector<int> &cardValue, vector<string> &cardName, vector<string> &handName, vector <int> &handValue){
    int card = rand() % cardValue.size();     //get a random number to pull
    //add value to hand
    //remove value from vector
    cardValue.erase(cardValue.begin() + card);
    //add name to hand
    //remove name from vector
    cardName.erase(cardName.begin() + card);

//print the current cards in players hand
void showHand(vector <string> &hand_name){
    for (int i = 0; i < hand_name.size(); i++){
        cout << hand_name[i] << endl;

//calculate the current hand total
int calcHand(vector <int> &hand_value){
    int total = 0; 
    for (int i = 0; i < hand_value.size(); i++){
        total += hand_value[i];

    return total; 

//ask the player how much they want to bet
void getBet (float &bet, float &bank){
    bool valid; 
    cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
    cout << "Current bank amount: $" << bank << endl; 

    //gain and validate user input
        valid = true; 
        cout << "How much to bet?: $";
        cin >> bet;
        if(bet > bank){
            valid = false; 
    }while(valid == false);

    bank -= bet;    //adjust bet from bank
    cout << "Current bank amount: $" << bank; 

//exit program
int exit(){
    cout << endl << "Exiting program...";
    return 0; 

//ask player what they want to do on their turn
int turn(){
    int choice;
    bool valid = true; 

    //print menu
    cout << "\n1. Stand" << endl;
    cout << "2. Hit" << endl;
    cout << "3. Surrender" << endl;

    //gain input and validate
        cout << "Enter Choice(1,2,3): ";
        valid = true;
        cin >> choice;
        if (choice > 3 || choice < 1){
            cout << "ERROR: INVALID SELECTION\n";
            valid = false; 


    return choice;

//hit card
void hit(vector<int> &cardValue, vector<string> &cardName, vector<string> &handName, vector <int> &handValue, bool &bust, bool &BJ){
    bool cnt = true;

        deal(cardValue, cardName, handName, handValue); //add card to players hand
        cout << handName[(handName.size()- 1)] << endl;         //Print the card that was added
        chkBJ(handValue, BJ, bust, cnt);

//the dealers hit decision
void dealHit(vector<int> &cardValue, vector<string> &cardName, vector<string> &handName, vector <int> &handValue, bool &bust, bool &BJ){
    bool hit = false; 

        if(calcHand(handValue) + 10 < 17)
            hit = true;
    else if (calcHand(handValue) < 17)
        hit = true; 

    if(hit == true){
        cout << endl << "The dealer will hit" << endl; 
        deal(cardValue, cardName, handName, handValue);
        cout << "New total: " << calcHand(handValue) << endl;
        if (calcHand(handValue) > 21){
            cout << "The dealer bust!" << endl;
            bust = true; 
        else if(calcHand(handValue) == 21){
            cout << "The dealer got 21!" << endl;
            BJ = true; 
        cout << "The dealer will stay" << endl; 

//surrender hand
void surrender(float &bet, float &bank){
    cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
    bank += (0.5 * bet);
    cout << "The house is taking half of your bet..." << endl;
    cout << "Current bank amount: $" << bank << endl; 

//ask player a question and get a yes or no answer
bool ask(string question){
    bool choice;
    char ans;

    cout << question << "(y/n): ";
    cin >> ans; 
    if (ans == 'y'|| ans == 'Y')
        choice = true;
    else if (ans == 'n' || ans == 'N')
        choice = false;

    return choice;

void addWin(float bet, float &bank, string name){
    bank += 2 * bet;
    cout << name << " got a winning hand!!" << endl;
    cout << "New bank amount: $" << bank << endl; 

void chkWin(bool dealBust, float bet, float &bank, string name, vector<int> &pHand, vector<int> &dHand){
    int PTOT = calcHand(pHand),
    DTOT = calcHand(dHand); 

    bool win = false;

        if(PTOT + 10 <= 21){
            PTOT += 10; 
        if(DTOT + 10 <= 21){
            DTOT += 10; 

    if(dealBust == true){
        win = true; 

    if(PTOT == DTOT){
        cout << name << " tied with the dealer\nNo money lost!" << endl; 
        bank += bet;
    else if(PTOT > DTOT){
        win = true;

        cout << setprecision(2) << fixed; 
        cout << name << " won $" << (bet * 2) << endl;
        bank += bet;
        cout << name << "Lost!" << endl;

    cout << "New bank total: $" << bank << endl; 

//checks if there's an Ace in the hand
bool chkAce(vector <int> &handValue){
    int i = 0;
    bool found = false;

    while (i < handValue.size() && !found){
        if (handValue[i] == 1){
            found = true; 

    return found;

//checks for a blackjack
//check during first deal
void chkBJ(vector<int> &handValue, bool & BJ){
    int ACE = 0,
        TOT = calcHand(handValue);

    if (chkAce(handValue)){    //check if there's an ace in the player's hand
        ACE = TOT + 10;           
        if (ACE == 21){          //check of the value with the ace as 11 = 21
            cout << "Blackjack!" << endl;
            BJ = true;
        else if (ACE > 21){
            cout << "Hand Total: " << TOT << endl; 
            cout << "Hand Total: " << TOT << "/" << ACE << endl; 
        if(TOT == 21){
            cout << "Blackjack!" << endl;
            BJ = true;
            cout << "Hand Total: " << TOT << endl;

//checks during turn
void chkBJ(vector<int> &handValue, bool &BJ, bool &BUST, bool &cnt){
    int ACE = 0,
        TOT = calcHand(handValue);
    cnt = false; 

    if(TOT > 21){
            cout << "\nUh oh. You bust!" << endl;
            BUST = true;
            cnt = false; 
        if (chkAce(handValue) == true){    //check if there's an ace in the player's hand
            ACE = TOT + 10;
            if (ACE == 21){          //check of the value with the ace as 11 = 21
                cout << "Blackjack!" << endl;
                BJ = true;
                cnt = false; 
            else if(ACE > 21){
                cout << "Hand Total: " << TOT << endl; 
                cnt = true; 
                cout << "Hand Total: " << TOT << "/" << ACE << endl; 
                cnt = ask("Hit again?");
            if(TOT == 21){
                cout << "Blackjack!" << endl;
                BJ = true;
                cnt = false; 
                cout << "Hand Total: " << TOT << endl;
                cnt = ask("Hit again?");

Когда я запускаю программу и спрашиваю игрока, хотят ли они снова играть в конце цикла while, программа вылетает с кодом выхода 1. Когда он компилируется в Linux, я неполучить ту же ошибку.

также я впервые задаю вопрос о переполнении стека, поэтому заранее прошу прощения, если это не до номинала

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