Создать массив имен файлов в папке - Excel VBA - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 01 июня 2018

В настоящее время я использую Application.GetOpenFilename с MultiSelect: = True, чтобы позволить пользователю выбрать один или несколько файлов в папке, а затем импортировать данные из всех файлов в рабочую таблицу.Если выбрано несколько файлов, данные из каждого файла добавляются к данным из предыдущего файла, пока все выбранные файлы не будут импортированы.

Теперь у меня есть экземпляр, в котором текстовые файлы хранятся в подпапках определенногопапка с подпапками, созданными на основе номеров заказов.Сейчас я пытаюсь определить родительскую папку как переменную, разрешить пользователю вводить имя подпапки с помощью Application.InputBox , а затем автоматически импортировать данные из всех файлов .txt в указанной пользователем подпапке.Я зависаю с ошибкой времени выполнения «53», ошибка «Файл не найден».Я знаю, что при использовании подхода GetOpenFilename создается массив имен файлов, и я попытался воспроизвести его, создав массив имен файлов, но я явно чего-то не хватает.

Я в основном пытаюсь импортировать все.текстовые файлы из чего-то вроде следующего:

C: \ AOI_DATA64 \ SPC_DataLog \ IspnDetails \ пользовательская подпапка \ * .txt

код, который работает с использованием приложения.GetOpenFilename :

' Define that variables must be defined manually and will never be defined automatically
Option Explicit

    ' Hold specific variables in memory for use between sub-routines
    Public DDThreshold As Variant
    Public FileName As String
    Public FilePath As String
    Public OpenFileName As Variant
    Public OrderNum As Variant
    Public SaveWorkingDir As String
    Public SecondsElapsed As Double
    Public StartTime As Double
    Public TimeRemaining As Double

Sub Import_DataFile()

    ' Add an error handler
    ' On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    ' Speed up this sub-routine by turning off screen updating and auto calculating until the end of the sub-routine
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

    ' Define variable names and types
    Dim DefaultOpenPath As String
    Dim SaveWorkingDir As String
    Dim OpenFileName As Variant
    Dim WholeFile As String
    Dim SplitArray
    Dim LineNumber As Integer
    Dim chkFormat1 As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim n1 As Long
    Dim n2 As Long
    Dim fn As Integer
    Dim RawData As String
    Dim rngTarget As Range
    Dim rngFileList As Range
    Dim TargetRow As Long
    Dim FileListRow As Long
    Dim aLastRow As Long
    Dim bLastRow As Long
    Dim cLastRow As Long
    Dim dLastRow As Long
    Dim destCell As Range

    ' Set the default path to start at when importing a file
    'On Error Resume Next
    If Len(Dir("C:\AOI_DATA64\SPC_DataLog\IspnDetails", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then

        DefaultOpenPath = "C:\"


        DefaultOpenPath = "C:\AOI_DATA64\SPC_DataLog\IspnDetails\"

    End If

    ' When opening another file for processing, this section will save the previously opened file directory
    'On Error Resume Next
    If SaveWorkingDir = CurDir Then

    ChDrive SaveWorkingDir
    ChDir SaveWorkingDir


    ChDrive DefaultOpenPath
    ChDir DefaultOpenPath

    End If

    ' Select the source folder and point list file(s) to import into worksheet
    'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    OpenFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
                   FileFilter:="AOI Inspection Results Data Files (*.txt), *.txt", _
                   Title:="Select a data file or files to import", _

    ' Cancel the file import if the user exits the file import window or selects the Cancel button
    If Not IsArray(OpenFileName) Then

        MsgBox "" & vbNewLine & _
               "  No files were selected." & vbNewLine & _
               "" & vbNewLine & _
               "  Import AOI Inspection Results Data Files was aborted.", vbInformation, "File Import Cancelled"
        Exit Sub

    End If

    ' Clear contents and reset formatting of cells in all worksheets
    aLastRow = Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlDown).Row
    bLastRow = Worksheets("Raw Data").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlDown).Row
    cLastRow = Worksheets("Parsed Data").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlDown).Row

    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E6:L14").ClearContents
        If aLastRow > 0 Then
        Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("B24:L" & aLastRow).ClearContents
        Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("B24:L" & aLastRow).ClearFormats
        End If

        If bLastRow > 0 Then
        Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:Q" & bLastRow).ClearContents
        Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:Q" & bLastRow).ClearFormats
        End If

        If cLastRow > 0 Then
        Worksheets("Parsed Data").Range("A1:Q" & cLastRow).ClearContents
        Worksheets("Parsed Data").Range("A1:Q" & cLastRow).ClearFormats
        End If

    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E6:L9").NumberFormat = "@" 'Format cells to Text
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E10:L13").NumberFormat = "#,000" 'Format Cells to Number with commas
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E14:L14").NumberFormat = "0.00%" 'Format cells to Percent
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Columns("A:Z").EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 8.09
    Worksheets("Parsed Data").Columns("A:Z").EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 8.09

    ' Update "Defect Density Threshold" to default value unless user entered a new value
        If DDThreshold > 0 Then
        Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E10").Value = DDThreshold

        Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E10").Value = "3,000,000"

        End If

    ' Save the user selected open file directory as the default open file path while the worksheet is open
    SaveWorkingDir = CurDir

    ' Timer Start (calculate the length of time this sub-routine takes to complete after selecting file(s) to import)
    StartTime = Timer

    ' Check selected input file format for YesTech AOI Inspection Results format
    Const chkYesTech = "[StartIspn]"
    For n1 = LBound(OpenFileName) To UBound(OpenFileName)
        fn = FreeFile
        Open OpenFileName(n1) For Input As #fn
        Application.StatusBar = "Processing ... " & OpenFileName(n1)

            WholeFile = Input(LOF(fn), #fn)
            SplitArray = Split(WholeFile, vbCrLf)
            LineNumber = 1
            chkFormat1 = SplitArray(LineNumber - 1)
            Close #fn

    If InStr(1, chkFormat1, chkYesTech, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
    MsgBox OpenFileName(n1) & vbNewLine & " has been verified as a YesTech AOI Inspection Results Data File"

    ' Import user selected YesTech AOI Inspection Results Data File(s) to "Raw Data" worksheet
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    TargetRow = 0
    Set destCell = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B1")
    For n2 = LBound(OpenFileName) To UBound(OpenFileName)
        fn = FreeFile
        Open OpenFileName(n2) For Input As #fn
        Application.StatusBar = "Processing ... " & OpenFileName(n2)

            ' Import data from file into Raw Data worksheet
            Do While Not EOF(fn)
            Line Input #fn, RawData
            If Len(Trim(RawData)) > 0 Then
                TargetRow = TargetRow + 1
                Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B" & TargetRow) = RawData
            End If


        Next n2

        Close #fn

    Set rngTarget = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B1" & ":" & Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B1").End(xlDown).Address)

       With rngTarget

        .TextToColumns Destination:=destCell, DataType:=xlDelimited, _
         TextQualifier:=xlNone, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
         Semicolon:=True, Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=False, OtherChar:="|", _
         FieldInfo:=Array(1, 1), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

        End With

     Application.DisplayAlerts = True

        Else: MsgBox OpenFileName(n1) & vbNewLine & " is not a YesTech AOI Inspection Results Data File."

        Exit Sub

        End If


    ' Create a number list (autofill) in Col A to maintain original import sort order
    dLastRow = Worksheets("Raw Data").Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:A" & dLastRow).Font.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1") = "1"
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A2") = "2"
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:A2").AutoFill Destination:=Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:A" & dLastRow), Type:=xlFillDefault
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("F1:Q" & dLastRow).NumberFormat = "0.0"

    ' List open file name(s) on spreadsheet for user reference
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9").Font.Name = "Calibri"
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9").Font.Size = 9
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9").Font.Bold = False
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9").Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)

    FileListRow = 0
    Set rngFileList = Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9")
    For i = LBound(OpenFileName) To UBound(OpenFileName)

        ' Add imported file name hyperlink to imported files in list of imported files
        ' rngFileList.Offset(FileListRow, 0) = OpenFileName(i)
        rngFileList.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=rngFileList, _
        Address:=OpenFileName(i), _
        ScreenTip:="Imported File Number " & FileListRow + 1, _

        Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E7").Value = OpenFileName(i)

        FileListRow = FileListRow + 1

        Next i

    ' Auto fit the width of columns for RAW Data
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Columns("A:Z").EntireColumn.AutoFit

    ' Timer Stop (calculate the length of time this sub-routine took to complete)
    SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)

    ' Turn screen updating and auto calculating back on since file processing is now complete
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

    ' Display a message to report the sub-routine processing time after file selection including the number of data rows that have been imported
    MsgBox "AOI Inspection Results processed and imported in " & SecondsElapsed & " seconds" & " ." & vbNewLine & _
           "      Successfully imported " & (TargetRow) & " rows of data.", vbInformation, "Data Import Results"

' Reset to defaults in the event of a processing error during the sub-routine execution
    Application.StatusBar = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then

    ' Display a message to user including error code in the event of an error during execution
    MsgBox "An error number " & Err.Number & " was encountered!" & vbNewLine & _
           "Part or all of this VBA script was not completed.", vbInformation, "Error Message"
    End If

    Call Create_Report

End Sub

А вот моя попытка определить родительскую папку, запросить у пользователя имя подпапки с помощью Application.InputBox и загрузить все имена файлов * .txt в массив длябыть импортирован:

' Define that variables must be defined manually and will never be defined automatically
Option Explicit

    ' Hold specific variables in memory for use between sub-routines
    Public DDThreshold As Variant
    Public FileName As String
    Public FilePath As String
    Public OpenFileName As Variant
    Public OrderNum As Variant
    Public SaveWorkingDir As String
    Public SecondsElapsed As Double
    Public StartTime As Double
    Public TimeRemaining As Double

Sub OrderLineNum()

    ' Add an error handler
    'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    ' Speed up sub-routine by turning off screen updating and auto calculating
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

    ' Define variable names and data types
    Dim DefaultOpenPath As String
    Dim SaveWorkingDir As String
    Dim OrderNum As Variant
    Dim GetFile As String
    Dim FileCount As Long
    Dim OpenFileName() As String
    ReDim OpenFileName(1000)
    Dim WholeFile As String
    Dim SplitArray
    Dim LineNumber As Integer
    Dim chkFormat1 As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim n1 As Long
    Dim n2 As Long
    Dim fn As Integer
    Dim RawData As String
    Dim rngTarget As Range
    Dim rngFileList As Range
    Dim TargetRow As Long
    Dim FileListRow As Long
    Dim aLastRow As Long
    Dim bLastRow As Long
    Dim cLastRow As Long
    Dim dLastRow As Long
    Dim destCell As Range

    ' Set the default path to start at when importing a file
    ' On Error Resume Next
    If Len(Dir("C:\AOI_DATA64\SPC_DataLog\IspnDetails", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then

        DefaultOpenPath = "C:\"


        DefaultOpenPath = "C:\AOI_DATA64\SPC_DataLog\IspnDetails\"

    End If

    ' When opening another file for processing, save the previously opened file directory
    ' On Error Resume Next
    If SaveWorkingDir = CurDir Then

    ChDrive SaveWorkingDir
    ChDir SaveWorkingDir


    ChDrive DefaultOpenPath
    ChDir DefaultOpenPath

    End If

    ' Open InputBox to get order-line number from user
    OrderNum = Application.InputBox(prompt:= _
        "Enter Order-Line Number (e.g. 12345678-9)", _
        Title:="Password Required for This Function", _
        Default:="", _
        Left:=25, _
        Top:=25, _
        HelpFile:="", _
        HelpContextID:="", _

        If OrderNum = "" Then

            MsgBox "No Order Number entered. No data will be imported.", vbInformation, "Invalid Order Number"

            Exit Sub

        ElseIf OrderNum = "0" Then

            MsgBox "Order Number cannot be 0. No data will be imported.", vbInformation, "Invalid Order Number"

            Exit Sub

        ElseIf OrderNum = False Then

            MsgBox "User cancelled. No data will be imported.", vbInformation, "User Cancelled"

            Exit Sub

        End If

    ' Create an array of filenames found in the Order-Line Number sub-folder
    GetFile = Dir$(CurDir & "\" & OrderNum & "\" & "*.txt")
    Do While GetFile <> ""
        OpenFileName(FileCount) = GetFile
        GetFile = Dir$
        FileCount = FileCount + 1

    ReDim Preserve OpenFileName(FileCount - 1)

    ' Save the user selected open file directory as the default open file path while the worksheet is open
    SaveWorkingDir = CurDir

    ' Timer Start (calculate the length of time this sub-routine takes to complete after selecting file(s) to import)
    StartTime = Timer

    ' Cancel the file import if the Order-Line Number subfolder doesn't exist
    If Not IsArray(OpenFileName) Then

        MsgBox "" & vbNewLine & _
               "  No files were selected." & vbNewLine & _
               "" & vbNewLine & _
               "  Import AOI Inspection Results Data Files was aborted.", vbInformation, "File Import Cancelled"
        Exit Sub

    End If

    ' Clear contents of cells and data worksheets
    aLastRow = Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlDown).Row
    bLastRow = Worksheets("Raw Data").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlDown).Row
    cLastRow = Worksheets("Parsed Data").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlDown).Row

    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E6:L14").ClearContents
        If aLastRow > 0 Then
        Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("B24:L" & aLastRow).ClearContents
        Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("B24:L" & aLastRow).ClearFormats
        End If

        If bLastRow > 0 Then
        Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:Q" & bLastRow).ClearContents
        Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:Q" & bLastRow).ClearFormats
        End If

        If cLastRow > 0 Then
        Worksheets("Parsed Data").Range("A1:Q" & cLastRow).ClearContents
        Worksheets("Parsed Data").Range("A1:Q" & cLastRow).ClearFormats
        End If

    ' Update "Defect Density Threshold" to default value unless user entered a new value
        If DDThreshold > 0 Then
        Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E10").Value = DDThreshold

        Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E10").Value = "3,000,000"

        End If

    'Check selected input file format for YesTech AOI Inspection Results format
    Const chkYesTech = "[StartIspn]"
    For n1 = LBound(OpenFileName) To UBound(OpenFileName)
        fn = FreeFile
        Open OpenFileName(n1) For Input As #fn
        Application.StatusBar = "Processing ... " & OpenFileName(n1)

            WholeFile = Input(LOF(fn), #fn)
            SplitArray = Split(WholeFile, vbCrLf)
            LineNumber = 1
            chkFormat1 = SplitArray(LineNumber - 1)
            Close #fn

    If InStr(1, chkFormat1, chkYesTech, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
    MsgBox OpenFileName(n1) & vbNewLine & " has been verified as a YesTech AOI Inspection Results Data File"

    ' Import user selected YesTech AOI Inspection Results Data File(s) to "Raw Data" worksheet
    TargetRow = 0
    Set destCell = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B1")
    For n2 = LBound(OpenFileName) To UBound(OpenFileName)
        fn = FreeFile
        Open OpenFileName(n2) For Input As #fn
        Application.StatusBar = "Processing ... " & OpenFileName(n2)

        Do While Not EOF(fn)
            Line Input #fn, RawData
            If Len(Trim(RawData)) > 0 Then
                TargetRow = TargetRow + 1
                Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B" & TargetRow) = RawData
            End If


        Next n2

        Close #fn

     Set rngTarget = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B1" & ":" & Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B1").End(xlDown).Address)

       With rngTarget

        .TextToColumns Destination:=destCell, DataType:=xlDelimited, _
         TextQualifier:=xlNone, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
         Semicolon:=True, Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=False, OtherChar:="|", _
         FieldInfo:=Array(1, 1), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

        End With

        Else: MsgBox OpenFileName(n1) & vbNewLine & " is not a YesTech AOI Inspection Results Data File."

        Exit Sub

        End If


    ' Create a number list (autofill) in Col A to maintain original import sort order
    dLastRow = Worksheets("Raw Data").Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:A" & dLastRow).Font.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1") = "1"
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A2") = "2"
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:A2").AutoFill Destination:=Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:A" & dLastRow), Type:=xlFillDefault
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("F1:Q" & dLastRow).NumberFormat = "0.0"

    ' List open file name(s) on spreadsheet for user reference
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9").Font.Name = "Calibri"
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9").Font.Size = 9
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9").Font.Bold = True
    Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9").Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
    FileListRow = 0
    Set rngFileList = Worksheets("AOI Inspection Summary").Range("E9")
    For i = LBound(OpenFileName) To UBound(OpenFileName)
        Debug.Print OpenFileName(i)

        ' Add imported file name or hyperlink to imported files in list of imported files
        ' rngFileList.Offset(FileListRow, 0) = OpenFileName(i)
        rngFileList.Offset(FileListRow, 0).Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=rngFileList.Offset(FileListRow, 0), _
        Address:=OpenFileName(i), _
        ScreenTip:="Imported File Number " & FileListRow + 1, _
        rngFileList.Offset(FileListRow, 0).Font.Name = "Calibri"
        rngFileList.Offset(FileListRow, 0).Font.Size = 9
        rngFileList.Offset(FileListRow, 0).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)

        FileListRow = FileListRow + 1

        Next i

    ' Auto fit the width of columns for RAW Data
    Worksheets("Raw Data").Columns("A:Z").EntireColumn.AutoFit

    ' Timer Stop (calculate the length of time this sub-routine took to complete)
    SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)

    ' Turn screen updating and auto calculating back on since file processing is now complete
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

    ' Display a message to report the sub-routine processing time after file selection including the number of data rows that have been imported
    MsgBox "AOI Inspection Results processed and imported in " & SecondsElapsed & " seconds" & " ." & vbNewLine & _
           "      Successfully imported " & (TargetRow) & " rows of data.", vbInformation, "Data Import Results"

' Reset to defaults in the event of a processing error during the sub-routine execution
    Application.StatusBar = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then

    ' Display a message to user including error code in the event of an error during execution
    MsgBox "An error number " & Err.Number & " was encountered!" & vbNewLine & _
           "Part or all of this VBA script was not completed.", vbInformation, "Error Message"
    End If

End Sub

Любые идеи или предложения для лучшего подхода будут с благодарностью.

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 01 июня 2018

Как уже упоминалось в моем комментарии, в вашем сообщении много чего происходит.Однако, сосредоточившись на этом

Я сейчас пытаюсь определить родительскую папку как переменную, разрешить пользователю вводить имя подпапки с помощью Application.InputBox, а затем автоматически импортировать данные из всех файлов .txt.в указанной пользователем подпапке.

У меня есть решение - вы можете создать массив, в котором будет храниться каждый файл (как путь, так и имя файла), который вы сможете использовать для получения файлаимена и затем делайте все, что вам нужно:

Sub import_files()
Dim files As String
Dim parentDir As String

parentDir = InputBox("Please input the directory you want to import files from")
If parentDir = "" Then Exit Sub 'If they hit "Cancel" or don't put anything.
' parentDir = GetFolder() 'UNCOMMENT THIS if you want the user to select a folder via "Windows Explorer"
files = LoopThroughFiles(parentDir, "txt")
' Debug.Print (files)

Dim iFiles() As String
iFiles() = Split(files, ",")

Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(iFiles) To UBound(iFiles)
    If iFiles(i) <> "" Then
        Debug.Print ("File located: " + parentDir + "\" + iFiles(i))
    End If
Next i

End Sub
Private Function LoopThroughFiles(inputDirectoryToScanForFile, filenameCriteria) As String
Dim tmpOut As String
    Dim StrFile As String
    'Debug.Print "in LoopThroughFiles. inputDirectoryToScanForFile: ", inputDirectoryToScanForFile
    StrFile = Dir(inputDirectoryToScanForFile & "\*" & filenameCriteria)
    Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
        ' Debug.Print StrFile
        tmpOut = tmpOut + "," + StrFile
        StrFile = Dir
    LoopThroughFiles = tmpOut
End Function
Function GetFolder() As String
' https://stackoverflow.com/a/26392703/4650297
    Dim fldr As FileDialog
    Dim sItem As String
    Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    With fldr
        .Title = "Select a Folder"
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        .InitialFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath
        If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
        sItem = .SelectedItems(1)
    End With
    GetFolder = sItem
    Set fldr = Nothing
End Function

Редактировать: я добавил метод, позволяющий пользователю выбирать папку через более «традиционное» окно типа проводника Windows вместо вставки в строку пути.Либо кто-то должен работать на вас, дайте мне знать любые вопросы.

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