Так что это интересный вопрос, связанный со статистикой.
Что у меня есть
- Среднее
- Диапазон возможных вхождений
Что я после
- Вероятность единственного вхождения в моем диапазоне
Примером может быть в среднем 10,3.диапазон 1-20.Какой шанс 4 происходит?Мне нужно использовать 10,3 как своего рода вес, потому что если не у каждого случая есть вероятность возникновения 1/20
Есть ли статистическая формула для чего-то подобного?
public void ReboundFormula(double TeamRebound, double OTeamRebound, double OffensiveRebound, double DefensiveRebound,
double ShotsTotalAverage, double OShotsTotalAverage, double TeamShotAveragePercent, double OTeamShotAveragePercent,
double PlayerORebound, double PlayerDRebound, double PlayerOPercentRebound, double PlayerDPercentRebound)
//Possible rebounds using amount of shots that "miss" which result in a rebound chance. Note fouls, ball going out of bounds
//, or other event that causes a rebound to not occur on a missed shot
predictedPossibleRebounds = (ShotsTotalAverage*(1 -(double) TeamShotAveragePercent/100)) + OShotsTotalAverage*(1 - (double) TeamShotAveragePercent/100);
Temp = (double) TeamRebound/(TeamRebound+OTeamRebound);
Temp2 = (double) OTeamRebound/(TeamRebound+OTeamRebound);
System.out.println("Percent of Team 1 Rebounds: " + Temp + " | Percent of Team 2 Rebound: " + Temp2);
//Predicted rebounds a team will grab of the amount of rebounds they will likely get
predictedTeamRebound = (double) predictedPossibleRebounds*Temp;
predictedOTeamRebound = (double) predictedPossibleRebounds*Temp2;
System.out.println("Amount of Rebounds to Team: " + predictedTeamRebound + " | Amount of Rebounds to OTeam: " + predictedOTeamRebound);
//Rebounds predicted to be grabbed by teams
Oratio = ((double) OffensiveRebound/TeamRebound)*predictedTeamRebound;
Dratio = ((double) DefensiveRebound/TeamRebound)*predictedTeamRebound;
System.out.println("Amount of Offensive Rebounds: " + Oratio + " | Amount of Defensive Rebounds: " + Dratio);
System.out.println("Predicted Rebounds: " + predictedPossibleRebounds + " | Player Offensive Percent: " + PlayerOPercentRebound + " | Player Defensive Percent: " + PlayerDPercentRebound);
//Player data time
Temp = (Oratio*(PlayerOPercentRebound/100)) + (Dratio*(PlayerDPercentRebound/100));
System.out.println("Player Predicted Rebound Total: " + Temp + " | Player Rebound Total Average: " + (PlayerORebound+PlayerDRebound) );
System.out.println( " " + (int) Math.round((Temp) - (Temp*0.75)) + " " + (int) Math.round((Temp) - (Temp*0.5)) + " " + (int) Math.round((Temp) - (Temp*0.25)) + " " + (int) Math.round((Temp) - (Temp*0.1)) + " " + (Temp)
+ " " + (int) Math.round((Temp) + (Temp*0.1)) + " " + (int) Math.round((Temp) + (Temp*0.25)) + " " + (int) Math.round((Temp) + (Temp*0.5)) + " " + (int) Math.round((Temp) + (Temp*0.75)));
System.out.println("-75% -50% -25% -10% Predicted Average +10% +25% +50% +75%");
Данные кормления
run.ReboundFormula(54, 48.2, 13.662, 40.338, 89.86, 87.06, 45.2, 45.7, 3.7, 6.2, 12.9, 22.8);