Это очень широкий вопрос, но что-то вроде этого может перемещать данные в умеренных размерах из одной коллекции в другую:
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import {firestore} from 'firebase-admin';
export async function moveFromCollection(collectionPath1: string, collectionPath2: string): void {
try {
const collectionSnapshot1Ref = firestore.collection(collectionPath1);
const collectionSnapshot2Ref = firestore.collection(collectionPath2);
const collectionSnapshot1Snapshot = await collectionSnapshot1Ref.get();
// Here we get all the snapshots from collection 1. This is ok, if you only need
// to move moderate amounts of data (since all data will be stored in memory)
// Now lets use lodash chunk, to insert data in batches of 500
const chunkedArray = _.chunk(collectionSnapshot1Snapshot.docs, 500);
// chunkedArray is now an array of arrays, with max 500 in each
for (const chunk of chunkedArray) {
const batch = firestore.batch();
// Use the batch to insert many firestore docs
chunk.forEach(doc => {
// Now you might need some business logic to handle the new address,
// but maybe something like this is enough
const newDocRef = collectionSnapshot2Ref.doc(doc.id);
batch.set(newDocRef, doc.data(), {merge: false});
await batch.commit();
// Commit the batch
} catch (error) {
console.log(`something went wrong: ${error.message}`);
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