Ну, 120 одновременных открытых вкладок (без шуток, я считал ?) и две бессонные ночи спустя я наконец нашел решение. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: ЭТО РАБОТАЕТ ТОЛЬКО НА MAC , по-видимому, я думаю Dir
не работает на Mac, благодаря @Jeeped за указание на это, поэтому для других пользователей Mac с моей проблемой это то, что я сделал:
Option Explicit
'Important: this Dim line must be at the top of your module
Dim dirName As String
Sub ChangeFiles()
Dim MySplit As Variant
Dim FileIndirName As Long
Dim wks As Worksheet
'Clear dirName to be sure that it not return old info if no files are found
dirName = ""
Call GetFilesOnMacWithOrWithoutSubfolders(Level:=1, ExtChoice:=1, FileFilterOption:=0, FileNameFilterStr:="SearchString")
If dirName <> "" Then
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
MySplit = Split(dirName, Chr(13))
For FileIndirName = LBound(MySplit) To UBound(MySplit)
Workbooks.Open (MySplit(FileIndirName))
Set wks = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("SHEET X")
With wks
.Range("W4:X4") = "OFF -PEAK GEM(MW)"
.Range("J33:M33") = "Hz"
.Range("B33:I33") = "DETAILS"
.Range("R34:X34").EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlShiftDown
.Range("R35:X35").Cut Destination:=Range("R34")
.Range("K68:L123").Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
.Range("K68:L68") = "UNITS ON BAR"
.Range("V178") = "EXPECTED RESERVE"
End With
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
Next FileIndirName
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
MsgBox "Sorry no files that match your criteria, A 0 files result can be due to Apple sandboxing: Try using the Browse button to re-select the folder."
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End If
MsgBox "Done!"
End Sub
'*******Function that do all the work that will be called by the macro*********
Function GetFilesOnMacWithOrWithoutSubfolders(Level As Long, ExtChoice As Long, _
FileFilterOption As Long, FileNameFilterStr As String)
'Ron de Bruin,Version 4.0: 27 Sept 2015
'Thanks to DJ Bazzie Wazzie and Nigel Garvey(posters on MacScripter)
Dim ScriptToRun As String
Dim folderPath As String
Dim FileNameFilter As String
Dim Extensions As String
On Error Resume Next
folderPath = MacScript("choose folder as string")
If folderPath = "" Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case ExtChoice
Case 0: Extensions = "(xls|xlsx|xlsm|xlsb)" 'xls, xlsx , xlsm, xlsb
Case 1: Extensions = "xls" 'Only xls
Case 2: Extensions = "xlsx" 'Only xlsx
Case 3: Extensions = "xlsm" 'Only xlsm
Case 4: Extensions = "xlsb" 'Only xlsb
Case 5: Extensions = "csv" 'Only csv
Case 6: Extensions = "txt" 'Only txt
Case 7: Extensions = ".*" 'All files with extension, use *.* for everything
Case 8: Extensions = "(xlsx|xlsm|xlsb)" 'xlsx, xlsm , xlsb
Case 9: Extensions = "(csv|txt)" 'csv and txt files
'You can add more filter options if you want,
End Select
Select Case FileFilterOption
Case 0: FileNameFilter = "'.*/[^~][^/]*\\." & Extensions & "$' " 'No Filter
Case 1: FileNameFilter = "'.*/" & FileNameFilterStr & "[^~][^/]*\\." & Extensions & "$' " 'Begins with
Case 2: FileNameFilter = "'.*/[^~][^/]*" & FileNameFilterStr & "\\." & Extensions & "$' " ' Ends With
Case 3: FileNameFilter = "'.*/([^~][^/]*" & FileNameFilterStr & "[^/]*|" & FileNameFilterStr & "[^/]*)\\." & Extensions & "$' " 'Contains
End Select
folderPath = MacScript("tell text 1 thru -2 of " & Chr(34) & folderPath & _
Chr(34) & " to return quoted form of it's POSIX Path")
folderPath = Replace(folderPath, "'\''", "'\\''")
If Val(Application.Version) < 15 Then
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "set foundPaths to paragraphs of (do shell script """ & "find -E " & _
folderPath & " -iregex " & FileNameFilter & "-maxdepth " & _
Level & """)" & Chr(13)
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "repeat with thisPath in foundPaths" & Chr(13)
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "set thisPath's contents to (POSIX file thisPath) as text" & Chr(13)
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "end repeat" & Chr(13)
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters" & Chr(13)
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return" & Chr(13)
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "set foundPaths to foundPaths as text" & Chr(13)
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid" & Chr(13)
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "foundPaths"
ScriptToRun = ScriptToRun & "do shell script """ & "find -E " & _
folderPath & " -iregex " & FileNameFilter & "-maxdepth " & _
Level & """ "
End If
On Error Resume Next
dirName = MacScript(ScriptToRun)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Кстати, @urdearboy спасибо за ваше предложение, оно действительно помогло, хотя у меня были проблемы с .PasteSpecial
, я все же нашел обходной путь.
Для всех, кому интересноТо, что код делает, когда вы его запускаете, это в основном вызывает диалоговое окно с просьбой выбрать нужную папку, когда вы это делаете, он находит файлы с расширением .xls (вы можете изменить это) и выполняет изменение во всех.xls файлы в этой папке.
Спасибо всем, кто прокомментировал этот пост.^ _ ^