Это не совсем тот метод, который я имел в виду, но мне удалось получить желаемую функциональность:
Пример словаря:
products_dict = {0 : {'name' : '123', 'count' : '234'},1 : {'name' : '345', 'count' : '456'},2 : {'name' : '567', 'count' : '678'}}
products_dict_2 = {0 : {'name' : 'bbb', 'count' : 'qwe'},1 : {'name' : 'wer', 'count' : 'ert'},2 : {'name' : 'rty', 'count' : 'tyu'}}
recipes = {0 : {'name' : 'Chicken', 'products' : products_dict, 'instructions' : 'this are the instructions'},
1 : {'name' : 'Beef', 'products' : products_dict_2, 'instructions' : 'this are the instructions for 2'}}
Создание кнопок:
{% if recipes is not none%}
{% for key, recipe in recipes.items() %}
<button id={{key}} onclick="uploadRecipe({{recipe}})" type="button" class="btn btn-light btn-block">{{recipe['name']}}</button>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
И функция uploadRecipe
function uploadRecipe(recipe) {
products = recipe['products'];
var table = document.getElementById("recipeProducts").getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
$("#recipeProducts tbody tr").remove();
for (var prop in products) {
var row = table.insertRow(0);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
cell1.innerHTML = products[prop]['name'].bold();
cell2.innerHTML = products[prop]['count'].bold();
document.getElementById("recipe_instructions_text").innerHTML = recipe['instructions'];