Я странно сталкиваюсь с проблемой, когда ноль печатается для моего класса контактов.Кажется, не нравится конструктор для чисел для PhoneNumberList.Я просто хочу вернуть счетчик, который отслеживает числа и т. Д., Но он возвращает только null для getNumber и getNumberCount.
Попробовал изменить счетчик с частного на публичный, чтобы просто получить прямой доступ, а также изменить имя и конструкторы.
public class Contact{
private String name;
private PhoneNumberList numbers;
// Purpose:
// initialize this instance of Contact
// with no PhoneNumber
public Contact (String theName)
// You must allocate a PhoneNumberList here
numbers = new PhoneNumberList();
name = theName;
// Purpose:
// initialize this instance of Contact
// add p to the list of phone numbers associated with
// this Contact
public Contact (String theName, PhoneNumber p)
// You must allocate a PhoneNumberList here
PhoneNumberList numbers = new PhoneNumberList();
name = theName;
// Purpose:
// return the name associated with this instance
public String getName ()
return name;
// Purpose:
// change the name associated with this instance to be newName
public void setName(String newName)
name = newName;
// Purpose:
// add a new PhoneNumber to this contact
// there is no maximum number of phone numbers that can be
// assigned to a contact.
public void addNumber (PhoneNumber p)
// Purpose:
// remove p from the list of PhoneNumbers associated with this contact
// if p is not in the list, do nothing.
public void removeNumber (PhoneNumber p)
int index = numbers.find(p);
// Purpose:
// return the count of PhoneNumbers associated with this contact
public int getNumberCount()
return numbers.count;
// Purpose:
// return the PhoneNumber at index pos from this contact
// Pre-condition:
// pos >= 0 AND
// pos < this.getNumberCount()
public PhoneNumber getNumber (int pos)
// This line needs to be removed. It is only
// so the tester works. You should NOT
// allocate a new PhoneNumber in this method
return numbers.get(pos);
// Purpose:
// return a String representation of this contact
public String toString()
String s = name;
for (int i=0;i<numbers.size();i++)
s += "\n";
s += numbers.get(i);
return s;
public class PhoneNumberList
private static final int INITIAL_SIZE = 2;
private PhoneNumber[] storage;
public int count;
// Purpose:
// Initialize a new instance of PhoneNumberList
public PhoneNumberList()
count = 0;
storage = new PhoneNumber[INITIAL_SIZE];
// Purpose:
// return the element at position index
// Pre-Conditions:
// for a PhoneNumberList x:
// index >= 0 AND
// index < x.size()
// Examples:
// If x is {"Work:5551212", "Home:4441212", "Cell:3331212"} then:
// x.get(0) returns "Work:5551212"
// x.get(1) returns "Home:4441212"
// the result of calling x.get(3) is undefined
public PhoneNumber get (int index)
// This line needs to be removed. It is only
// so the tester works. You should NOT
// allocate a new PhoneNumber in this method
return storage[index];
// Purpose:
// remove the element at position index
// Pre-Conditions:
// for a PhoneNumberList x:
// index >= 0 AND
// index < x.size()
// If x is {"Work:5551212", "Home:4441212", "Cell:3331212"} then
// after x.remove(0), x is {"Home:4441212", "Cell:3331212"}
public void remove (int index)
storage[index] = storage[count - 1];
// Purpose:
// return the number of elements in the list
// Returns:
// the number of elements in the list
// Examples:
// If x is {"Work:5551212", "Home:4441212"}
// x.size() returns 2
// If x is {}
// x.size() returns 0
public int size()
return this.count;
// Purpose:
// add the phone number p to the list
// Comments:
// The array you allocated to store PhoneNumbers might
// get full, but you are still required to add this
// PhoneNumber (until the JVM runs out of memory!)
// This means that you should check to see if the array
// is currently full. If it is, allocate a new array
// that is twice as big, then copy the values over
// and update the storage reference to be the new array
// Finally, add the new PhoneNumber.
public void add (PhoneNumber p)
if(count == storage.length){
PhoneNumber[] newStorage = new PhoneNumber[count * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < storage.length; i++){
newStorage[i] = storage[i];
storage = newStorage;
storage[count] = p;
count = count + 1;
// Purpose:
// return the index where p is in the list, -1 otherwise
// Pre-Conditions:
// none
// Returns:
// position of p in the list - an integer between 0 and size() - 1
// -1 if p is not in the list
// Examples:
// If x is {"Work:5551212", "Home:4441212", "Cell:3331212"} then
// PhoneNumber p = new PhoneNumber("5551212");
// PhoneNumber q = new PhoneNumber("3331212");
// PhoneNumber r = new PhoneNumber("1234567");
// x.find(p) returns 0
// x.find(q) returns 2
// x.find(r) returns -1
public int find (PhoneNumber p)
for(int x = 0; x < count; x++){
if (storage[x].equals(p)){
return x;
return -1;
at Contact.getNumberCount(Contact.java:72)
at a2tester.ContactTest(a2tester.java:205)
at a2tester.main(a2tester.java:224)