Внесены некоторые изменения в ваш код, прочитайте комментарий, чтобы понять.
Но это то же самое, что и последний пост , который вы добавили.
data() {
return {
visible:true ,
moreEstates: [],
moreEstFetched: false,
size: 10,
init: false,
updated: function () { // when loaded, trigger only once
if (!this.init) {
this.init = true;
mounted() {
// why is this here, you should only have handleButton to load the data
// axios.get('/ajax').then((response) => {
// this.estates =this.filterData(response.data)
// this.insertMarkers();
// this.showMore();
// });
methods: {
filterData: function (data) {
let filteredStates = data.filter((estate) => {
return (this.keyword.length === 0 || estate.address.includes(this.keyword)) &&
(this.rooms.length === 0 || this.rooms.includes(estate.rooms)) &&
(this.regions.length === 0 || this.regions.includes(estate.region))});
if(this.sortType == 'price') {
filteredStates = filteredStates.sort((prev, curr) => prev.price - curr.price);
if(this.sortType == 'created_at') {
filteredStates = filteredStates.sort((prev, curr) => Date.parse(curr.created_at) - Date.parse(prev.created_at));
filteredStates = filteredStates.filter((estate) => { return estate.price <= this.slider.value});
filteredStates = filteredStates.filter((estate) => { return estate.extend <= this.sliderX.value});
filteredStates = filteredStates.filter((estate) => { return estate.m2_price <= this.sliderT.value});
return filteredStates;
showMore: function(){
if (Math.ceil( this.moreEstates.length / this.size) <= this.selectedPage +1 ){
// using slice is better where splice changes the orginal array
var nextEsts = this.moreEstFetched.slice((this.selectedPage * this.size), this.size);
}else this. visible= true; // hide show more
handleButton: function () {
axios.get('/ajax').then((response) => {
// filter the whole data at once
this.moreEstates = this.filterData(response.data);
this.moreEstFetched = true;
// not sure what this is, i moved it here
}else this.showMore();
<table class="table table-hover">
<tr style="background-color: #fff ">
<th scope="col">イメージ</th>
<th style="width:175px;"scope="col">物件名</th>
<th style="width:175px;"scope="col">住所</th>
<th scope="col">販売価格</th>
<th scope="col">間取り</th>
<th scope="col">専有面積</th>
<th scope="col">坪単価</th>
<th style="width:90px;" scope="col">物件詳細</th>
<tr v-for="estate in estates">
<td><img id="image" :src="estate.image" alt=""></td>
<td>{{priceSep(estate.price)}} 万円</td>
<td>{{xtendSep(estate.extend)}} m²</td>
<td><a :href="/pages/+estate.id">物件詳細</a></td>
<button v-if="visible" class="btn btn-primary loadmorebutton" @click="handleButton">Load more</button>