Простой способ создать мощных ботов - использовать библиотеку python-telegram-bot
Я переписал ваш код с несколькими серьезными исправлениями и функциями.Надеюсь, что это поможет вам изучить ботов глубже.
моя версия бота:
from sys import exc_info as error
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import json
URL = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot{}'.format(TOKEN)
def call_api_method(method='getMe', data=None):
# Call API method with data.
data = urlencode(data).encode("utf-8") if data else data
response = urlopen('{}/{}'.format(URL, method), data)
return json.loads(response.read())
def get_me():
# Get bot info.
bot = call_api_method()
return type('Bot', (), dict(bot['result']))
def get_updates():
# Get new updates from Telegram.
data = {'offset': OFFSET, 'limit': 0, 'timeout': 0}
return type('Updates', (), call_api_method('getUpdates', data))
def handle(update):
# Make usefull objects.
message = type('Message', (object,), dict(update['message']))
user = type('User', (), dict(update['message']['from']))
chat = type('Chat', (), dict(update['message']['chat']))
return message, user, chat
def send_message(chat_id, message):
# Send message to specific chat.
data = {'text': message,
'chat_id': chat_id,
'parse_mode': 'Markdown',
'disable_web_page_preview': True}
call_api_method('sendMessage', data)
def send_keyboard(chat_id, message, keyboard):
# Send message and keyboard to specific chat.
data = {'text': message,
'chat_id': chat_id,
'parse_mode': 'Markdown',
'reply_markup': reply_markup(keyboard),
'disable_web_page_preview': 'true'}
call_api_method('sendMessage', data)
def reply_markup(keyboard):
# Serialize keyboard data to JSON.
return json.dumps({'keyboard': keyboard,
'resize_keyboard': True,
'one_time_keyboard': True,
'selective': True})
def main_keyboard():
# Main menu.
return [first_button(), second_button()]
def one_line_keyboard():
# Menu with buttons in one line.
return [two_buttons()]
def first_button():
# Single keyboard button.
return ['first button']
def second_button():
# Single keyboard button.
return ['second button']
def two_buttons():
# Two buttons on one line.
return ['left button', 'right button']
while STATUS:
# Get updates forever. Except if get Error.
if not OFFSET:
# Print bot info on the start.
bot = get_me()
print('Bot @{} is running...'.format(bot.username))
updates = get_updates()
for update in updates.result:
# Handle last update.
OFFSET = update['update_id'] + 1
message, user, chat = handle(update)
# Greeting user by full name.
greeting = 'Hello, {} {}!'.format(user.first_name, user.last_name)
#send_message(chat.id, greeting)
send_keyboard(chat.id, greeting, one_line_keyboard())
STATUS = False
print('\nERROR:\t', error()[1])