Используйте этот класс
public class JSONHelper {
public static String getString(JSONObject json, String tag) throws JSONException {
if(mJSONValueAvailable(json, tag)) {
return json.getString(tag);
return "";
public static int getInt(JSONObject json, String tag) throws JSONException {
if(mJSONValueAvailable(json, tag)) {
if(json.get(tag) instanceof String) {
if(json.getString(tag).equalsIgnoreCase("None")) {
return -1;
if(!json.getString(tag).equals("")) {
return Integer.parseInt(json.getString(tag));
} else {
return -1;
return json.getInt(tag);
return -1;
public static boolean getBoolean(JSONObject json, String tag) throws JSONException {
if(mJSONValueAvailable(json, tag)) {
Object value = json.get(tag);
if(value instanceof String) {
return PrimitiveHelper.StringToBoolean((String) value);
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return PrimitiveHelper.IntegerToBoolean((int)value);
return json.getBoolean(tag);
return false;
public static Boolean getBooleanBoxed(JSONObject json, String tag) throws JSONException {
if(mJSONValueAvailable(json, tag)) {
Object value = json.get(tag);
if(value instanceof String) {
return PrimitiveHelper.StringToBooleanBoxed((String) value);
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return PrimitiveHelper.IntegerToBooleanBoxed((int) value);
return json.getBoolean(tag);
return null;//false;
private static boolean mJSONValueAvailable(JSONObject json, String tag) {
return json.has(tag) && !json.isNull(tag);
// private static Boolean mJSONValueAvailableBoxed(JSONObject json, String tag) {
// return json.has(tag) && !json.isNull(tag);//
// }
public static JSONArray sortJsonArray(JSONArray array, String sort) {
final String sortKey = sort;
//Logger.d("sortJSONArray by::: " + sortKey);
List<JSONObject> jsons = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
Collections.sort(jsons, new Comparator<JSONObject>() {
public int compare(JSONObject lhs, JSONObject rhs) {
try {
String lid = lhs.getString(sortKey);
String rid = rhs.getString(sortKey);
// Here you could parse string id to integer and then compare.
return lid.compareTo(rid);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return 0;
} catch (JSONException e) {
return new JSONArray(jsons);
Назовите это следующим образом
subCategoryDetailModelClass.setProduct_name(JSONHelper.getString(productObject, "product-name"));
subCategoryDetailModelClass.setProduct_desc(JSONHelper.getString(productObject, "product-description"));
subCategoryDetailModelClass.setProduct_imgURL(JSONHelper.getString(productObject, "product-image"));
subCategoryDetailModelClass.setProduct_Category_Name(JSONHelper.getString(productObject, "category-name"));
subCategoryDetailModelClass.setSubCategoryId(JSONHelper.getInt(productObject, "subcategory-id"));