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<h2 class="w3-opacity"><span style="color: #ffffff;">Island Lights Edition – 5 Dec</span></h2>
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<img src="/Portals/0/events/SentosaStyle/211118/Yuko-Tsuchiya_edited.jpg?ver=2018-12-06-102124-283" style="width: 100%;" class="w3-hover-opacity" onclick="onClick(this)" alt=" Naomi Yeo | @naomiyhs" />
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<p><strong> Naomi Yeo | @naomiyhs </strong></p>
<p> I’m here at Island Lights to support Yang, who is the artist behind ASMR Wonderland. By day, I’m an actress, host and DJ on 987FM, and while I dress according to my mood or the vibe of the day, I usually have to be more dressed up because I work a lot with brands. However, today I thought, ‘why not stay comfy and cute in a matching set? </p>
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<img src="/Portals/0/events/SentosaStyle/211118/Evelyn-Sim_edited.jpg?ver=2018-12-06-102124-410" style="width: 100%;" class="w3-hover-opacity" onclick="onClick(this)" alt=" Noor Dahiyah | @nrdaya " />
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<p><strong> Noor Dahiyah | @nrdaya </strong></p>
<p> It’s the school holidays so my classmates and I decided to come to Sentosa for a day at the beach, then stay in the evening for Island Lights. Most days I have to wear a uniform but since I’m here at Sentosa, I decided to tie my look together with a fun Hawaiian shirt.</p>
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<img src="/Portals/0/events/SentosaStyle/211118/Berenice-Guerra_edited.jpg?ver=2018-12-06-102124-533" style="width: 100%;" class="w3-hover-opacity" onclick="onClick(this)" alt=" Irham | @1rhxmnx_x" />
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<p><strong> Irham | @1rhxmnx_x </strong></p>
<p>I actually borrowed this floral shirt from my friend specially for my day out at Sentosa, just so my outfit will suit a beachy, island vibe. My friends and I have been here the whole day and we went for a swim earlier, but I brought a change of clothes so I can dress up a bit for #OOTDs at Island Lights.</p>
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