Я вызываю веб-службу в цикле и передаю параметр из БД в веб-службу. Все вызовы веб-службы получают ответ в цикле.
Вот мой XML-узел ответа:
<!-- language: lang-js -->
//called webservice here **and below employeeData is multiple soap webservice response** xml that is attached in the picture.
var soapEnv = new Namespace("SOAP-ENV","http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/");
var rpc = new Namespace("http://siebel.com/asi/");
//end namespaces
var siebelMessage = **employeeData**.soapEnv::Body.rpc::STEMIServiceRequestThinRefreshResponse.SiebelMessage;
default xml namespace = "http://www.siebel.com/xml/STE%20MI%20Service%20Request%20Thin%20Refresh";
var employee = siebelMessage.ListOfSteMIServiceRequestThinRefresh.ListOfServiceRequest["ServiceRequest"];
// Loop through Service Request node
for each(var rootNodeVal in employee) {
// do parsing but it executes only the first soap xml response and exits any advice
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/N5TpX.png)