Внутри main у меня есть следующий блок, который вызывает pad_string.По какой-то странной причине внутри pad_string значение 'total' имеет значение -439854520.Мне интересно, почему это?
ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ: добавлено полное определение и файл .cpp
int x = 8;
cout << x << endl;
std::string s("001");
#ifndef BITS_HPP
#define BITS_HPP
//#: Converts a character into its binary representation
//as a string
std::string chr_to_binary(char c);
//@: x is desired length of string
//#: make a zero string of size x
std::string make_zero_string(int x);
//@:s is the string to be padded
//@:total is the desired total length of str
//#:pads s with as many zeros as neccessary so
//that s's total lenth equal total<D-r>
std::string pad_string(std::string s,int total);
std::string chr_to_binary(char c)
std::bitset<8> bset(c);
return bset.to_string();
std::string make_zero_string(int x){
std::string s;
std::cout << x << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < x; ++i){
return s;
//@:s is the string to be padded
//@:total is the desired total length of str
//#:pads s with as many zeros as neccessary so
//that s's total lenth equal total.
//Padding occurs to left of s
void pad_string(std::string s,int total)
std::cout << (total) << std::endl;
int length = s.length();
std::cout << total << std::endl;
std::cout << length << std::endl;
if (length < total){
int diff = total - length;
std::cout << diff << std::endl;
std::string zerostr = make_zero_string(diff);
zerostr = zerostr + s;
s = zerostr;