Я мог бы начать с того, что обычно я программист на С ++, и я неопытен в том, чтобы делать ввод-вывод с С. Я пишу простую программу, которая пытается прочитать список слов пользователя, расположив по алфавитубуквы в каждом слове (с сохранением заглавных букв) и распечатайте их обратно в полученном порядке.
Кажется, я точно определил проблемную область (выделена в нижней части моего кода), но даже с микроскопом в моем коде это кажется мне какой-то византийской ошибкой.Вот мой код:
int comp (const void* left, const void* right) { //for qsort
return ( *(char*)left - *(char*)right );
int main() {
printf("Please enter a sentence. Press enter to end.\n");
char str[500];
if (!fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin)) { //grab line
return 1;
str[strcspn(str, "\n")] = 0; //finds newline and kills it
printf("You entered:\n%s\n", str);
char abc[sizeof(str)]; //alphabetized array
int abc_count = 0; //keeps track of effective size of abc
char c;
char* word = &c; //will read each word from line
char* strr = str; //made to get around a compiler error
int offset;
char capitals[25]; //keeps track of capital letters
int cap = 0;
int i = 0;
while (sscanf(strr, " %s%n", word, &offset) == 1) { //%n gives number of characters read by sscanf
if (i == 0) offset++; //fixes length of first word, which has no space preceding it
printf("read a word of size %d\n", offset-1);
//make sure all letters are lowercase
cap = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < (offset-1); j++) {
if ( isupper(word[j])) { //if letter is capitalized
word[j] = tolower(word[j]); //lowercase it for sorting
capitals[cap] = word[j]; //remember letter for later
qsort(word, (offset-1)/sizeof(*word), sizeof(*word), comp); //Alphabetize. "-1" makes offset not count space in length
//recapitalize letters
for (int j = 0; j < (offset-1); j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < cap; k++) {
if (word[j] == capitals[k]) {
word[j] = toupper(word[j]); //recapitalize letter
capitals[k] = 0; //capital has been used
//write word to abc ///// PROBLEM AREA /////
printf("%s\n", word);
for (int j = 0; j < (offset-1); j++) {
if (i == 0) printf("first word: %s\n", word); //debugging
printf("word[%d] = %c | ", j, word[j]); //debugging
abc[abc_count] = word[j];
printf("abc[%d] = %c\n", abc_count, word[j]); //debugging
if (i == 0) printf("first word: %s\n", word);
abc[abc_count] = ' ';
printf("abc[%d] = space\n", abc_count);
if (i == 0) printf("first word: %s\n", word);
printf("so far: %s\n\n", abc);
if (i == 0) offset--; //undo correction for first word
strr += offset; //stops infinite loop by moving pointer. This line is the reason "strr" exists instead of using "array type" str
i = 1;
} //while loop ///// PROBLEM AREA /////
printf("Alphabetized: \n");
for (i = 0; i < abc_count; i++) {
printf("%c", abc[i]); //I write directly from memory because somehow a null char is being added to "abc" after every word entered
return 0;
Что я нашел благодаря широкому использованию отладки «printf», так это то, что одна из моих строк (всегда первое введенное слово) перезаписывается, а также передняя частьстрока для вывода.Это очень странно.Вот пример вывода:
Please enter a sentence. Press enter to end.
Chocolate word cAT
You entered:
Chocolate word cAT
read a word of size 9
aCcehloot //word is sorted as desired. No issues
first word: aCcehloot
word[0] = a | abc[0] = a
first word: aacehloot //here you can see the strange overwrite behavior
word[1] = a | abc[1] = a
first word: aaaehloot
word[2] = a | abc[2] = a
first word: aaaahloot
word[3] = a | abc[3] = a
first word: aaaaaloot
word[4] = a | abc[4] = a
first word: aaaaaaoot
word[5] = a | abc[5] = a
first word: aaaaaaaot
word[6] = a | abc[6] = a
first word: aaaaaaaat
word[7] = a | abc[7] = a
first word: aaaaaaaaa //first word is completely replaced by its first alphabetical letter
word[8] = a | abc[8] = a
first word: aaaaaaaaaa?n
abc[9] = space
first word: aaaaaaaaaa n
so far: aaaaaaaaa n
read a word of size 4
word[0] = d | abc[10] = d
word[1] = o | abc[11] = o
word[2] = r | abc[12] = r
word[3] = w | abc[13] = w
abc[14] = space
so far: orw
read a word of size 3
word[0] = A | abc[15] = A
word[1] = c | abc[16] = c
word[2] = T | abc[17] = T
abc[18] = space
so far: cT
cT aaaaa dorw AcT
//the final result is shown as: everything but the first letter of the last word,
//a cut-off remainder of the first overwritten word, the second word, then the third word