пример решения: я поставил простой код для понимания, и, кажется, все в порядке с единицей, и я сохранил вашу логику ..
private int a, b;
[HideInInspector] public int answer;
//varible whihc will assign ans to any one of the 4 answer button
private int locationOfAnswer;
//this methode perform Multiplication process
void MultiplicationMethod()
bool reloop;
int[] keeprandom = new int[ansButtons.Length];
b = Random.Range(0, 10);
locationOfAnswer = Random.Range(0, ansButtons.Length);
answer = a * b;
valueA.text = ("" + a).ToString();
valueB.text = ("" + b).ToString(); ;
mathSymbolObject.sprite = mathSymbols[0];
for (int i = 0; i < ansButtons.Length; i++)
if (i == locationOfAnswer)
keeprandom[i] = answer;
ansButtons[i].GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "" + answer;
// the below code make sure that all the values assigned to the ans button are within the range
int value = 0;
reloop = false;
if (a * b <= 30)
value = Random.Range(0, 30);
else if (a * b <= 60 & a * b >= 31)
value = Random.Range(28, 61);
else if (a * b <= 90 & a * b >= 61)
value = Random.Range(58, 91);
else if (a * b <= 120 & a * b >= 91)
value = Random.Range(88, 121);
else if (a * b <= 150 & a * b >= 121)
value = Random.Range(118, 151);
else if (a * b <= 200 & a * b >= 151)
value = Random.Range(148, 201);
keeprandom[i] = value;
if (i == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (keeprandom[j] == value || value == answer)
reloop = true;
} while (reloop);
ansButtons[i].GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "" + value;
}//for loop
тот же пример с другой логикой, использующей массив:
private int a, b;
[HideInInspector] public int answer;
//varible whihc will assign ans to any one of the 4 answer button
private int locationOfAnswer;
//this methode perform Multiplication process
void MultiplicationMethod()
bool reloop;
bool[]numbers = new bool[201];
b = Random.Range(0, 10);
locationOfAnswer = Random.Range(0, ansButtons.Length);
answer = a * b;
numbers[answer] = true;
valueA.text = ("" + a).ToString();
valueB.text = ("" + b).ToString(); ;
mathSymbolObject.sprite = mathSymbols[0];
for (int i = 0; i < ansButtons.Length; i++)
if (i == locationOfAnswer)
ansButtons[i].GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "" + answer;
// the below code make sure that all the values assigned to the ans button are within the range
int value = 0;
reloop = false;
if (answer <= 30)
value = Random.Range(0, 30);
else if (answer <= 60 & answer >= 31)
value = Random.Range(28, 61);
else if (answer <= 90 & answer >= 61)
value = Random.Range(58, 91);
else if (answer <= 120 & answer >= 91)
value = Random.Range(88, 121);
else if (answer <= 150 & answer >= 121)
value = Random.Range(118, 151);
else if (answer <= 200 & answer >= 151)
value = Random.Range(148, 201);
if (numbers[value]) //already select?
reloop = true;
} while (reloop);
numbers[value] = true;
ansButtons[i].GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "" + value;
}//for loop