Я работал в SQL и MongoDB.
From my experience MongoDB is best suitable when you follow agile methodologies
wherein you don't really know what your JSON object will have to contain.
SQL will be best suitable where JSON object is not going to be changed, like
for bank projects, where you know the exact format of JSON which is never going
to be changed.
Why I am saying this is, whenever we need to add some extra fields or need to
link some fields with primary, foreign keys it would be pain and wouldn't know
what could go wrong.
Wherein in MongoDB if you need to reference some field you will just need to
add key ref with that field and you are done.
MongoDB would be great when one of your key from one JSON object is to be
referenced to mutiple JSON object by just adding that field name in ref (ref:
Пожалуйста, проголосуйте за этот ответ, чтобы кто-то из нуждающихся нашел этот ответ и мог узнать, когда MongoDB будет наиболее подходящим для него.