Это мой класс дерева AVL:
public class AVLTree1 {
// Each AVLtree object is (a header of) an AVL-tree.
// This AVL-tree is represented simply by a reference to its root node (root).
private Node root;
public AVLTree1 () {
// Construct an empty AVL-tree.
this.root = null;
// public size () {
// // Return the size (i.e., number of elements) of this AVL-tree.
// return sizeOfSubtree(root);
// }
public Node search (Comparable target) {
// Find which if any node of this AVL-tree contains an element equal to target.
// Return a link to that node (or null if there is none).
int direction = 0; // ... 0 for here, < 0 for left, > 0 for right
Node curr = this.root;
for (;;) {
if (curr == null)
return null;
direction = target.compareTo(curr.element);
if (direction == 0)
return curr;
if (direction < 0)
curr = curr.left;
else // direction > 0
curr = curr.right;
public void insert (Comparable elem) {
// Insert the element elem in this AVL-tree.
Node ins = insertBST(elem);
if (ins != null)
private Node insertBST (Comparable elem) {
// Insert the element elem in this AVL-tree, treating it as an ordinary
// binary search tree. Return a link to the newly-inserted leaf node, or null
// if no node was inserted.
int direction = 0; // ... 0 for here, < 0 for left, > 0 for right
Node parent = null, curr = root;
for (;;) {
if (curr == null) {
Node ins = new Node(elem, parent);
if (root == null)
root = ins;
else {
if (direction < 0)
parent.left = ins;
else // direction > 0
parent.right = ins;
return ins;
direction = elem.compareTo(curr.element);
if (direction == 0)
return null;
parent = curr;
if (direction < 0)
curr = curr.left;
else // direction > 0
curr = curr.right;
private Node deletee = null; // link to node just deleted
// (accessed only by delete and auxiliary methods)
public void delete (Comparable elem) {
// Delete the element elem from this AVL-tree.
if (deletee != null) {
deletee = null;
private void deleteBST (Comparable elem) {
// Delete the element elem in this AVL-tree, treating it as an ordinary
// binary search tree.
int direction = 0; // ... 0 for here, < 0 for left, > 0 for right
Node curr = this.root;
for (;;) {
if (curr == null)
direction = elem.compareTo(curr.element);
if (direction == 0) {
Node modified = deleteTopmost(curr);
Node parent = curr.parent;
if (curr == this.root)
this.root = modified;
else if (curr == parent.left)
parent.left = modified;
else // curr == parent.right
parent.right = modified;
if (modified != null) modified.parent = parent;
if (direction < 0)
curr = curr.left;
else // direction > 0
curr = curr.right;
private Node deleteTopmost (Node top) {
// Delete the topmost element in the subtree whose topmost node is top.
// Return a link to the modified subtree.
if (top.left == null) {
deletee = top;
return top.right;
} else if (top.right == null) {
deletee = top;
return top.left;
} else { // top has both a left child and a right child
top.element = top.right.getLeftmost();
top.right = deleteLeftmost(top.right);
return top;
private Node deleteLeftmost (Node top) {
// Delete the leftmost node of the (nonempty) subtree
// whose topmost node is top.
// Return a link to the modified subtree.
Node curr = top;
while (curr.left != null)
curr = curr.left;
deletee = curr;
if (curr == top)
return top.right;
else {
curr.parent.left = curr.right;
return top;
private void rebalance (Node node) {
// Rebalance this AVL-tree, following insertion or deletion of node.
Node ancestor = node;
while (ancestor != root) {
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
if (! ancestor.isHeightBalanced()) {
Node greatAncestor = ancestor.parent;
Node rotated = rotate(ancestor);
if (ancestor == root)
else if (ancestor == greatAncestor.left)
else // ancestor == greatgrandparent.right
ancestor = rotated;
private Node rotate (Node grandparent) {
// Rotate the node grandparent, the node parent (grandparent's higher child),
// and the node child (parent's higher child).
// After an insertion, all three nodes are ancestors of the inserted node.
// After a deletion, only grandparent is an ancestor of the deleted node.
Node parent = grandparent.higherChild();
Node child = parent.higherChild();
Node a, b, c;
Node t1, t2, t3, t4;
if (child == parent.left && parent == grandparent.left) {
a = child; b = parent; c = grandparent;
t1 = child.left; t2 = child.right;
t3 = parent.right; t4 = grandparent.right;
} else if (child == parent.right && parent == grandparent.left) {
a = parent; b = child; c = grandparent;
t1 = parent.left; t2 = child.left;
t3 = child.right; t4 = grandparent.right;
} else if (child == parent.right && parent == grandparent.right) {
a = grandparent; b = parent; c = child;
t1 = grandparent.left; t2 = parent.left;
t3 = child.left; t4 = child.right;
} else { // child == parent.left && parent == grandparent.right
a = grandparent; b = child; c = parent;
t1 = grandparent.left; t2 = child.left;
t3 = child.right; t4 = parent.right;
System.out.println("... now rebalancing"
+ " a = " + a.element
+ " b = " + b.element
+ " b = " + c.element);
a.setLeft(t1); a.setRight(t2); a.setHeight();
c.setLeft(t3); c.setRight(t4); c.setHeight();
b.setLeft(a); b.setRight(c); b.setHeight();
return b;
private void setRoot (Node newRoot) {
// Make newRoot this AVL-tree's root node.
this.root = newRoot;
newRoot.parent = null;
//////////// Driver ////////////
public void print () {
// Print a textual representation of this AVL-tree.
printSubtree(root, "");
private static void printSubtree (Node top, String indent) {
// Print a textual representation of the subtree of this AVL-tree whose
// topmost node is top, indented by the string of spaces indent.
if (top == null)
System.out.println(indent + "o");
else {
System.out.println(indent + "o-->");
String childIndent = indent + " ";
printSubtree(top.right, childIndent);
System.out.println(childIndent + top.element + " (" + top.height + ")"
+ (top.parent == null ? "" : " parent " + top.parent.element.toString()));
printSubtree(top.left, childIndent);
//////////// Inner class ////////////
public static class Node {
// Each Node object is an AVL-tree node.
// This node is represented by its element (element) together with
// references to its left child (left), its right child (right), and
// its parent (parent), and its height (height).
// For every element x stored in the subtree at left:
// x.compareTo(element) < 0
// For every element y stored in the subtree at right:
// y.compareTo(element) > 0
private Comparable element;
private Node left, right, parent;
private int height;
public Node (Comparable elem, Node parent) {
// Construct an AVL-tree node with element elem and no children.
this.element = elem;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
this.parent = parent;
this.height = 0;
private Comparable getLeftmost () {
// Return the element in the leftmost node of the (nonempty) subtree
// whose topmost node is this.
Node curr = this;
while (curr.left != null)
curr = curr.left;
return curr.element;
private static int sizeOfSubtree (Node top) {
// Return the size of the subtree whose topmost node is top.
if (top == null)
return 0;
return 1 + sizeOfSubtree(top.left) + sizeOfSubtree(top.right);
private void setLeft (Node child) {
// Make child the left child of this node.
left = child;
if (child != null) child.parent = this;
private void setRight (Node child) {
// Make child the right child of this node.
right = child;
if (child != null) child.parent = this;
private void setHeight () {
// Recompute the height of this node (assuming that the heights of its
// children are accurate).
height = Math.max(getHeight(left), getHeight(right)) + 1;
public static int getHeight (Node node) {
// Return the height of node.
return (node == null ? -1 : node.height);
private Node higherChild () {
// Return the child of this node with the greater height.
// If the heights are equal, return either child.
return (getHeight(left) >= getHeight(right) ? left : right);
private boolean isHeightBalanced () {
// Return true if and only if this node is height-balanced, i.e.,
// the heights of its children differ by at most one.
int balance = getHeight(left) - getHeight(right);
return (balance >= -1 && balance <= +1);
Мне нужна функция для вычисления высоты этого дерева.Как я могу получить высоту дерева AVL?