Как использовать "AppServiceConnection" для связи в "WinForm"
Это мой код, но он не может быть выполнен
AppServiceConnection appService = new AppServiceConnection();
appService.AppServiceName = "com.yanscorp.appservicedemo.Values";
appService.PackageFamilyName = "c97887ad-1f75-4b48-9e3b-21b89c061715_6evysfdvxt248";
//if used "await" Error:"IAsyncOperation" does not contain the definition of "GetAwaiter".
//var status = await appService.OpenAsync();
//Remove "await"
var status = appService.OpenAsync();
//but run status.GetResults(),throw: invoking a method at an unexpected time
if (status.GetResults() == AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success)
string d = "Failed to connect";
var message = new ValueSet();
message.Add("Request", "GetCallCount");
//if used "await" Error:"IAsyncOperation" does not contain the definition of "GetAwaiter".
//AppServiceResponse response = await appService.SendMessageAsync(message);
//Remove "await"
var s = appService.SendMessageAsync(message);
//but run status.GetResults(),throw: invoking a method at an unexpected time
AppServiceResponse response = s.GetResults();
string result = "";
if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success)
result = response.Message["Response"] as string;
textBlock.Text = result;
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