Вы можете получить логарифмическую правдоподобие для каждого класса, используя:
_joint_log_likelihood(self, X):
"""Compute the unnormalized posterior log probability of X
I.e. ``log P(c) + log P(x|c)`` for all rows x of X, as an array-like of
shape [n_classes, n_samples].
Input is passed to _joint_log_likelihood as-is by predict,
predict_proba and predict_log_proba.
Наивный байесовский предикат_tlog_proba работает просто путем нормализации функции выше.
def predict_log_proba(self, X):
Return log-probability estimates for the test vector X.
X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
C : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_classes]
Returns the log-probability of the samples for each class in
the model. The columns correspond to the classes in sorted
order, as they appear in the attribute `classes_`.
jll = self._joint_log_likelihood(X)
# normalize by P(x) = P(f_1, ..., f_n)
log_prob_x = logsumexp(jll, axis=1)
return jll - np.atleast_2d(log_prob_x).T