Это сработает, но не передаст форматы (поскольку это действительно утомительно, и я хотел избежать копирования ячеек)
Также посмотрите .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
Копирование выполняется довольно медленно и (софт) блокирует вашу рабочую станцию во время ее работы - вы не можете использовать копирование и вставку во время копирования.
Sub TransposeTable()
' You can also select a sheet like ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet")
Set SourceWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
' You can select sheets from other open Workbooks by Application.Workbooks(1) or Application.Workbooks("MyWorkbook.xlsx") instead of ThisWorkbook
Set TargetWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2)
' Check the size of the source table
LastRowSource = SourceWorkbook.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
LastColumnSource = SourceWorkbook.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
' Add more headers below
Headers = Array("Question", "Points", "Some other header", "Yet another header")
HeaderCount = UBound(Headers) + 1 ' Array indices start at 0, Cell columns and rows start at 1
Range(TargetWorkbook.Cells(1, 1), TargetWorkbook.Cells(1, HeaderCount)) = Headers ' Print headers
' Loop all columns in the first row of source table
For Each SourceColumn In Range(SourceWorkbook.Cells(1, 1), SourceWorkbook.Cells(1, LastColumnSource))
' Loop all rows in the first column of the source table
For Each SourceRow In Range(SourceWorkbook.Cells(1, 1), SourceWorkbook.Cells(LastRowSource, SourceColumn.Column))
' Swap row and column in target and assign value to target
TargetWorkbook.Cells(SourceColumn.Column + 1, SourceRow.Row).Value = SourceWorkbook.Cells(SourceRow.Row, SourceColumn.Column).Value
Next SourceRow
Next SourceColumn
End Sub
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Добавление обновленного решения на основеКомментарии ОП.
' Set this to true if you want to delete TargetWorkbook cells before each run
Sub TransposeTable()
' You can also select a sheet like ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet")
Set SourceWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
' You can select sheets from other open Workbooks by Application.Workbooks(1) or Application.Workbooks("MyWorkbook.xlsx")
Set TargetWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2)
If DELETE_TARGET_CELLS Then TargetWorkbook.Cells.Delete
' Check the size of the source table
LastRowSource = SourceWorkbook.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
LastColumnSource = SourceWorkbook.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
' Add more headers below
Headers = Array("Question", "Points")
HeaderCount = UBound(Headers) + 1 ' Array indices start at 0, Cell columns and rows start at 1
Range(TargetWorkbook.Cells(1, 1), TargetWorkbook.Cells(1, HeaderCount)) = Headers ' Print headers
' We need to also track last row of Target worksheet
LastRowTarget = TargetWorkbook.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Loop first column of all rows of source table, skip first row since we don't want to duplicate headers
For Each SourceRow In Range(SourceWorkbook.Cells(2, 1), SourceWorkbook.Cells(LastRowSource, 1))
' Loop all columns of the first row of source table
For Each SourceColumn In Range(SourceWorkbook.Cells(1, 1), SourceWorkbook.Cells(2, LastColumnSource))
' Copy headers to first column of target table
TargetWorkbook.Cells(LastRowTarget + 1, 1).Value = SourceWorkbook.Cells(1, SourceColumn.Column).Value
' Copy values of the source row to the second column of target table
TargetWorkbook.Cells(LastRowTarget + 1, 2).Value = SourceWorkbook.Cells(SourceRow.Row, SourceColumn.Column).Value
' Update last row number of target table so we don't overwrite finished target rows
LastRowTarget = TargetWorkbook.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Next SourceColumn
Next SourceRow
End Sub