Последняя использованная строка и указанный столбец Пересечение feat.UsedRange
Одним из элегантных способов было бы использование свойства UsedRange .
Расширенная версия
' Purpose: Using the UsedRange Property, creates a reference to the cell *
' range at the intersection of the last used row and a specified *
' column in a worksheet and prints its address and the address *
' of the UsedRange to the Immediate Window. *
Sub LastUR_Column_UsedRange()
Const cVntCol As Variant = "A" ' Column
Dim objRngT As Range ' Target Range
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
If .Cells(.UsedRange.Rows.Count + .UsedRange.Row - 1, cVntCol).Row = 1 _
And .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column = 1 _
And IsEmpty(.Cells(1, 1)) Then
Debug.Print "objRngT = Nothing (Empty Worksheet)"
Set objRngT = .Cells(.UsedRange.Rows.Count + .UsedRange.Row - 1, cVntCol)
Debug.Print "objRngT = " & objRngT.Address & " calculated from the " _
& "used range (" & .UsedRange.Address & ")."
Set objRngT = Nothing
End If
End With
End Sub
Версия урока
' Purpose: Using the UsedRange Property, creates a reference to the cell *
' range at the intersection of the last used row and a specified *
' column in a worksheet and prints subresults and its address *
' to the Immediate Window. *
Sub LastUR_Column_UsedRange_Lesson()
' When you declare the column as variant you can use
' column letter or number e.g. "A" or 1, "D" or 4 ...
Const cVntCol As Variant = "A" ' Column
Dim objRngT As Range ' Target Range
Dim lngLast As Long ' Last Row
Dim lngRows As Long ' Number of Rows
Dim lngFirst As Long ' First Row
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
' Finding first row and number of rows is easy.
lngFirst = .UsedRange.Row
Debug.Print "lngFirst = " & lngFirst
lngRows = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
Debug.Print "lngRows = " & lngRows
' Note1: Only when there is data in the first row, the number of rows
' is equal to the last row.
' Therefore we have to calculate the last row.
lngLast = lngRows + lngFirst - 1
Debug.Print "lngLast = " & lngLast
' Now imagine you have the first data in row 2, and you have 3 rows
' which would mean the last data is in row 4 (rows 2, 3, 4). So when you add
' 2 + 3 = 5, you have to subtract 1 row, because you counted row 2 twice.
' Note2: If there is data in the first row then lngFirst = 1.
' So the formula will calculate:
' lnglast = lngRows + 1 - 1
' lngLast = lngRows + 0
' which proves the statement in Note1.
' The previous three lines could have been written in one line:
lngLast = .UsedRange.Rows.Count + .UsedRange.Row - 1
Debug.Print "lngLast = " & lngLast & " (One Row Version)"
' Now we have all the ingredients for the Target Range.
Set objRngT = .Cells(lngLast, cVntCol)
Debug.Print "objRngT = " & objRngT.Address _
& " (Before Check if Empty)"
' And again all this could have been written in one line:
Set objRngT = .Cells(.UsedRange.Rows.Count + .UsedRange.Row - 1, cVntCol)
Debug.Print "objRngT = " & objRngT.Address & " (One Row Version)" _
& " (Before Check if Empty)"
' then you wouldn't need variables lngLast, lngFirst and lngRows. On the
' other hand you wouldn't have learned how this big formula was created.
' Now the problem is that if the worksheet is empty, UsedRange will show
' the cell in the first row as the used range. So we have to address this
' issue by checking if all of the following three conditions are true.
' - Check if the resulting cell range is in the first row (1).
' - Check if from the end of the first row to the beginning the result
' is the first cell (1) (all other cells are empty).
' - Check if the cell ("A1") is empty.
If objRngT.Row = 1 And _
.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column = 1 And _
IsEmpty(.Cells(1, 1)) Then
Debug.Print "objRngT = Nothing (Empty Worksheet)"
Debug.Print "objRngT = " & objRngT.Address
End If
' Although this is a working code, we can conclude that we should have done
' this checking at the beginning which will be done in the advanced version.
End With
Set objRngT = Nothing
End Sub