В конце концов я нашел способ сделать это, основываясь на коде MATLAB из этой статьи:
Welf et al.«Количественная многокамерная клеточная визуализация в контролируемых трехмерных микроокружениях» в Developmental Cell, 2016, том 36, выпуск 4, p462-475
def median_filter_surface(faces, verts, measure, radius, p_norm=2):
from scipy import spatial
import numpy as np
# faces: triangular surface faces - defined by 3 vertices
# verts: the above vertices, defined by x,y,z coordinates
# measure: the value related to each face that needs to be filtered
# radius: the radius for median filtering (larger = more filtering)
# p_norm: distance metric for the radius, default 2 (euclidian)
# measure_med_filt: the "measure" after filtering
num_faces = len(faces)
face_centres = np.zeros((num_faces, 3))
# get face centre positions in 3D space (from vert coordinates)
for face in range(0, num_faces):
face_centres[face, :] = np.mean(verts[faces[face, :], :], 0)
# return all other points within a radius
tree = spatial.KDTree(face_centres)
faces_in_radius = tree.query_ball_point(face_centres, radius, p_norm)
measure_med_filt = np.zeros(len(faces))
for face in range(0, len(faces)):
measure_med_filt[face] = np.median(measure[faces_in_radius[face]])
return measure_med_filt