Хранимая процедура SQL Server не обновляет таблицу - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 июня 2018

В настоящее время у меня есть хранимая процедура, известная как процедура основного входа, которая обрабатывается следующим образом:

    DECLARE @rundate as datetime
    SET @rundate = getdate()

    INSERT INTO RecordTime (record_date) 
        (SELECT @rundate)

    EXEC  SYC_LoopTemp_1New;

    UPDATE recordtime 
    SET _1New = 1 
    WHERE record_date = @rundate;

    EXEC SYC_LoopTemp_2Normal;

    UPDATE recordtime 
    SET _2Normal = 1 
    WHERE record_date = @rundate;

    EXEC SYC_LoopTemp_3Reprint;

    UPDATE recordtime 
    SET _3Reprint = 1 
    WHERE record_date = @rundate;

    EXEC SYC_LoopTemp_4Error;

    UPDATE recordtime 
    SET _4Error = 1 
    WHERE record_date = @rundate;

В настоящее время я сталкиваюсь с тем, что после успешного выполнения процедур в таблице record_date теперь отображается значениедля столбцов от _1New до _4Error (эти четыре столбца имеют тип данных smallint) как ноль, тогда как, если я запускаю команду обновления как один отдельный оператор SQL, он может быть обновлен.Самое смешное, что за несколько дней до того, как произошел этот инцидент, значения в записи правильно отображают значение 1 в четырех столбцах.

Я проверил остальные четыре хранимых процедуры, и они работали правильно,то есть никаких ошибок не было показано, когда они работали.

Есть ли какая-либо часть процедуры или целевой таблицы, которая является ошибочной, или это может быть связано с тем, что процесс BCP не был завершен полностью?

Заранее спасибо.

ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ: Да, процедуры запускаются через BCP.Я также использую SSMS, если я хочу запустить одну из 4 внутренних процедур.

SYC_LoopTemp_1New: Вставляет новых клиентов, кассиров, товаров, продаж и т. Д. В соответствующие таблицы.Существующие из них не будут добавлены, поскольку они избыточны.

 INSERT INTO customer (name) (
        SELECT DISTINCT customer_desc FROM temp_receipt WHERE customer_desc NOT IN 
        (select name from customer)

        INSERT INTO salesPerson (name) (
            SELECT DISTINCT salesPerson_desc FROM temp_purchase WHERE salesPerson_desc NOT IN 
            (select name from salesPerson)

        INSERT INTO discRef ([desc]) (
            SELECT DISTINCT discRef FROM temp_purchase WHERE discRef NOT IN 
            (select [desc] from discRef)

        INSERT INTO outlet (id, [desc]) (
        SELECT DISTINCT outlet_desc, outlet_desc FROM temp_receipt WHERE outlet_desc NOT IN 
        (select id from outlet)

        INSERT INTO pos ([desc], outlet_id) (
        SELECT DISTINCT pos_desc, outlet_desc FROM temp_receipt WHERE temp_receipt.pos_desc NOT IN 
        (select [desc] from pos)

        INSERT INTO cashier (name) (
        SELECT DISTINCT cashier_desc FROM temp_receipt WHERE temp_receipt.cashier_desc NOT IN 
        (select name from cashier)

        INSERT INTO item_barcode ([desc]) (
        SELECT item_desc FROM temp_purchase WHERE temp_purchase.item_desc NOT IN 
        (select [desc] from item_barcode) GROUP BY item_desc

SYC_LoopTemp_2Normal: вставляет записи, извлеченные из таблиц временных покупок и поступлений, в обычные таблицы поступлений и покупок.Дублированные / дефектные записи будут извлечены не здесь, а в другую пару таблиц.

select * into #receipt_normal from  receipt where 1 = 0 ;

    INSERT INTO #receipt_normal ([fileName], [pos_id],[recpt_id],[RefNo],[recpt_dt],[cashier_id],[customer_id],[customer_count],[total_sales],
               [cash_paid],[cash_change],[master_paid], [visa_paid], [debit_paid],[amex_paid],[TaxStdRate],[TaxStdTotal],[TaxStdAmnt],[refund], [ascii], [recpt_png])
        SELECT t.[fileName], p.id, t.recpt_id, t.RefNo, t.recpt_dt, cashier.id, customer.id, t.customer_count, t.total_sales, 
            t.cash_paid, t.cash_change, t.master_paid, t.visa_paid, t.debit_paid, t.amex_paid, t.TaxStdRate, t.TaxStdTotal, t.TaxStdAmnt, t.refund, t.[ascii], t.[recpt_png]
        FROM ( SELECT * FROM temp_receipt where [fileName] in (
          select max([fileName]) from temp_receipt
          GROUP BY pos_desc,recpt_id, refund 
          HAVING COUNT(*) = 1 )) t, pos p, cashier, customer
        WHERE t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
        AND t.cashier_desc = cashier.[name]
        AND t.customer_desc = customer.[name]
        AND ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM receipt r, pos p
            WHERE r.[pos_id] = p.[id]
            AND p.[desc] = t.[pos_desc]
            AND r.[recpt_id] = t.[recpt_id]
            AND r.[refund] = t.[refund] ) = 0

    DELETE FROM temp_receipt 
    WHERE [filename] IN ( SELECT [filename] FROM #receipt_normal);

    INSERT INTO receipt SELECT * FROM #receipt_normal;

    INSERT INTO purchase ([pos_id],[recpt_id],[salesPerson_id],[item_id],[count],[discount],[discRef_id],[fileName],[amount],[TaxCategory])
        SELECT p.id, t.recpt_id, salesPerson.[id], bc.barcode, t.[count], t.[discount], discRef.[id], t.[fileName], t.[amount], t.TaxCategory
        FROM temp_purchase t, item_barcode bc, pos p, salesPerson, discRef
        WHERE t.item_desc = bc.[desc] 
        AND t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
        AND t.salesPerson_desc = salesPerson.[name] 
        AND t.discRef = discRef.[desc] 
        AND t.fileName IN (SELECT fileName FROM #receipt_normal)

    DELETE FROM temp_purchase
    WHERE [filename] IN (SELECT [filename] FROM #receipt_normal);

    DROP TABLE #receipt_normal;

SYC_LoopTemp_03Reprint: извлекает записи, помеченные как перепечатанные или дублированные во временной таблице покупок и поступлений, а затем помещает их вгруппа дубликатов таблиц покупок / поступлений

DECLARE @_rcp_count INT;
    DECLARE @_rcp_loop INT;
    DECLARE @_pos_desc VARCHAR(max);
    DECLARE @_recpt_id VARCHAR(max);
    DECLARE @_refund INT;
    DECLARE @_sum_rows INT;
    DECLARE @_reprint_loop INT;

    DECLARE @_insert_fileName VARCHAR(max);
    DECLARE @_exist_fileName INT;
    DECLARE @_exist_total INT;
    DECLARE @_exist_purchase INT;
    DECLARE @_compare_total INT;
    DECLARE @_compare_purchase INT;

    CREATE TABLE uniqueRcp (
        [pos_desc] varchar(64) NOT NULL,
        [recpt_id] varchar(10) NOT NULL,
        [refund] smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
        PRIMARY KEY ([pos_desc],[recpt_id], [refund])

    INSERT INTO uniqueRcp ([pos_desc],[recpt_id], [refund])
    (SELECT DISTINCT [pos_desc],[recpt_id], [refund] FROM temp_receipt);

    SET @_rcp_loop = 0;
    SELECT @_rcp_count = COUNT(*) FROM uniqueRcp;
    WHILE @_rcp_loop < @_rcp_count 
        SELECT top 1 @_pos_desc = [pos_desc], @_recpt_id = [recpt_id], @_refund = [refund] 
        FROM uniqueRcp;

        DELETE TOP(1) FROM uniqueRcp;

        SELECT @_sum_rows = COUNT(*) FROM temp_receipt
            WHERE [pos_desc] = @_pos_desc
            AND [recpt_id] = @_recpt_id
            AND [refund] = @_refund;

        SET @_reprint_loop = 0;

        IF ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM receipt r, pos p
            WHERE r.[pos_id] = p.[id]
            AND p.[desc] = @_pos_desc
            AND r.[recpt_id] = @_recpt_id
            AND r.[refund] = @_refund ) > 0
            SELECT @_exist_total = max(r.total_sales), @_exist_purchase = COUNT(*)
            FROM receipt r, purchase b, pos p
            WHERE r.[fileName] = b.[fileName]
            AND r.[pos_id] = p.[id]
            AND p.[desc] = @_pos_desc
            AND r.[recpt_id] = @_recpt_id
            AND r.[refund] = @_refund
            GROUP BY r.[fileName];
        ELSE BEGIN
            SELECT top 1 @_insert_fileName = r.[fileName], @_exist_total = max(r.total_sales), @_exist_purchase = COUNT(*)
            FROM temp_receipt r, temp_purchase b
            WHERE r.[fileName] = b.[fileName]
            AND r.[pos_desc] = @_pos_desc
            AND r.[recpt_id] = @_recpt_id
            AND r.[refund] = @_refund
            GROUP BY r.[fileName]
            ORDER BY r.[fileName];
            /*ORDER BY r.recpt_dt; */

            SET @_reprint_loop = @_reprint_loop + 1;

            INSERT INTO receipt ([fileName], [pos_id],[recpt_id],[RefNo],[recpt_dt],[cashier_id],[customer_id],[customer_count],[total_sales],
            [cash_paid],[cash_change],[master_paid], [visa_paid], [debit_paid],[amex_paid],[TaxStdRate],[TaxStdTotal],[TaxStdAmnt],[refund], [ascii], [recpt_png])
                SELECT t.[fileName], p.id, t.recpt_id, t.RefNo, t.recpt_dt, cashier.id, customer.id, t.customer_count, t.total_sales, 
                t.cash_paid, t.cash_change, t.master_paid, t.visa_paid, t.debit_paid, t.amex_paid, t.TaxStdRate, t.TaxStdTotal, t.TaxStdAmnt, t.refund, t.[ascii], t.[recpt_png]
                FROM temp_receipt t, pos p, cashier, customer
                WHERE t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
                AND t.cashier_desc = cashier.[name]
                AND t.customer_desc = customer.[name]
                AND t.[fileName] = @_insert_fileName
            INSERT INTO purchase ([pos_id],[recpt_id],[salesPerson_id],[item_id],[count],[discount],[discRef_id],[fileName],[amount],[TaxCategory])
                SELECT p.id, t.recpt_id, salesPerson.[id], bc.barcode, t.[count], t.discount, discRef.[id], t.[fileName], t.[amount], t.TaxCategory
                FROM temp_purchase t, item_barcode bc, pos p, salesPerson, discRef
                WHERE t.item_desc = bc.[desc] 
                AND t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
                AND t.salesPerson_desc = salesPerson.[name] 
                AND t.discRef = discRef.[desc] 
                AND t.[fileName] = @_insert_fileName
            DELETE FROM temp_receipt
            WHERE [fileName] = @_insert_fileName;
            DELETE FROM temp_purchase
            WHERE [fileName] = @_insert_fileName;

        WHILE @_reprint_loop < @_sum_rows 
            SELECT top 1 @_insert_fileName = r.[fileName], @_compare_total = max(r.total_sales), @_compare_purchase = COUNT(*)
            FROM temp_receipt r, temp_purchase b
            WHERE r.[fileName] = b.[fileName]
            AND r.[pos_desc] = @_pos_desc
            AND r.[recpt_id] = @_recpt_id
            AND r.[refund] = @_refund
            GROUP BY r.[fileName]
            ORDER BY r.[fileName];
            /*ORDER BY r.recpt_dt; */

            IF ( @_exist_total = @_compare_total AND @_exist_purchase = @_compare_purchase )
                SELECT @_exist_fileName = COUNT(*)
                FROM dup_receipt_reprint
                WHERE [fileName] = @_insert_fileName;

                IF ( @_exist_fileName = 0 )
                INSERT INTO dup_receipt_reprint ([fileName], [pos_id],[recpt_id],[RefNo],[recpt_dt],[cashier_id],[customer_id],[customer_count],[total_sales],
                    [cash_paid],[cash_change],[master_paid], [visa_paid], [debit_paid],[amex_paid],[TaxStdRate],[TaxStdTotal],[TaxStdAmnt],[refund], [ascii], [recpt_png])
                        SELECT t.[fileName], p.id, t.recpt_id, t.RefNo, t.recpt_dt, cashier.id, customer.id, t.customer_count, t.total_sales, 
                        t.cash_paid, t.cash_change, t.master_paid, t.visa_paid, t.debit_paid, t.amex_paid, t.TaxStdRate, t.TaxStdTotal, t.TaxStdAmnt, t.refund, t.[ascii], t.[recpt_png]
                        FROM temp_receipt t, pos p, cashier, customer
                        WHERE t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
                        AND t.cashier_desc = cashier.[name]
                        AND t.customer_desc = customer.[name]
                        AND t.[fileName] = @_insert_fileName
                    INSERT INTO dup_purchase_reprint ([pos_id],[recpt_id],[salesPerson_id],[item_id],[count],[discount],[discRef_id],[fileName],[amount],[TaxCategory])
                        SELECT p.id, t.recpt_id, salesPerson.id, bc.barcode, t.[count], t.discount, discRef.id, t.[fileName], t.amount, t.TaxCategory
                        FROM temp_purchase t, item_barcode bc, pos p, salesPerson, discRef
                        WHERE t.item_desc = bc.[desc] 
                        AND t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
                        AND t.salesPerson_desc = salesPerson.[name] 
                        AND t.discRef = discRef.[desc] 
                        AND t.[fileName] = @_insert_fileName

                DELETE FROM temp_receipt WHERE fileName = @_insert_fileName;
                DELETE FROM temp_purchase WHERE fileName = @_insert_fileName;
            ELSE BEGIN
                    SELECT @_exist_fileName = COUNT(*)
                    FROM dup_receipt_different
                    WHERE [fileName] = @_insert_fileName;

                IF ( @_exist_fileName = 0 )
                    INSERT INTO dup_receipt_different ([fileName], [pos_id],[recpt_id],[RefNo],[recpt_dt],[cashier_id],[customer_id],[customer_count],[total_sales],
                        [cash_paid],[cash_change],[master_paid], [visa_paid], [debit_paid],[amex_paid],[TaxStdRate],[TaxStdTotal],[TaxStdAmnt],[refund], [ascii], [recpt_png])
                    (SELECT t.[fileName], p.id, t.recpt_id, t.RefNo, t.recpt_dt, cashier.id, customer.id, t.customer_count, t.total_sales, 
                            t.cash_paid, t.cash_change, t.master_paid, t.visa_paid, t.debit_paid, t.amex_paid, t.TaxStdRate, t.TaxStdTotal, t.TaxStdAmnt, t.refund, t.[ascii], t.[recpt_png]
                            FROM temp_receipt t, pos p, cashier, customer
                            WHERE t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
                            AND t.cashier_desc = cashier.[name]
                            AND t.customer_desc = customer.[name]
                            AND t.fileName = @_insert_fileName
                    INSERT INTO dup_purchase_different ([pos_id],[recpt_id],[salesPerson_id],[item_id],[count],[discount],[discRef_id],[fileName],[amount],[TaxCategory])
                        SELECT p.id, t.recpt_id, salesPerson.[id], bc.barcode, t.[count], t.discount, discRef.[id], t.[fileName], t.[amount], t.TaxCategory
                                FROM temp_purchase t, item_barcode bc, pos p, salesPerson, discRef
                                WHERE t.item_desc = bc.[desc] 
                                AND t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
                                AND t.salesPerson_desc = salesPerson.[name] 
                                AND t.discRef = discRef.[desc] 
                                AND t.fileName = @_insert_fileName

                DELETE FROM temp_receipt WHERE fileName = @_insert_fileName;
                DELETE FROM temp_purchase WHERE fileName = @_insert_fileName;
            SET @_reprint_loop = @_reprint_loop + 1;
        SET @_rcp_loop = @_rcp_loop + 1;

SYC_LoopTemp_4Error: извлекает ошибочные записи, помеченные как временные таблицы покупок и поступлений, а затем помещает их в группу таблиц покупок / поступлений с ошибками.

INSERT INTO dup_receipt_error ([fileName], pos_id,recpt_id,RefNo,recpt_dt,cashier_id,customer_id,customer_count,total_sales,
    cash_paid,cash_change,master_paid, visa_paid, debit_paid,amex_paid,TaxStdRate,TaxStdTotal,TaxStdAmnt,refund, [ascii], recpt_png)
        SELECT t.[fileName], p.id, t.recpt_id, t.RefNo, t.recpt_dt, cashier.id, customer.id, t.customer_count, t.total_sales, 
      t.cash_paid, t.cash_change, t.master_paid, t.visa_paid, t.debit_paid, t.amex_paid, t.TaxStdRate, t.TaxStdTotal, t.TaxStdAmnt, t.refund, t.[ascii], t.recpt_png
        FROM temp_receipt t, pos p, cashier, customer
    WHERE t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
    AND t.cashier_desc = cashier.[name]
    AND t.customer_desc = customer.[name]

    INSERT INTO dup_purchase_error (pos_id,recpt_id,salesPerson_id,item_id,[count],discount,discRef_id,[fileName],amount,TaxCategory)
        SELECT p.id, t.recpt_id, salesPerson.id, bc.barcode, t.[count], t.discount, discRef.id, t.fileName, t.amount, t.TaxCategory
    FROM temp_purchase t, item_barcode bc, pos p, salesPerson, discRef
    WHERE t.item_desc = bc.[desc] 
    AND t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
    AND t.salesPerson_desc = salesPerson.[name] 
    AND t.discRef = discRef.[desc] 
        AND t.[fileName] IN ( SELECT [fileName] FROM temp_receipt )

    TRUNCATE table temp_receipt;
    DELETE FROM temp_purchase
    WHERE [fileName] IN (SELECT [fileName] FROM dup_receipt_error);

    INSERT INTO dup_purchase_leftover (pos_id,recpt_id,salesPerson_id,item_id,[count],discount,discRef_id,[fileName],amount,TaxCategory)
        SELECT p.id, t.recpt_id, salesPerson.id, bc.barcode, t.[count], t.discount, discRef.id, t.fileName, t.amount, t.TaxCategory
    FROM temp_purchase t, item_barcode bc, pos p, salesPerson, discRef
    WHERE t.item_desc = bc.[desc]
    AND t.pos_desc = p.[desc] 
    AND t.salesPerson_desc = salesPerson.[name]
    AND t.discRef = discRef.[desc] 

    TRUNCATE table temp_purchase;

Расположение в порядке убывания для таблицы record_time;

date    _1New   _2Normal    _3Reprint   _4error
2018-06-06 12:57:54 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
2018-06-06 12:56:44 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
2018-06-06 12:55:44 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
2018-05-29 11:52:40 1   1   1   1
2018-05-29 11:46:12 1   1   1   1
2018-05-29 11:43:52 1   1   1   1
2018-05-29 11:43:26 1   1   1   1
2018-05-29 11:40:56 1   1   1   1
2018-05-29 10:55:05 1   1   1   1

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 05 июля 2018

Похоже, мне нужно объявить скалярную переменную @rundate как datetime2.Далее для условия where мне нужно будет выполнить какое-то преобразование.Таким образом, пересмотренная процедура была следующей:

   execute SYC_LoopTemp_1New;
    UPDATE _SYC_LoopTemp_State SET _1New = 1 WHERE [date] = CONVERT([datetime2](3), @runDate);
    execute SYC_LoopTemp_2Normal;
    UPDATE _SYC_LoopTemp_State SET _2Normal = 1 WHERE [date] = CONVERT([datetime2](3), @runDate);
    execute SYC_LoopTemp_3Reprint;
    UPDATE _SYC_LoopTemp_State SET _3Reprint = 1 WHERE [date] = CONVERT([datetime2](3), @runDate);
    execute SYC_LoopTemp_4error;
    UPDATE _SYC_LoopTemp_State SET _4error = 1 WHERE [date] = CONVERT([datetime2](3), @runDate); 